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What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
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Evil Man
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What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 10, 2006 09:04
Now that GoW is out all I see is RS Vegas, and DOAX if you' re into that shit. Thats the only possibly 2 good games coming out until Lost Planet in January.
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 10, 2006 09:05
RS Vegas is really the only one I can see. DOAXX doesn' t suit me. Also, we will have the Wii this winter so if you can get that it should tide you over ' til lost planet, if not GoW Multiplayer could do the trick.
Evil Man
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 10, 2006 09:09
Pretty shitty holiday line up IMO. I mean there' s some good games but not nearly enough. As for wii, after playing GoW I doubt I could go back to last-gen graphics, and in 480p no less.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 10 Nov 06 1:10:59 >
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 10, 2006 09:11
As for wii, after playing GoW I doubt I could go back to last-gen graphics, and in 480p no less. I can relate, but I think that I can live with those graphics...the gameplay is the biggest draw for me.
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 10, 2006 09:14
My 360 purchases for the rest of the year are... Call of Duty 3 Gears of War Rainbow Six: Vegas (Evil, what did you think of the demo?) Tonk Hawks Project 8 Sonic DoAX2 Wireless Racing Wheel HD-DVD Drive ...and i' ll be seriously looking forward to Lost Planet in January.
Evil Man
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 10, 2006 09:14
The only reason I' m considering it is because of Zelda. I haven' t played the Vegas demo but I' m not particularly fond of the series. I' m getting Tony Hawk 8 tommorow, and probably Vegas when it comes out. I think Sonic is gonna suck but I' ll get it if it ends up being good.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 10 Nov 06 1:16:50 >
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 10, 2006 09:35
Did Forza 2 get delayed from its Nov release? I haven' t kept up with its news lately...
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 10, 2006 09:55
The holiday lineup is sparse at best. I guess I' d prefer games that have that extra amount of time to be perfected than ones that are rushed. But nothing is really compelling me to buy any next-gen systems at this point. Maybe in the springtime.
Evil Man
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 10, 2006 10:01
Well there' s also PE6 but those bastards apparently aren' t releasing that in the US this year.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 10 Nov 06 2:01:59 >
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 10, 2006 11:21
I' m getting Tony Hawk 8 tommorow, and probably Vegas when it comes out. I think Sonic is gonna suck but I' ll get it if it ends up being good. Sonic being good depends on them fixing the fucking camera and controls, I hope that Demo was like E3 Build...cause it was horrible, even for sonic.
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 10, 2006 11:42
I dont think 360 has anything else good to release until march with Mass effect.
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 10, 2006 12:08
I' m fairly unimpressed with the 360' s line-up this holiday season. That said, it is still the best console line-up on the market for a gamer of my tastes. Microsoft needed just one more AAA title to blow the doors off the competion but as it stands Wii' s Twilight Princess and PS3' s Resistance match up well against 360' s Gears. If Microsoft could have gotten either Bioshock or Mass Effect to market before Christmas the competion could well have been chocking on their dust as they ripped through Europe and North America on their way to 10 million units sold. Giving the console away for free in Japan would not help them there, the Japanese would buy a dog turd if you stamped SONY on it, not that the PS3 is a dog turd but their insane degree of brand loyalty hurts the industry. Call me a fanboy but I believe Micro$oft has done gamers a favor in forcing Sony to compete for our dollars. If it wasn' t for 360, imagine how badly the PS3 launch would have been handled in the absence of any real competitor! While the 360 holiday lineup may not be all that great, January-April could be quite good in 2007. Certainly alot more quality titles will be available for 360 than PS3 or Wii as the new consoles go through the inevitable growing pains that seem to result in digital fecal matter being rushed out the door. Some ugly 360 games in that period this year. Only a few delayed launch games like GRAW and Oblivion made it bearable. The delay of Assasin' s Creed and Brothers in Arms is disconcerting but Bioshock and Mass Effect have great potential. You' ve got to love anything from Bioware and Irrational looks like they' ve got a bona fide GOTY on their hands in Bioshock. These games in addition to Halo 3 and Gears of War made me give up on PS3 until the first price drop and although Resistance look' s great I need to see at least 3-4 solid 9/10 games on the shelf before I' m going to drop that kind of money. To all you Yankees out there: Do you think lack of MADDEN will hurt PS in the states? NHL 2k7 is listed as a launch title so we Canadians will get our sports fix but it seems to me another year before Madden on PS3 is major problem for Americans. Any thoughts?(as opposed to random fanboy rantings). Same question to the Brits, no PES, WTF? Will that hurt PS3 in europe? Esp. if Microsoft is gonna bundle it with their console What are your most wanted exclusives? As a non-PC gamer Microsoft' s " console exclusives" count in my book. Wii- TLOZ: Twilight Princess PS3- A next-gen SOCOM 360- Mass Effect Cheers!
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 10, 2006 12:22
Wii' s Twilight Princess and PS3' s Resistance match up well against 360' s Gears. Wii isn' t exactly competing with the 360, nor vice versa. However Resistance is something I can' t call a killer App until I touch...it looks great, but aside from that...nothing is set in stone.
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 10, 2006 12:49
To all you Yankees out there: Do you think lack of MADDEN will hurt PS in the states? NHL 2k7 is listed as a launch title so we Canadians will get our sports fix but it seems to me another year before Madden on PS3 is major problem for Americans. Any thoughts? I' m not sure what you' re talking about. Has Madden been delayed? If it is, this would have been a bigger issue if there were a lot more consoles available. As it is, there are so few consoles available for the first several months that I don' t think there will be any noticeably bad effects to console sales -- they' re all going to sell regardless. If there was no Madden this time next year, it would be a huge problem.
< Message edited by Zoy -- 10 Nov 06 4:52:40 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 10, 2006 14:16
My 360 purchases for the rest of the year are... Call of Duty 3 Gears of War Rainbow Six: Vegas (Evil, what did you think of the demo?) Tonk Hawks Project 8 Sonic DoAX2 Wireless Racing Wheel HD-DVD Drive Dude you' re getting the wireless racing wheel and HD-DVD player before the wireless headset? Anyways, COD3 and GOW can each keep me busy for 4-5 months each on their own (COD3 especially). I want to get the wireless headset, Star Trek Legacy (PC),Total War II, and DoD (PC) in the next while. As long as I have the really kick ass games that come out I' m happy. I don' t buy any mediocre shit that comes out when I have excellent games already. I really don' t need any more games right now. I haven' t even looked at what is being released in early 2007 as there are too many games coming out in 2006. Mostly PC after I have GOW and COD3. It' s gereat having a console and a decent PC to game with, they complement eachother great.
Mass X
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 11, 2006 00:10
With COD3 and GOW in my hands now I cant complain too much. Hell COD2 online kept me and friends busy since its release. Tho admittedly it is a very sparce holiday for those not into these 2 games. Sony and Nintendo can easily take advantage. But the list of interest remaining for me is: HD-DVD Rainbow Six Nov 22 and its HD Media blitz (get the Datel transfer kit if the bigger HDD isnt announced you will be much happier) Racing Wheel THP8 (its out already but I havent gotten it)
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 11, 2006 00:53
Nice post Icarus. I' ll be getting GoW and R6:Vegas for 360 this holiday period, and RACE:WTCC and Splinter Cell:DA for PC. Already bought PES6 for 360 (which is awesome! same as PES5 but still awesome!) And I' ve recently played through Company of Heroes on PC, which was fantasticly made, and I' m still playing GTR2 on PC. Of course I' ll be getting a Wii, with Red Steel and Zelda, and maybe Monkey Ball/Excite Truck/Rayman later. So..that' s me sorted this hols! I think GoW will be enough on the 360 side though. CoD3 doesn' t excite me.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 11, 2006 01:13
NHL 2k7 is listed as a launch title so we Canadians will get our sports fix but it seems to me another year before Madden on PS3 is major problem for Americans. Nice post but I think you overstated the importance of Hockey games to canadian gamers. I' ve never seen a canadian that cares about hockey games to the extent that it would be a deciding factor when choosing a console. Maybe hockey games sell better here in Canada but the real games matter more to canadians then any sport game. I would also say that even to the sport fans/gamers Madden is bigger here then NHL 2K*. Lets keep stereotypes out of Kikizo  .
< Message edited by Agent ghost -- 10 Nov 06 17:13:56 >
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 11, 2006 03:16
Sonic being good depends on them fixing the fucking camera and controls, I hope that Demo was like E3 Build...cause it was horrible, even for sonic.
It was, but I hear the changes were only marginal. I' m expecting an 8.5 game. The 360 doesn' t have much new, but it' s got tons for me. I missed the first year of games, so I' ve got some catching up to do (PGR 3, Oblivion, GRAW)
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RE: What' s left on the x360 for the holidays?
Nov 11, 2006 03:21
Hey hey hey, take it easy man. One game at a time! I, personally, love it when there is quite a large gap between releases of games I want, as that gives me more time to enjoy the ones I already own.
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