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What is you dream game?
Apr 28, 2003 02:22
It' s a simple straight forward question. Describe your dream game.
Cloud Strife
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Mar 14, 2003
RE: What is you dream game?
May 21, 2003 19:13
Less-linear Final Fantasy game with a bigger world with loootsa towns in it. Would probably be 3-4 DVD or so. And yes, it would be good for it to be with ps2 graphics and take place at Final Fantasy 7 era!
Ninja Dog
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RE: What is you dream game?
May 21, 2003 20:45
RPG game set in the Dungeon Master universe using its unique and superior magic-system. Describing more of the world it is set in. The game should have at least five starting points and no set goal from the start. But depending on what the player does at least ten different goals and endings should become available.
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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RE: What is you dream game?
May 24, 2003 02:52
Salamander 3.. Or a Gradius game that is like Salamander 2 in which it has both horizontally scrolling levels AND vertically scrolling levels. Great graphics like those of Gradius V, Gradius Gaiden and Salamander 2... Also it should have awesome sweeping camera views like in Ikaruga and KICKASS Konami music like in Salamander 2 and Gradius 3. Also have huge bosses that are bigger than the screen itself!! Cinematic Intros and Endings! And a final boss that comes back to life AT LEAST 3 times!
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: What is you dream game?
Jun 06, 2003 06:21
Take the energy and atomosphere of Halo, the richness and graphics of Panzer Dragoon Orta, the complexity and subtle brilliance of Gunvalkyrie and the solid design and execution of Enclave. Roll it into one game, and presto! My dream game.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2003
RE: What is you dream game?
Jul 23, 2003 20:20
ninja gaiden and gradius 5 and sonic heroes and half life 2 and castlevania lament of innocence those are my dream games very good sequels
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Jul 31, 2003
RE: What is you dream game?
Aug 21, 2003 06:19
I' ve been dreaming of a killer shadowrun game for awhile, I think its time someone made another effort at one. I keep picturing it in a third person perspective, having some rpg elements, raising your character skills etc. And being very long, the plot taking you in different locales of the world. Above all very detailed and immersive.Very open ended. Not unlike Deus Ex I suppose.
< Message edited by MuteCity -- 8/21/2003 6:20:57 AM >
Adam Doree
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RE: What is you dream game?
Aug 22, 2003 03:58
Like Shenmue - but REALLY REAL. The sort of thing videogames will be like in twenty years with advanced VR. Like you' re Matrixed into the game. And it' s all REAL. Imagine how damn ace that will be. Videogames today will seem SO PRIMITIVE in the future, even more so than we think games were twenty years ago today. Anyway, that' s a ways off just yet. In the meantime, Virtua Fighter 5 will do just nicely.
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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RE: What is you dream game?
Aug 22, 2003 16:22
Speaking of Shenmue, Adam brings up a very good point, but one of the " REAL" things I' d LOVE to see in the Shenmue games that hasn' t been implemented yet is the ability to change clothes. At the very least that' s one of the real life type enhancements they can make to it even with current technologies. There' s no reason Ryo should still be wearing the same damm jacket, socks, faded jeans, and t-shirt for months on end. At the beginning of Shenmue 2 he must' ve stunk really bad coming off that boat since he' s been wearing the same thing for almost a year. Why even bother carrying around a napsack if youu' re not gonna use the clothes that are in it. For Shenmue III they should implement interactive clothes changing.. Mix and mash any combination of clothing! Hell even wear a stupid hat ;)
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RE: What is you dream game?
Nov 17, 2003 13:03
My dream game will be a reality in 2004 (Halo 2)
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: What is you dream game?
Nov 19, 2003 03:15
My dream game would be an RPG to start with. Really if its your dream game you would probably want to be in it..so it seems this part is a no brainer. I have thought about what the game would be like for a while now. I have decided that it can only be a " dream game" because realistically it would be impossible to produce my dream game. It would basically be alot like life but in a different reality. A reality that did not have a linear story, but your choices dictated a clear path. It would last a lifetime. It would be ultimately fulfilling in all respects. A dream. You cant live in a fantasy even though sometimes it seems more fulfilling then real life. But in the end you are still left empty. This is the ultimate deception. I have had moments during certain games or movies where I pondered the fantasy as a reality. But the 2 are not 1. I feel the idea is too deep to dwell on.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: What is you dream game?
Nov 19, 2003 12:01
ORIGINAL: Spacepiston My dream game would be an RPG to start with. Really if its your dream game you would probably want to be in it..so it seems this part is a no brainer. I have thought about what the game would be like for a while now. I have decided that it can only be a " dream game" because realistically it would be impossible to produce my dream game. It would basically be alot like life but in a different reality. A reality that did not have a linear story, but your choices dictated a clear path. It would last a lifetime. It would be ultimately fulfilling in all respects. A dream. You cant live in a fantasy even though sometimes it seems more fulfilling then real life. But in the end you are still left empty. This is the ultimate deception. I have had moments during certain games or movies where I pondered the fantasy as a reality. But the 2 are not 1. I feel the idea is too deep to dwell on. Are you refering to Fable
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: What is you dream game?
Nov 19, 2003 15:35
Well, at the moment I' m getting very serious about certain games I have come up with. I am going to go to the Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale starting this summer where I will be majoring in Game Art and Design. Since I will be going into this feild as a career I have really been looking at the highs and lows of videogames so that I can help create a true AAA title(which won' t be for at least another 4 or 5 years). Right now I' m working hard on some concepts for a FPS that incorperates the control and magnitude of Halo, the graphics of Far Cry, the artistic style of Metroid, and the human to NPC interaction of Rainbow Six 3. Imagine a full all out WW3 set in the future by about 50-100 years. It will take place on earth and will be truely full scale chaos. Entire armies are ravaging cities and as an elite sper soldier from a group of 20 you go around doing some amazing combat and at any time call in for reinforcements, or talk to any soilder on your side and give the orders to cover you. Full scale interaction with the people around you. I have a lot of concept art but I working on refining it right now. I also would like to make an RPG that has the engrossing and beautiful style of Final Fantasy with a massive world like Morrowind. I have been tinkering around with this idea for a long time and have gone through numerous changes to the plot, world, and characters. To top it off, think of a street racing game where you could live in a city full of real people(online) where there are racing events that can earn you virtual and real cash. The massive city will be devided into sections where different street racing gangs(clans) have their garages and personal costumizible homes. It will have a touch of GTA 3 with the ability to atack rival gangs, steal cars, or plant explosives in their garage. This will be monitered by police(kind of like mods because they are also real people). The cops will have the best equipment, cars, and athority in the world and you have to be hand picked to become a cop. Those are some of the ideas I have right now and I look forward to making them a reality.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Nov 21, 2003
RE: What is you dream game?
Nov 21, 2003 11:48
My dream game is Ninja Gaiden.Its gonna be the best game on any system this year.12/15/2003 the sequel that took almost 13 years to get here. The graphics and enemies are sweet. I can' t believe how sweet it looks. it will look even better on my rear projection 40" widescreen lcd display HDTV with the monster gamelink 400 cables it better support 720 p cuz i get native 720p not downsampled or upsampled crap. As for halo2 I thought halo gets old pretty quick i like exciting games and the graphics are awesome but other then that i dont feel it too much. halo 2 might be really cool if the graphics and storyline rule. but doom3 and half life 2 will definately rock the xbox scene.Ninja gaiden was one of my fave series growing up the first nes one came out when i was around 7.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: What is you dream game?
Nov 22, 2003 02:32
I can' t quite put my finger on it but I have a feeling you are excited about Ninja Gaiden coming out
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Nov 21, 2003
RE: What is you dream game?
Nov 22, 2003 10:35
Yep it looks like a amazing game plus with wireless xbox live it will rule.They' ve been working on it for years.I' ve seen all of the pics team ninja has allowed to be shown from like ign and gamespot. the videos of actual gameplay are awesome though.If it doesnt support 720p that would be a shame. I just hope the game lives up to the hype.everywhere is saying 12/15 so not to long from now.
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