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What is the reason some people hate sequels?
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Jan 31, 2006 01:47
As in sucessors that are very different from there predecessor. Well the example I am going to use is Phantasy Star Universe of the series due to the fact that I have noticed a lot of dislike towards the non Phantasy Star V makes in the series. I would like to know what makes people dislike them so much. In PSO (Phantasy Star Online) people complained about the lack of story. Which I completely understand but I don' t think (I know was not) it was meant for what original Phantasy Star (PS) fans wanted. It seems people hate the change in gameplay based on Final Fantasy 12 naysayers (I have not played the demo). Please post examples and explanations if possible. I would really like to here what PS fans have to say about Universe. And those that don' t like Universe based on what they have seen.
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RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Jan 31, 2006 01:55
Well in FF12 you have a big problem,when the FF creator and compositor both decied to leave the company,and when the director who was gonna take over the FF serie quits in the middle of he project cause of sickness. And has been delayed for 2 years. Not hard to see why people get worried,and if they doesnt like what they seen ion the demo,well they will be even more worried then. The problem with sequals like FF12,is that square-enix seems to be aiming for new audience every new FF game,for ex FF10 was so fucking mainstream and way off coruse from us old school FF fans,it pissed off a lot of people,same with FF8. Now FF8 and FF10 has been huge success but its because,Ff8 ride the success of FF7 with its 9 million copies sold,and FF10 sold cause of the FF name and cause it was the only " great rpg" out to ps2. Even thoug kitsade completly destroyed the game... ANyway,i have no problem with sequals...however if they do sequal,plz try and make it like the first one,and not aim for new people,and be sure that the fans will still nbe loyal and come with you. That is just lame. I cant speak for phantasy star since i never played it,but it looks quite fun,but nothing worth paying for...
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RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Jan 31, 2006 02:00
PSO was meant to be played online with your m8s not as an offline RPG... The experience of playing the game online is truly unique. As to your question about sequels.. We see them every year, every month... and it' s basically the same games as the last one, but with improved graphics and other improvements.. [:' (] I think we all need original storys and games.. people don' t like doing fairly the same thing as in the last game. But PSU will be quite different from PSO... and this time we can all enjoy a real story offline aswell as playing online.
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RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Jan 31, 2006 02:27
my bad can this be deleted
< Message edited by Kannon -- 30 Jan 06 18:38:07 >
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Jan 31, 2006 02:34
Points are just. And these sequels are ,in PS and FF cases, are not in direct correlation with the story from the previous games (not sure about PS never have time to get far enough or something else). Too many people complain about the story being like the previous one. Which is probaly a tie to the characters. Games like Shenmue are not the same as it has one story line and where story is tied to gameplay (Martial Arts). Hey, what about FF9? Why is FF9 disregarded so often?
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RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Jan 31, 2006 02:43
FF7 which was the first FF game with 3d and is considered by many as the best game ever or best ff game ever sold 9 million copies and made a whole new fanbase with the psx. That fanbase did not know about previous titles,and seeing how ff7+ff8 was about hi tech technology and todays tgechnolgy and was kind of serious games,ff9 turned off the newcomers seeing how it was back to the old roots with sakaguchi,and his medival/1600 era with japanese warmth and jokes and feeling,and artistic characters.
Vx Chemical
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RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Jan 31, 2006 02:55
I dont mind sequals as long as it isnt drawn out or worn out. Same games are just too good to only have one game. But it is a problem when more sequals than new IP' s come out.
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RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Jan 31, 2006 03:16
Sequels are cool as long as they don' t suck.In fact most of sequels suck - or they are worse than the original game - that' s why some people hate them.
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RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Jan 31, 2006 03:20
Some sequels are good, some offer more of the same and some improve upon everything. Of course some are pale imitations of their former selves and that’s where you get a problem. I' ll take the Sonic series. Every game until Sonic & Knuckles improved upon the formula. Then there was some none Sonic Team imitations and finally the 3D Adventure games. While still fun the 3D games have yet to tap into what made the originals fun and instead have taken the theory ' more is better' crow-baring ideas into Sonic games that shouldn' t have made it from the brainstorming sessions (A Sonic game with guns?). It' s refreshing to see the Next Gen Sonic so far taking a step back. It needs to focus on a core number of characters instead of being drown in them and most of all it needs that rollercoaster ride feeling of the Megadrive/Genesis titles.
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RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Jan 31, 2006 03:29
t' s refreshing to see the Next Gen Sonic so far taking a step back. It needs to focus on a core number of characters instead of being drown in them and most of all it needs that rollercoaster ride feeling of the Megadrive/Genesis titles. So true man!
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RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Jan 31, 2006 03:45
This is completely off topic but can you get a last name more swedish than " Svensson"  ?
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Jan 31, 2006 03:48
Well it seems that most not all sequels were made in a mad scramble to feed the bank. The games they take there time on usually turn out better than ones that are rushed and tried to be made different. Well with the Shining Force series I like everyone I played and This includes Neo. I was hoping for a stratergy RPG but I got action, which in general I prefer more. But Shining Force (4) SRPG was what I was looking for. I like SF Neo. But people don' t usually just like a game just for it' s story but gameplay as well. The change in gameplay is what hurts some people. As long as it doesn' t hurt is as in being implemented improperly.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Jan 31, 2006 04:02
This is completely off topic but can you get a last name more swedish than " Svensson" ? Not really  but " Johansson" is extremly common too,escpially in stockholm,a house next to mine which is a appartment btw,has like 100 people in it,and 20 share the name " johansson" .
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Jan 31, 2006 04:19
Usually, I believe a change in gameplay style is usually to make it more markable to the masses. Other times they are just expirementing or it was just passed to new direction or whatever. If it fights good bring it on.
Chee Saw
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RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Jan 31, 2006 07:31
Sequels are good if they' re good. Basically, if the producers of the game are capable, and know their market, then it can be just as good (and occasionally better) as the original. The problem is people are resistant to change in things they love. They will totally abhor something that is different than the original, just because it' s different. Unfortunately, this leads to stagnation. Then there are developers who " forget" about their core fans. Sometimes this is an attempt to gain a wider fanbase, and sometimes it' s just because they want to stretch their wings. Either way, fans become hostile. It' s almost a lose/lose situation. I, personally, think that people should just play games. Forget about what has come before, and just live in the game that you' re playing RIGHT NOW!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Feb 01, 2006 00:16
I LOVE sequels. Along with many Japanese gamers  I' m probably one of the biggest sequel whores out there. With that said, sequels can sometimes be a sharp knife into the heart of a series. The 16-bit Shinobi games were wonderful! The POST 16-bit Shinobi games left a lot to be desired. Stuff like Shin Shinobi Den and Hang-On GP 1995 for the Saturn took major steps back from their predecessors.. Super Hang-On still remains the greatest motorcycle racing game on the planet to me and Hang-On GP ' 95 just f**ked things up badly with its lousy controls... Shin Shinobi Den was very uninspired in the gameplay department, there was nothing exciting about the game unfortunately.. God don' t even get me started on Planet Harriers, a lousy update to one of the greatest games of all time. If I think about it anymore I' ll break down and cry so, moving on.. After Burner 3 for the Sega CD took a weird direction and just wasn' t nearly as fun as After Burner 2 - which was the best in the series, and overall just the best damn jet fightin game I ever played (arcade version). About the only good thing in After Burner 3 to me were some of the music tracks. Alex Kidd in Miracle World was AWESOME, but later games in the series lacked the magic and the fun of Miracle World. Who can forget Altered Beast for the PS2? Holy Krap! I have no idea what happened or who' s idea it was to stick a fork in this one. And I' ll probably get roasted for this as usual but I liked Virtua Fighter 3 MORE than Virtua Fighter 4 and its updates. I just LOVED the dodge button.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 31 Jan 06 16:44:42 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Feb 02, 2006 18:46
I like Halo 2 more than Halo: CE A bit less play as Arbiter would have been better, but compared to the recycling of envirioments in CE, its nothing!
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RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Feb 03, 2006 07:26
Maybe so but HAlo had a nice integrity , it had a great freedom with vehicles (in H2 you have specific sections for specific vehicles).The levels where more memorable I think.I don' t know I still think that H2 was a dissapointment.And then you get to watch the bonus features where those morons say how they started development after H1 but in fact they didn' t do much until 6 months before release. That explains a lot - those bonus features have a lot of great story behind the covenant race that was missing and many great things. Nowadays MS says - the games will ship when ready.That' s what they have learned by rushing Halo 2.Glitches and shit where all over this thing.
< Message edited by ]Gangsta[ -- 2 Feb 06 23:27:06 >
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: What is the reason some people hate sequels?
Feb 03, 2006 09:45
It is bothersome was a well polished game is succeeded and a unfined one. And Yes People should just play games for what they are. Games sequels are made differently purposely so it won' t be the same old same old. But I can completely understand where sequels are hated but also see where they are there on game and enjoy them as so.
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