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What games are you playing?
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What games are you playing?
May 07, 2007 11:55
Couldn' t seem to find the old thread for this. Theres one for music/films/food etc, but we' ve lost the one for games heh. Pretty slow times while we wait for the big games to hit this year. STALKER and Trackmania United are both tiding me over until Forza 2, but I' ve also had to go back a bit and play the games I missed. The new Sam & Max episodes are soooo funny. Timeless characters. Such a cynical, morbid yet strangely cute and fuzzy sense of humour. The latest episode is the penultimate one - ' Reality 2.0' is defnitely the best one yet, and the last in the series is due in the next few days. Walking between locations does kinda grate after a while however. Still I recommend playing them in order. Jarringly, I went straight on to finish playing through FEAR - Extraction Point, which is so oppressively dark and thick with atmosphere, the last couple of levels provided a near constant chill down my entire body. The last games to do that were Silent Hill and Manhunt. This is a great mix of both. Admittedly the first few levels are kinda dull though. And it builds up amazingly to big anti-climax. Hopefully Monolith are planning a FEAR 2 to end the story. I dunno how the console versions measure up, but for me the experience on PC is unrivalled as yet. So what' s everyone playing.
Evil Man
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RE: What games are you playing?
May 07, 2007 12:04
Zelda Twilight Princess & Super Paper Mario
Joe Redifer
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RE: What games are you playing?
May 07, 2007 12:22
Space Fantasy Zone & Revenge of Shinobi (with Batman).
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: What games are you playing?
May 07, 2007 19:42
God of War II Virtua Tennis 3
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RE: What games are you playing?
May 07, 2007 20:30
Heh, I like how we' re all playing our games in twos!
Iad umboros
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: What games are you playing?
May 07, 2007 21:02
I' m playing more Gears of War again. Finished on Insane after playing straight through on Saturday and I still suck online Edit: The new maps are good!
< Message edited by iad umboros -- 7 May 07 13:02:34 >
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RE: What games are you playing?
May 07, 2007 21:26
Halo 2 getting ready for H3 Beta Crackdown....Damn those orbs
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RE: What games are you playing?
May 07, 2007 22:23
Flirting between SpiderMan 3 and Gears of War. Sleeping with Panzer Dragoon: Orta, the sadness, the passion, the power, THE GAME! Oh, and Okami.
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RE: What games are you playing?
May 07, 2007 22:38
-PGR3 360 Can' t stop playing it for some reason. Especially after watching a real life video of someone driving a McLaren F1 LM on the Nurnburgring. Trying to copy his way of driving in the game is fun. Wish the enginge would sound cooler in the game though *Sigh*. It' s sounds pretty cool in cockpit view but... something' s missing. The game would be boring without the wheel though. If you haven' t played PGR3 with the 360 wireless wheel then you haven' t played it at all. -That arcade game you find in the PGR3 garage. I' ve had PGR3 for quite a while but I played the game for the first time yesterday... It' s pretty damn good. -Shenmue DC Million dollar question: Who is the owner of this phone number: 0468-225508? -FFX PS2 I' m trying to win the first Blitzball tournament (I suck at Blitzball) so I' m getting nowhere -Counter-Strike: Source PC Is always fun although I' m pissed about how easy it is to get headshots. No skill required anymore. If I could get my 1.6 version to work in widescreen mode I' d play it much more often. -Oblivion PC I think I' m starting to understand why people love it. I' ve always been bored by it but lately I' ve really tried to like it and it seems it' s starting to pay off. Haven' t gotten far though. Martin just turned into a dragon. Oh, and I' m using cheats, it' s really fun. The funniest thing is to copy myself and make an army of them and then set their bounty to like 2000 so the guards hunt them. But my army is stronger see -Tekken: Dark Resurrection PSP Can' t get enough of it. Super Monket Ball Tip n' Tilt Cellphone *soooooooooo disappointed*
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RE: What games are you playing?
May 07, 2007 22:44
-Shenmue DC Million dollar question: Who is the owner of this phone number: 0468-225508? That is Miss. N. Harasaki' s number. I know that number like the back of my hand the amount of times I have tried to sway the story to Nozomi and Ryo BEING TOGETHER! So yeah, I know that number because in 1986 (the year I was born!) they didn' t have auto redial. *Boots up copy of Shenmue*
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: What games are you playing?
May 07, 2007 23:30
[new] Okami - Great game, picked it up cheap! it was a crime! Shenmue 2 - I do not play this game enough, i only get to play at weekends and sometimes i dont play at all Medievil 2 Total War - Great game, maybe too similar to rome. Oblivion - I will never finsh this game, mainly becuase i rarely play it and my save file was wiped. Thanks Vista. Ps3 [tekken, motorstorm, flow, Resistance etc.] - Still on the ps3 most days though, [at the weekend], I still love it even though i dont have much to play. Command and Conquer 3 - I have the game, I just have to wait to get my xp partition to play it. that and most of my other pc games. any tips on how to create a working duel boot on two harddrives? MGS: Twin Snakes - How did I forget this?, not as good as the ps1 orginal, the cut scenes are weird and its a faster pace, you could tell Hideo wasnt in charge. good game none the less. Course I plan to buy god of war 2, ff12, yakuza, Rainbow six Vegas, god hand, 24: the game in the next few weeks.
< Message edited by Silentbomber -- 7 May 07 18:31:27 >
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: What games are you playing?
May 08, 2007 01:28
Online Quake 3: threewave Mario Kart DS Offline Virtua Fighter 5 New Super Mario Bros Zelda: Twilight Princess Wario Smooth Moves Wonderboy 5 (MD Virtual Arcade) Super R-type III (SNES Virtual Console)
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RE: What games are you playing?
May 08, 2007 08:39
Supreme Commander
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RE: What games are you playing?
May 08, 2007 08:56
PC -spiderman 3 Ps2- Dragon quest 8 Pc-medival total war 2 Im planing to buy C&C3 for the 360 and perhaps play some GoW on the new maps if some of you folks wanna play some.
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
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RE: What games are you playing?
May 08, 2007 15:52
I won a copy of Supreme Commander the other day, still waiting to get it through the post though. First prize was a 6 ft replica of a UEF ACU with a state of the art PC inside! How I wish I had one of these in my flat! http://www.bit-tech.net/bits/2007/04/15/win_supreme_commander_case_mod/2.aspx And I realised that those new maps for GoW were like £8 for 4 maps. I' d like to pay epic for them but not that much!
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: What games are you playing?
May 08, 2007 16:11
Morrowind (PC) Command & Conquer 3 (PC) Guitar Hero II (360) I' m not really having much fun with any of them. I' ve already played Morrowind for over 500 hours on Xbox years ago. Guitar Hero II is alright but I hate the songs. C&C3 is a rushers RTS. Matches are way too short, and each of the three races basically have the same units thus the same strategy. I like playing in skirmish modes with RTS games but skirmish mode with C&C3 is uselss. In Campaign mode I' m stuck on the fucking Croatia mission. I need a new 360 FPS, maybe I' ll pick up GRAW2.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 8 May 07 8:13:13 >
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RE: What games are you playing?
May 09, 2007 01:11
Medieval 2 Total War C&C 3 (PC) Zelda Twilight Princess Gears of War Crackdown Battlefield 2 (PC) (console FPS still have a long way to go to match the online play of this game!) Half-Life 2 (PC) (great game but an overrated FPS just like Halo is)
< Message edited by Duffman -- 8 May 07 17:14:49 >
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: What games are you playing?
May 09, 2007 05:19
Zelda Twilight Princess & Super Paper Mario Nintendo still haven' t announced a date for Super Paper Mario here in Europe!  I want it now dammit!! I didn' t know you had a Wii Evilman. What do you think of Super Paper Mario?
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- Joined: Jan 02, 2006
RE: What games are you playing?
May 09, 2007 06:05
Motorstorm God of War 2 If the Forza 2 demo doesn' t come out this week I will murder someone.
< Message edited by papado -- 8 May 07 22:06:35 >
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RE: What games are you playing?
May 09, 2007 07:26
I finally got a copy of Gears. I' m absolutely rubbish in single player though. I got through some of act 1 with a friend, and then just thought I' d pick up where I last left off... with some enormous mofo charging at me, and nobody to remind me that I had the Hammer of Dawn. Popped in FEAR again, still isn' t bad as far as action goes. Call of Duty: 3. I' m dominating my ranked matches but I' m still stuck at the same friggin' rank! You' d think it' d at least go down if I was last on my game, but no, tried that too. Wipeout Pure for PSP, still can' t get enough. Honestly though, I' ve been doing more casemodding than gaming. I don' t mind doing it as it gives you a creative outlet, but I' ve got 3 people' s cases waiting. Pressure blows.
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