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What do you think will be game of the show?
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Shiek Abdul III
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- Joined: Feb 28, 2003
What do you think will be game of the show?
May 10, 2003 07:25
I' ll say it' s either... Half Life 2, Billy Hatcher or F Zero Otherwise the vids of MGS3 or Metroid 2. Not fussed about Perfect Dark Zero. And holy crap. Is it me or does X-Men 2 *own*? See you (well Adam and Jen at least) at E3...
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- Location: Florida
RE: What do you think will be game of the show?
May 10, 2003 14:02
Uh... you forgot probably the biggest one! HALO2! That will dominate at least the Microsoft area. They are going to be featuring an actual demo of the game! That' s right! They' ll be playing the game right in front of you! Half-Life2 will be big I' m sure. I didn' t even know MP2 was in the works but that could be big. MGS3 will be the big gun for Sony. Umm... Fable should be big. Doom 3 should be huge. I' m not sure if there will be a deffinate show stealer though, if I had to pick though, it' ll be Halo2.
Jennifer K
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- Joined: Feb 26, 2003
RE: What do you think will be game of the show?
May 10, 2003 18:28
GT4 Ratchet and Clank 2 Syphon Filter Omega Strain Of course!!!!! ; ) See you out there E3-ers!
Jennifer K
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- Joined: Feb 26, 2003
RE: What do you think will be game of the show?
May 10, 2003 18:31
Corporate mode switched off: Ratchet 2 MGS 3 Resi Outbreak Mario Tennis GC
Shiek Abdul III
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- Joined: Feb 28, 2003
RE: What do you think will be game of the show?
May 10, 2003 20:02
Halo 2. Oh yeah. Duh... Glad they' re taking their time with it. I' ve heard on good authority that BG and E is incredible and a potential stealer. And hopefully Mario 128 will be interesting. See y' all then.
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RE: What do you think will be game of the show?
May 10, 2003 22:11
Here is a really wild guess: A game completely from the blue that no-one knew about before. A game that is way into productions and is released just weeks after the show. A game that has innovative new game-play that actually is innovative and new not just a mixture of several old game-elements. A game that is non-linear, really non-linear! More of a which list, but one can hope, can I not?
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: What do you think will be game of the show?
May 13, 2003 17:28
That is a wish list indeed Peylow! A lot has transpired since Half-Life first appeared on the videogame scene. Half-Life 2 has a lot of ground to make up..... Halo 2 is the heir apparent for this years E3. MGS3 and F-Zero will probably create a significant stir. Although I have no idea why........ Lots of other good titles will fill in the cracks. See you at E3 2004!!!
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- Joined: Feb 25, 2003
RE: What do you think will be game of the show?
May 13, 2003 20:43
ORIGINAL: HELLBENT A lot has transpired since Half-Life first appeared on the videogame scene. Half-Life 2 has a lot of ground to make up..... Like what? Valve must not be aware of all the games that have been released since it, huh...
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: What do you think will be game of the show?
May 13, 2003 22:34
After watching the full 8 minute movie of Halo 2 I can definately say I have never seen anything that comes close to how cool this game is. Handsdown my E3 winner!
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: What do you think will be game of the show?
May 15, 2003 07:40
Like what? Valve must not be aware of all the games that have been released since it, huh... Your statment renforces EXACTLY what Im trying to say. OF COURSE Valve is aware of all the great games that have come after the original Half-life, and because of that, Half-Life 2 has to surpass those games..... I.E. a lot of ground to make up.....
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- Joined: Feb 25, 2003
RE: What do you think will be game of the show?
May 15, 2003 18:17
ORIGINAL: HELLBENT Your statment renforces EXACTLY what Im trying to say. OF COURSE Valve is aware of all the great games that have come after the original Half-life, and because of that, Half-Life 2 has to surpass those games..... I.E. a lot of ground to make up..... Well every developer has to go through the same thing. From Doom II' s release to Doom III' s release, id has had a " lot of ground to make up." I fail to see how Valve is any different than every other dev that works on their next release while another is presenting their' s.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: What do you think will be game of the show?
May 15, 2003 19:58
Sure every developer has to go through the same thing, but not on this level. Half-Life one was an incredible experience that galvinized its place in gaming history, therefore Half-Life 2 has a lot to live up to in itself excluding all the other great titles that followed Half-Life 1. A game that has a stout lineage to fullfill has more " pressure" on it than a game that is just another installment. For instance: Do you think the makers of Bloody Roar are overly concerned about the next Bloody Roar game? Compared to say Soul Calibur 2 from Namco? Alls Im getting at, is that Valve made a great game in Half-Life, so Half-Life 2 has to surpass that game, enthrall the fans of the original as well as capture the attention of new comers to the Half-Life epic while breaking new ground that has been covered by all those games that came between Half-Life 1 and this new installment. You made this into an argument when it wasnt supposed to be one in the first place.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: What do you think will be game of the show?
May 16, 2003 00:38
Halo 2 is looking better IMO  Who cares though?! I get Half-Life 2, Halo 2, and Doom 3 all on my Xbox! Gaming bliss!
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 5/16/2003 12:39:00 AM >
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- Joined: Jun 27, 2003
RE: What do you think will be game of the show?
Jun 30, 2003 03:37
Half Life2 with Halo2 a close second.I hate to break the news Rampage99,but the last word is that there are now no plans to bring Half Life2 to the Xbox.I don`t know what prompted the reversal,but I read it on IGN a couple of weeks ago.
< Message edited by Banquo63 -- 6/30/2003 3:41:59 AM >
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: What do you think will be game of the show?
Jun 30, 2003 04:26
they quickly reversed it a few hours later XBOX will get H-L 2
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