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What do you think about Call of duty 3?
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- Joined: Nov 10, 2006
What do you think about Call of duty 3?
Nov 10, 2006 10:15
i think the game looks really good. They say that they fixed tha A.I. I hope this is true. I wouldn' t want anyone on my team running into a wall and staying there. I hope It' s good!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: What do you think about Call of duty 3?
Nov 10, 2006 10:25
I' m actually incredibly disappointed with it. I' ve had it now for a day, & other than the improved visual style, & the returning of grenades, it seems like everything else has been downgraded on single-player. Pro' s- Revamped character models. Better cinematic quality. Better triggered events. Tossing back grenades. Vehicles Cons- Bad firearms. They' re either historically incorrect looking/sounding, or painted poorly. They took massive liberties with many of the ironsights. The Browning Automatic looks like a pea-shooter, & I swear the stock on the Thompson is shiny. Dumb AI. You throw a grenade behind a pile of boxes to flush out the enemy, & they try to take it like a flick on the ear. Not very realistic. Enemies don' t use cover, every time I see them, a good 1/6 of them is sticking out from around the wall, an easy target. Friendly AI isn' t all that good either. Crouch, shoot at the targets, & move on when you do. Not much else. On-Rails gameplay. They' re trying to tell me that I can' t explore the rest of the level because I can' t mount a 3 foot wall.  It kills the frenzied pace right away when you realise you' re just being funneled through the maps. I haven' t played the multiplayer yet, so I can' t comment on that, but it really is disappointing compared to CoD2. For shame Treyarch, for shame.[:' (]
Mass X
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RE: What do you think about Call of duty 3?
Nov 11, 2006 00:17
Nothing special for the single player (luckily I picked up GOW the same day to fix that problem) but the online is fun as hell especially once you get a room with 12+ players. The rank up system, the class based style the vehicles and nicly designed maps make for an awsome time online. Regardless I wanna know what Infinity Ward is up too.
Agent Ghost
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RE: What do you think about Call of duty 3?
Nov 11, 2006 00:24
Yeah single player is pretty lame, I don' t even feel like finishing the game, it feels like a homwork assignment. However I bought the game for multiplayer and that has five times more potential then COD2 has online. Online is really good. I have GOW and COD3, Ihaven' t tried online with GOW but I doubt its better then the online for COD3, single player destroys single player on COD3. So these two games complement eachother very well.
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- Joined: Aug 11, 2006
RE: What do you think about Call of duty 3?
Nov 11, 2006 00:47
Isn' t there a thread like this already? " Thoughts on COD3" i think it' s named.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: What do you think about Call of duty 3?
Nov 11, 2006 02:38
Yeah, but the forums haven' t really been all that hot right now, so it' s not much of a big deal.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: What do you think about Call of duty 3?
Nov 12, 2006 03:27
I havent played it yet but i figure its the same as 2, except with better AI, Graphics, and a little different storyline. This is a little of topic but, iv always joked about making a civil war game, and i was at the store and they have one now.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: What do you think about Call of duty 3?
Nov 13, 2006 07:10
Well I can say for certain, this game is FAR better than 2. I loved COD2. But now, after playing into it a couple of hours the visuals and the intensity of this title are hitting home. Graphically in moany places it may be a close relative to COD2, but the sheer amount going on in the screen is at least double at all times. There are certain fields of play p[articularly in the narrow streets as you progress thorugh the game where I was left well in AWE really - not so much as in the game itself, but rather that this really was next gen gaming. At first it was just a little set piece and it all looked pretty samey, but as you crack on its the little details, let alone the level design which takes this away from its former self. If you want a ww2 shooter, get this, if you loved the last one defintely get this! I' m not saying this offers tons over the previous iteration, but it does in terms of the immersion and sheer " holy crap" factor this game succeeds far beyond COD2. In fact at least twice as well, I cant wait to take it online!
Evil Man
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RE: What do you think about Call of duty 3?
Nov 14, 2006 01:58
Finally played it today, the graphics aren' t too impressive but there is alot of stuff going on screen and the frame rate is very good so it makes up for it.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: What do you think about Call of duty 3?
Nov 14, 2006 02:29
Well I can say for certain, this game is FAR better than 2. Really? The only good levels in 3 are the US ones and even those are outdone by ' The Winter War' campaign in CoD2. CoD3 is for lack of a batter word " detached" . The levels feel almost random. At least in 2 you fought levels consecutively and could get a proper idea of what was going on. I mean, i understand that the 3 sides are fighting towards the same goal and the idea is that the levels are show in the order thay happened in the realwolrd timeline rather than showing one story arc and then going back in time and playing through another etc.. but in CoD3 it' s almost pathetic. CoD2 > CoD3. Finally played it today, the graphics aren' t too impressive but there is alot of stuff going on screen and the frame rate is very good so it makes up for it At first i thought " hey this looks great" but as soon as the second level started i was less than impressed. The US levels are superb. The British and Polish levels suck. The cutscenes are awful. Some of the weapons are strangely shiney, and there are unforgivable collision detection problems. That being said the texture quality is much higher and the game at least makes use of bump mapping (and does it well too). The explosions, smoke and particle effects are all better than in CoD2, as are the weapon models and the character models and animations. I kinda wish they had focused on just the American squad though. Those levels seem to have been given more attention and simply look nicer. The single player campaign is worse than CoD2' s, but the online is night and day better. I' ve been having connection problems like loads of people on my friends list (like Agent Ghost) for the past couple of days though...
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: What do you think about Call of duty 3?
Nov 14, 2006 03:18
Really? The only good levels in 3 are the US ones and even those are outdone by ' The Winter War' campaign in CoD2.
I' m glad I wasn' t the only one who thought that. The cutscenes are awful. Some of the weapons are strangely shiney, and there are unforgivable collision detection problems.
The cutscenes wouldn' t be bad if we didn' t have to sit through two of them before some levels. Sometimes the scene has nothing to do with what you' re playing.[:' (]
Mass X
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RE: What do you think about Call of duty 3?
Nov 14, 2006 03:19
Connection problems? I was praising how lag free the 24 player rooms are just the other day... and how easy it is to get into any room... Thats sucks hopefully you guys can get it fixed up cause I love the online in this game. So much depth when you get into a room that isnt just running and gunning and you actually get a gameplan going. Using tanks for mobile cover, setting up support and snipers in ideal spots. I love it. I really dislike the single player...but as stated above Ive got GOW for that mmmmmm....
< Message edited by Mass X -- 13 Nov 06 19:21:10 >
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: What do you think about Call of duty 3?
Nov 14, 2006 09:30
First of all I ahve to say I was drunk when I posted originally as it was my birthday and we were back from the pub. Secondly we were playing on a 4 metre wide screen I had borrowed from work with a 600w PA system. Which may have enhanced the experience somewhat. I also didnt expect to finish the game the very next day either! Still, I think the environments on a couple of levels are still better than most of COD2, but that the visual style is very different to that of the previous. I still feel more immersed playing this version over the previous, the narrative sucks big style, but the action just seems a little more epic. However, it does seem a lot easier!? Im going to say COD2=COD3 but if I could only recomenbd one Id go for 3! But also, I didnt actually have to pay for the game as it was a present! No skip for cutscenes arrrgh!
< Message edited by musashi -- 14 Nov 06 1:31:21 >
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- Joined: Jul 09, 2006
RE: What do you think about Call of duty 3?
Nov 14, 2006 17:20
quote][Nothing special for the single player (luckily I picked up GOW the same day to fix that problem) but the online is fun as hell especially once you get a room with 12+ players. /quote] I feel the complete opposite to that, the single player is ultra intense, immersive and just as good as 2 (Could it be you don' t like it, because you have GOW?), whilst the online is pretty boring. I' ve long grown tired of shooting people online (unless it has crazy ragdoll physics of course or some other standout feature) why won' t they try something new?
< Message edited by Calintz -- 14 Nov 06 9:23:37 >
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