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What are you currently playing?
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What are you currently playing?
Jan 28, 2007 22:38
I haven' t actually played much in the way of console games this past week so mine is limited exclusively to PSP. I' ve been playing: Tekken: Dark Resurrection Ace Combat X GTA: Vice City Stories (i know i know, and it' s still not my kind of game) ...and... Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops (import) MGS:PO is freakin' fantastic. If you have a PSP and you like the MGS games then you NEED this game. Hell, even if you don' t like the series then this could easily be the game to get you interested. It has some changes, most notably not being isometric and being able to recruit soldiers, and it' ll give you and idea of what to expect gameplay-wise from MGS4. It' s superb!
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 28, 2007 23:31
After Lost Planet, not much really. Next game I' m waiting to buy is STALKER in March... if it hits its release date! Times like this I always fall back on games with infinite replay value eg break out my wheel and have fun racing online and off with GTR2, netKar PRO, rFactor, Richard Burns Rally and RACE. Also mess around downloading people' s tracks in Trackmania: United and have a few games of Pro Evo 6 with my flatmate. Also trying to get into Shenmue II on my 360 at the moment...with difficulty.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 28 Jan 07 15:32:37 >
Iad umboros
Dark Ninja
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 28, 2007 23:32
I' m thrashing a couple to review for the site, but for personal play it' s Zelda for me. Got the Wii on Friday and I' m loving it! Really enjoy the shooting game on Wii play too, a glorious flashback to the days of Duck Hunt on the NES. And Gears of War online
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 00:42
I' ve been playing quite a lot the past week: Tekken Dark Resurrection (PSP) Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (PSP) Street Fighter Alpha (Saturn) Virtua Fighter 2 (Saturn) Counter-Strike Source (PC) Final Fantasy VII Ultima Edition (PC) Project Gotham Racing (360) Dead Or Alive (360) Zelda Twilight Princess (GCN) MGS:PO is freakin' fantastic. If you have a PSP and you like the MGS games then you NEED this game. Hell, even if you don' t like the series then this could easily be the game to get you interested. It has some changes, most notably not being isometric and being able to recruit soldiers, and it' ll give you and idea of what to expect gameplay-wise from MGS4. It' s superb! Grargh! WHEN will it be available in Europe? Btw, is Ace Combat any good?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 28 Jan 07 16:47:07 >
Agent Ghost
The Dark Knight
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 01:27
COD3 and Geometry Wars I have to say I' m getting even better at COD3, last night after polishing off a bottle of JD and drinking five beers (yeah I was feeling good) and I was usually finishing 1st place every team deathmatch (on my team). If you want to be the best player, practise drunk then when you' re sober everything seems so easy. I can' t seem to play Geometry Wars well when drunk though. That game really needs your full attention, sometimes I lose because I blink at the wrong time. However looking at the Geometry Wars scores I can beat everyone on my friends list when I' m piss drunk except this dude Red Dragon (whom I can' t beat when i' m sober) with a score of 2 million and Iad umboros who has a score close to my own. Speaking of Iad, I just noticed you have a sub title of " Dark Ninja" under your name. Why? How? I want to learn the ways of the Ninja!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 02:00
ORIGINAL: ginjirou Btw, is Ace Combat any good? Technically superb but like with all of the Ace Combat games the story is really bad. The missions have a heavy air-ground emphasis but overall if you like any of the previous games then you' ll probably like the PSP game. I' m really enjoying it. The multi-player is particularly satisfying. Like Tekken, GTA and Metal Gear, it' s the kind of game that i expected PSP to have when it was first announced. Grargh! WHEN will it be available in Europe? April. The game is handheld perfection.
Ginger Atrocity
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 03:29
I have to say I' m getting even better at COD3, last night after polishing off a bottle of JD and drinking five beers (yeah I was feeling good) and I was usually finishing 1st place every team deathmatch (on my team).
Can you get a ranked match going? I' ll sit there for 5 minutes & there' s nothing, like before the update. It' s driving me crazy, I' m sick of playing n00bies. What am I playing? Call of Duty (PC) Prey (360) StarFox Command (DS) Line Rider (PC) Cool (and free!) little flash game where you draw a line with your mouse, & line rider sleds down it. I waste hours playing this game. Crash Bandicoot: Warped (PS) Spyro the Dragon (PS) Sly 2 (PS2) & the occasional Halo 2.
Agent Ghost
The Dark Knight
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 03:52
It' s much easier to get into a ranked game after the update but I still don' t bother with it. The people in the ranked matches aren' t any better so to me it' s a waste of time and effort. More importantly I like to play with people in my clan and others on my fiends list. So the ranked games are useless. I think I played just half a rank game as i joined late in the match. Like I said I don' t bother with it. The games are a thousand times better when you play with friends or clan members. I don' t even want to play with strangers anymore,there' re too many dip shits online. When you' re playing with people you know you' ll have much better communication and play the game the way it was meant to be played. Shit when I' m playing with my clan we can even develop strategies and form calculated attacks. It' s infinitely more fun when you play with people you know.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 28 Jan 07 19:54:51 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 03:56
Im jumping between Halo 2, GOW, and COD 3 online. And I' m trying to finish the accomplishments for Oblivion, but i dont play it but like once a week so its not going as fast as i had planed
Terry Bogard
Kikizo Staff
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 05:37
Salamander Portable Parodius Portable TwinBee Portable Earth Defense Forces 3 Sega Ages: Panzer Dragoon Sega Ages: Dynamite Deka Also planning to start up my Wrestle Kingdom addiction again!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 28 Jan 07 21:38:05 >
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 06:32
king kong (pc) xenogears (PSX-PSP) quake 4 (pc) company of heroes (pc)
Mass X
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 07:13
Oblivion - I d/l all the extra stuff off live and havent done any of it so i srated a new game and been building up my character and am now finally going on those quests. Rainbow 6 Vegas - Havnt finished the sp but been playing the MP alot Ski Rider - the totla rip off of the flash game line rider that Eddie mentioned. Basically the same with just a few extas added. Search it up on Newgrounds.com if ya wanna have a go with it. My new PC shoudl arrive at th eend of the week. Its a peice of shit but at leats it' ll be a better peice of shit then my current one.So I shoudl be able to start egtting into some (very very little some) PC gaming again. But I got it mostly for basic use.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 28 Jan 07 23:16:10 >
Ninja Dog
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 14:25
Zelda TP (Wii) Almost finished!!! Rayman Raving Rabbids (Wii) Finished in a day but was pretty good fun Wii sports (occassionally) Always a good time waster Starlancer (PC). Always liked this game Rome Total War (PC) Had to see if i could take on 3 armies on hard simultaneously. It was tough but i did it. Haven' t been playing much though, very infrequently.
Ninja Dog
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 14:56
Company of Heroes(pc) Resistance fall of man(ps3) - both online and off Gran Turismo 4 and HD from time to time Fight Night Round 3(ps3) - with friends Homeworld(pc) - great games, decided to play em again Tony Hawk Project 8 and Shaun Palmer' s Pro Snowboarder(I know its old) - after a day of snowboarding. I was play FEAR, but I beat Extraction point and got bored. Waiting for Motorstorm, Virtua Fighter 5, and Oblivion for ps3. I played Oblivion for PC a lot, but got sidetracked by work/GF for a long time, so I figure I may as well wait for the ps3 version to get back into it and make a new character.
Vx Chemical
Winner! DEC 2005
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 15:21
World of Warcraft: TBC (level 30 Blood Elf Paladin) Zelda for GCN Rainbow Six Las Vegas
Ninja Dog
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 16:59
I' m playing far too many to list them all (a bad habit of mine). But highlights include: Shin Megami Digital Devil Saga: A satisfying challenge and one of the most original and absorbing stories in a Japanese RPG. Happily I' m close to the end ready for Digital Devil Saga 2. Disgaea 2: More of the same, but I' d imagine most who were sucked in by the original game would agree that that' s a good thing in this case. Far too addictive. Phantasy Star Universe: The single player is pretty entertaining, with a not bad storyline. Voice acting ranges from decent to rubbish though ( I could do a better job, seriously). Haven' t tried it online yet though. F.E.A.R: Whilst it' s a lot of fun, the game is overrated. Sure gunning down foes, Hollywood style in slow-mo, with dramatic rag doll deaths and lovely smoke shrouding the scene is fantastic. But level design is far too repetitive for its own good. Online is great though!
Ninja Dog
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 17:03
SOCOM III Lost Planet. Dragon Quest VIII Gran Turismo HD GTR2 (always) Loco Roco MGS:PO Waiting for... MotorStorm God of War II Mass Effect Virtua Fighter 5
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 17:36
Please don' t hate me for the following: Star Trek Legacy...(I know, but I was a big Trek fan so I had to try it.) Tiger Woods ' 07 ...(Due to an inability to get on the local course at the moment.) Pro Evo 6.............(How I miss playing footie.) Halo 2..................(What more can be said) CoD3...................(Trying to retrain my eye for online.) TDU.....................(My best mate has just got it so it' s a good laugh again.) Table Tennis ........(Same as above.) Oblivion................(Trying to get all acheivements done.) NWN2 ..................(To keep the Missus happy.)
< Message edited by alijay034 -- 29 Jan 07 16:18:48 >
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 29, 2007 19:54
I' m playing: Zelda TP (Wii) Wii Sports Battlefield 2 (PC) Half Life 2 (PC) Rome Total War (PC) New Super Mario Brothers (DS) Battalion Wars (GC) MGS Twin Snakes (GC) Castlevania Dawn Of Sorrow (DS) And will soon be playing Medieval 2 Total War (PC)
Ninja Dog
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RE: What are you currently playing?
Jan 30, 2007 00:51
Well games right now is slow. Splinter Cell 3 Chaos theory. Age of Mythology: Titians (kinda old but nothing feels more rewarding that tossing human units 30 feet in the air with a minotaur) Plus the gods rock!
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