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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
What are some old games you still can' t beat
Jun 17, 2003 06:30
SMB 1-3 are impossible Battletoads Outrun Radracer and others
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- Joined: May 10, 2003
RE: What are some old games you still can' t beat
Jun 17, 2003 15:41
Ice Climber
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RE: What are some old games you still can' t beat
Jun 21, 2003 21:41
I picked up X-Men 2 for the Genesis not too long ago.... I bet it once a decade ago, and that' s all the times I needed to beat it.
Dear Azel
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- Joined: Jun 24, 2003
RE: What are some old games you still can' t beat
Jul 01, 2003 12:50
Gee, there' s plenty. Galaxy Force - SMS (last boss and that' s it) After Burner - SMS (22 freakin' lvls, all to be done at once!? nuts) Lord of the Sword - SMS (the 10 continues were just not enough for me) Rastan - SMS (without the infinite continues... I could only get to the 2nd to last boss then *pbbtt* dead) The Ninja - SMS (freakin' hard!) Darn, that was a tought system.... Junction - Genesis (all 50 lvls in one sitting... can' t do it. it brain fries me. can only get up to 43ish then lapse into incoherence) Shove It! - Genesis (can' t do it all in 1 sitting... beat it eventually, but not in one sitting. 160 lvls? uh-uh, no way) Where in Time is Carmen San Diego - Genesis (i almost got you! i think... 10 cases in a row, then I just couldn' t keep up. damn you password saves!) Rocket Knight Adventures - Genesis (i keep flubbing in 2nd to last level, i just suck) Aero the Acrobat - Genesis (60 HUGE levels without an adequate password feature? um-no, don' t think so. Only with cheats could i beat it.) Gain Ground - Genesis (another 60 lvls, and your characters can be lost forever!? great game but darn hard if you don' t cheat) ......... wait. I' m just wasting time. Most old Sega games would just tidily fit under this category. Great games made by this company, but darn are they consistently hard. Some are just ridiculous. They expected too much from poor children back then.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: What are some old games you still can' t beat
Jul 10, 2003 16:24
Ms. Pac-man
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- Joined: Jul 03, 2003
RE: What are some old games you still can' t beat
Jul 18, 2003 13:52
Some embarrasing ones include: Zelda OOT - Got as far as the final battle with Ganandorf and then lost interest. Keep promising myself that one day I' ll get around to finishing this game! R-Type - Bought the original arcade PCB about 18 months ago and still haven' t made it past the outrageous level 7  - Jedi reflexes and supreme memory required! I' d love to know if anyone on this board has ever got past this.