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What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
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What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 02, 2008 10:10
can you tell 3 things you are grateful for? I am most grateful for being able to enjoy my five senses. I am grateful for my good health. And I am also grateful for being able to play one of the best gaming experiences ever created and that is Shenmue and Shenmue 2. it might sound dumb to say you are grateful for playing a video game. but shenmue holds a special place in my heart. and you?
Terry Bogard
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RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 02, 2008 10:16
1- I am grateful that Shin_Ishikawa was able to play Shenmue and Shenmue II. 2- I am grateful for my five lovely kitties. I' ll have to think of a #3.
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RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 02, 2008 10:33
ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard 1- I am grateful that Shin_Ishikawa was able to play Shenmue and Shenmue II. haha that was funny... why are you grateful for me being able to play shenmue and shenmue 2?
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RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 02, 2008 10:48
1) My grandparents dying 2) My HUGE penis 3) My rugged good looks
Agent Ghost
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RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 02, 2008 11:40
1) My grandparents dying LOL 1. Mortality 2. After watching Rambo, I' m grateful I don' t live in Burma, Canada pwns. 3. Torr' s mom
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 2 Jun 08 3:43:29 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 02, 2008 13:08
1. The minorities for making me feel better about myself and even giving me the occasional chuckle 2. Agent' s sarcastic remarks(it' s really what keeps me going sometimes  ) 3. I guess breathing is pretty cool as well.
Vx Chemical
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RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 02, 2008 18:42
1) My grandparents dying how can you say that!!!!!!!!???????? Yes i inherited nothing when mine passed away. 1) My daughter 2) My Parents 3) Alcohol
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RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 02, 2008 18:48
For the moment my 3 things I' m grateful for is 1. My family 2. 30 days off so I can study 3. 30 days where my family isn' t here from 7-19
< Message edited by Kelvinellenton -- 2 Jun 08 10:49:34 >
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RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 02, 2008 22:48
1) My 3 children 2) I' m financially secure 3) My wife understands gaming
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RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 03, 2008 00:22
A chance to move up in the world. An amazing gamer girlfriend. Nitro' s rugged good looks.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 03, 2008 00:46
hmm... 1). Nitros good looks 2). Torrs mom 3). me, Nitro and torrs mom one faithful night...
Joe Redifer
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RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 03, 2008 02:42
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber 3). me, Nitro and torrs mom one faithful night... Don' t you mean " unfaithful" ??
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RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 03, 2008 03:35
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer ORIGINAL: Silentbomber 3). me, Nitro and torrs mom one faithful night... Don' t you mean " unfaithful" ?? No, he means " fateful"
Joe Redifer
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RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 03, 2008 03:37
I know but " faithful" sounded funny. Torr' s mom certainly isn' t faithful.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 03, 2008 03:42
I hope Torr doesn' t take all the comments about his poor mother to heart. I think he' s quite fragile...
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 03, 2008 04:37
It doesn' t much matter for the time being. He' s just secured a job, and has just barely escaped being kicked out of his house, so it' s going to be quite some time before he' s got a PC again. Might as well get it all out of your system.
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RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 03, 2008 05:21
Well you just got proved wrong eddie, I am back. I really could care less as the mom jokes are kinda old, but those were kinda funny.
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RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 03, 2008 05:31
Haha! Your timing is fantastic dude. ...You don' t have web back permanent-like do you?
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 03, 2008 05:37
As a matter of fact I do, big d came over and hooked it up yesterday. So that means I' m taking my mic back when I see you this weekend.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: What are 3 things that you are grateful for?
Jun 03, 2008 06:44
barely escaped being kicked out of his house come on now lets be realistic.. it would take much more than simple kick... I kid I kid, I love you torr buddy dont ever change.
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