What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented?

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Jan 04, 2005 12:56
Ok, I recently watched a pile of movies, some are so crappy and embarassing that I cannot even mention them here. Of the ones I can mention I will say the following. K-19 the Widowmaker was quite good. I' m a sucker for submarine movies, but this one is different because it' s not the typical sub vs. sub movie. Harry Potter and the Prizoner of Azkabaam I think is now my favorite of the trilogy. The filming technique is just great. Somethings gotta give was not my pick, but alas I was forced to watch it anyways. The movies not that great, and nothing really sticks out except that you see a completely naked 50 something dianne keaton. Now weather that' s good or bad, you decide. On New Years I watched Saved (starring everyones favorite Home alone child star turned drug addict Mr. Culkin!), and didn' t like it. WE also watched a movie called The Ranch which was picked soley on the level of gratuitous nude shot' s promised by the back of the box. Surprisingly it wasn' t that bad. finally I watched Return of the King EE, and man, was that worth it. The extra footage in this movie way more than the previous 2 really makes an already excellent movie that much better. The mouth of Sauron scene whould never EVER have been cut from the original, it' s so cool.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Jan 16, 2005 09:47
Napoleon Dynamite -- (sleeper movie) -- not many people know of this movie, but it is worth checking out. Keep in mind that it' s like watching someone' s home movie -- don' t expect fast paced action. I loved it!

Thunderbirds -- well, what can I say -- the kids thought it was cool.

The Big Lebowski -- great movie (be warned ***language***).

Invader Zim (disc 1 of 6 - Season 1) -- hilarious! Anyone who loves cartoons as much as my family does must get this collection. Zim is an alien who has come to Earth with the intention of evading and wiping out the humans. Must see!!

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Jan 16, 2005 11:39
I rented Baby Geniuses 2 for my three kids...

It' s Ok, but not as good as the first one...
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Jan 16, 2005 11:46
On Napolean Dynamite: I just bought a Napolean Dynamite shirt. It' s got the " liger" on it saying, " 1. Bred for magic. 2. Pretty much my favorite animal." .

I got a chance to watch House of the Flying Daggers at the theatre two days ago. It' s a pretty damn good movie, and is a lot better than Hero IMO. The story just seems to flow at a better pace and it doesn' t do a lot of backtracking like Hero.
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Mass X
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Jan 16, 2005 11:49
Ahg I wish Nickolodean didnt cancel Invader Zim...they thought it was pushing the limits to much...hell I dunno why that surprises them have you looked at J. Vasquez' s comics?! So ya I have all 3 volumes of Zim and love them. Like family guy it got better and better with every episode.

I recently got the ltimate Edition of Leon the Professional and The Fifth Element newest edition. Both good as many of you should know.

And I picked up a dman good anime series called Samurai Champloon - Hilarios yet full of great action and awsome top notch animation.

Anyone who wants to see the next Jackie Chan look for the Tai movie OngBak, the actor in there is amazing, it' ll be out in the US later this year. And later on when Drunken Master 3(well maybe 4 depending if you count that non Jackie Chan DM) comes out he' ll star in there along with Jackie Chan. And speaking of Jackie Chan go see his newest Hong Kong flick The New Police Story, unlike his recent american ventures this one brings back the old school Jackie Chan doing his own stunts and also showing his dramatic side.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 1/16/2005 12:08:59 PM >

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Jan 17, 2005 14:21
Ok, going to rent Troy tonight. Do I deserve a kick in the head, or is this a good idea?

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Jan 17, 2005 14:36
I enjoyed it quite a bit actually. It' s slow in some parts (every scene with Orlando Bloom), but the fights and the dialogue (particularly Brad Pitt' s Achilles dialogue) are worth watching.
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Jan 17, 2005 21:48
Striptease. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Jan 20, 2005 06:23
ok, after watching Troy I' ll say it was not bad. It starts out on a real high with a kick ass fight with Achilles and some random giant of a warrior that has a great level of coolness. Problem is the movie never reaches this level of ' spectacle' again. There are a couple of fantastic fight scenes in it, such as achillies with his shield on his abck fighting, and the fight between hector and achillies, but overall just an average movie. It tries to be Gladiator very much from the music to the setting, but does not achieve. One other thing. I actually like Brad Pitt as an actor, but geeze, he' s pretty awful in this movie.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 01, 2005 16:15
i just finished watching Troy not to long ago, i loved the movie. it was the best movie i saw sinc AVP yeah!
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Mass X
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 01, 2005 18:07
I just bought the Karate Kid 4 pack set and The Grudge and the new Sealab 2021 dvd set joooooy!!!
< Message edited by Mass X -- 2 Feb 05 2:08:20 >

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 02, 2005 06:18
The karate kid!! I envy you MassX. My favorite part of that movie (part 1 that is) is when he steals his sensei' s car with his girlfriend, and when she questions him about not having his license he says " hey relax, it' s the 80' s!" Ahhhhh, nothing like a dated quote to make you laugh.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 02, 2005 06:53
i want to get the karate kid set, i also want to get mcgyver season 1....which i think would be pretty cool....

....as for movies i saw recently, just one, and that' s in good company which i actually liked quite a bit. my girlfriend hated the ending, but i liked it because.....well, i guess i' ll wait before i ruin the ending.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 03, 2005 12:33
Let' s see...

Just saw:

Baby Geniuses (the first one)
The Jungle Book (with the actual kid in it)
Top Gun

Am about to see/rent:

A River Runs Through It
Lethal Weapon
Beverly Hills Cop

Been talking about seeing/renting:

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 03, 2005 12:33
We' ve been continuing to watch the Invader Zim season 1 discs (currently Progressive Stupidity) -- I cannot say enough about this cartoon - hilarious, original, gross and more hilarious!!

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 03, 2005 15:38
Recently watched Saved - i enjoyed it a lot. It was interesting to watch.

I also say Clerks for the first time, that was enjoyable

Mass X
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 03, 2005 16:00
The Clerks with the origional (depressing) ending?

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 04, 2005 16:28
hide and seek,blade 3, and AVP

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 10, 2005 10:28
Just bought:

Rocky and Bullwinkle: The Movie
Elmo in Grouchland
Muppet Movie (one of them)

These are mostly kiddie movies, but Godzilla is one of my all-time favorites!

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 11, 2005 19:16
just bought Almost: Round Three. if you are a skateboarding fan, you gotta watch this. it' s not a movie, but a skate video....but a damn good one at that too. chris hasslam is amazing, and ryan sheckler just slays for how young he is.....and then of course there' s the great rodney mullen....oh me oh my.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 12, 2005 16:53
Just saw The Grudge. What a waste of time

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 12, 2005 17:44
I saw Boogeyman last night. I' d have to recommend everyone to stay as far away as possible. It has plenty of jump out of your seat scares, but it lacks in everything else. The only kind of cool thing was how the last scene took place. Other than that, I can' t say there was much else to like abou the movie.
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 12, 2005 18:45

Just saw The Grudge. What a waste of time

I saw snippets of that movie the other day as it was the only " horror" film released last year that I was interested in. The parts I saw looked pretty UNinteresting, seemed like a movie that ' attempted' to screw with ones' head a little. Was the whole movie that dry??

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 12, 2005 20:20
yes. There was nothing in the way of suprises, there were no twists, no mind games. Nothing of this movie stuck with me when it was over ( usually i relive/dream about " horror movies" for weeks after they are done, even bad ones) I might as well have not watched it.

I think it tried to play with the viewers mind, but everything was so blatantly obvious and overtly drawn out there was nothing.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 13, 2005 16:14
I had heard this movie was terd(the grudge that is). I even warned some people I know not to watch it. I watched the Bourne Supremacy. I' d seen it in the theatre, but it' s still great at home. I didn' t quite like it as much as the first, but it' s still quite good.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 13, 2005 20:40
Watched Garden State tonight. What a good movie

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 14, 2005 00:03
watched saw. don' t see saw....

....it' s actually a good story thrown in with really bad acting and shit.

Mass X
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 14, 2005 05:37
I SAY SEE THE MOVIE SAW. Like Evil Dead, El Mariachi and Clerks (sort of since this movie wasnt placed in an outragous setting all they had to do is mostly act natural neways) these movies may not have the greatest acting ever, but they are independent films which hold some type of appeal to them that you wont find in many big budget Hollywood flicks. Give the movie a go, good chance you' ll enjoy it.

I should sleep somday its now 7 am last time i posted i think it was 4 am...

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 14, 2005 09:42
Saw is actually one Movie I' ve been wanting to see.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 14, 2005 12:10
i guess i shouldn' t say don' t see it, just be prepared for some really bad acting.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 14, 2005 14:02
We rented the following:

Alien vs Predator -- it' s okay, nothing special

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow -- hmmmm, it was interesting

Collateral - not bad, but I' m sick of Tom Cruise -- Jamie Fox was the best thing about this movie

Invader Zim: Disc 5: Horrible - Excellent!!!!!! Just keeps getting better.

Purchased the following:

Shark Tail - funny, funny, funny (good voice acting)

Two Brothers - tear jerker (especially for my girls)

Tom and Jerry' s Blast Off to Mars - kids thought it was hilarious

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 14, 2005 17:10
I' ve heard mixed reactions to saw.. I don' t know I might be convinced to watch that one..

I did also watch the Grudge recently.. the noises were kinda creepy but over all it sucked. ' mess with your mind' horror, I think not! Signs, the Ring, and Blair Witch Project are much better for that.. among others of course. There were a lot of things in the Grudge that just didn' t make sense.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 15, 2005 08:51
My recent re-/acquisitions include (mostly for my kids):

Scooby Doo 2
Shrek 2
Princess Diaries 2
Spiderman 2
Dumb and Dumberer
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 15, 2005 17:59
Saw Ocean' s 12 tonight. It wasn' t very good. Storyline made no real sense, there were far too many minor plot twists and I got the feeling the movie was somwhat up it' s own arse. A huge dissapointment.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 16, 2005 06:35
Ok, I watched 2 movies last night. First one was harold and kumar go to white castle. Despite my own reservations about this, many people had told me that it' s quite good. Now the only decision I can come to is that my friends are idiots. There are some funny parts, especially the 2 scenes with Doogy Howser in them, but I mean come on, this is a movie that is just a collection of moments that could make up maybe a good 60 second commercial. Enough of that one, on to the next.

The next one we watched was Wimbledon. I absolutely loved this movie. I like pretty much anything with Paul Bettany, but hate anything with Kursten Dunst so I wasn' t sure going in. Paul wins. and Kursten isn' t nearly as annoying as I thought she' d be. The cinematography is awsome for this movie!!! I gotta say it was easily one of my favorite movies of the past 4 months.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 16, 2005 19:31
I just saw Wimbeldon as well, I loved it! What a great movie. The Rocky of tennis! And I love Rocky. Two thumbs way up.

Mxpx, Harold and Kumar was horrible! I had heard so many people say such good things about it, but I couldn' t even watch the whole thing. Though Doogie Hauser did rock.

Mass X
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 16, 2005 19:37
The White Castle wasnt really that great..maybe good for a quick laugh or too but when it comes to stoner flicks, Half-Baked and Super Troopers are my favorites.

BTW I just picked up the new Special Edition of Half-Baked, Saw, and a few foreign flicks.All good in there own right, not 10/10 but good stuff.

I also picked up Donnie Darko:directors cut for my Bro and The Notebook for Chickapoo...who insists I watch it but for som reason I' m just not interested. I have nothign against romance flicks but that ne just doesnt catch me.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 17 Feb 05 3:40:43 >

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 17, 2005 06:31
Mass X, I just watched the notebook with my wife on valentines day. We watched half of it anyways, we ummm got distracted. Ok, I fell asleep. Anyways, it was actually pretty good what I saw, and I do look forward to seeing the rest of it.

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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 17, 2005 07:42
Picked up the following DVD' s:

Scooby Doo (the first one)
Flight of the Navigator - this is one of my favorite Disney movies...
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RE: What Movies Have You Recently Seen Or Rented? - Feb 18, 2005 06:51
Man I loved flight of the navigator!!! You can get it on DVD??? I remember always being amazed when the ship changed from C form to B form. For some reason I always wanted to see what the B ship looked like.
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