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Weaponry in games..
Feb 08, 2006 01:45
Guns, knives, shoulder mounted RPGs, funky vibrating swords... ...games have them all. Ofcourse, not all games are about poking people with big sticks and hitting them in the head with spades, ...but weaponry and games have gone hand in hand since the very beginning (virtually). Since not everyone will have played the games that contain the weapons you choose, try your best to post a picture of it. If it' s a weapon that exists in real life, try and post pictures of the ingame model and the acual thing that it' s based on (if possible). Tons of you will have played Half Life 2, so i' ll start with the Heckler & Koch MP7. It went into real life production in 2001 and is classified as a PDW (personal defence weapon). It' s expected to replace the MP5/K used by special forces accross the world. The Half Life 2 version.. The real thing..
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RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 08, 2006 09:29
......f*ck sh*t up!.... now that' s what i call O R D I N A N C E dude... ..think i might bother with HL2 after-all, if it' d got one of those babies in it.. i totally LOVE armament man!.. ...Death, Power, Sex and Violence... ..all rolled in to one SMG package.. ...YEAH!!.. ...My current favourite is Resi 4' s Styer TMP.... w/Stock ..when i first got to grips with it, i mistakenly focused on headshots, thinking this would produce the best results like the handguns & Shotguns.... ...it was only during the castle stages that i realised that it is best to target the chest area of enemies, as controlled headshots only cause your foes to stagger back, making it' s use similar to the handguns and therefore worthless... ....when you let off some " duud-duud-duud-duud-duud-duud" into foe' s torsos, they do the ' straight-backed shimmy' until complete elimination.... ...visually they kinda ruined it, because they stuck a laser sight underneath the front of the barrel and removed it' s trademark ' flick' ... ..in reality, it looks like this: w/ Silencer & Laser Sight ...first saw STMP in a ' Gun' s & Girls' calendar in 2000 and have been drooling over it' s luscious curves ever since..... ...i had thought it to be the sexiest SMG until i clapped eyes on that H&K MP7.... now i' m not so sure... ..that' s a newish model right?..
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RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 08, 2006 10:45
I was hoping someone would post the TMP, and from RE4 too. It' s been in a fair few games now, most recently PDZ (but it kinda sucked). The Styer TMP is a nice gun! It' s little brother the SPP, pictured here along side it is the civilian model. TMP is for military use only... The TMP is actually making quite a name for itself in CT:S, for those that play it. Lots of headshots. The MP7, again, featured in Half Life 2, ...has only recently entered service will select special forces around the world. It' s actually fairly widely used by private security companies in places like Iraq. It went into production in 2001. This guy looks mean! Oh, and look what he has.. In Half Life 2 it has an underslung grenade launcher...
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RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 08, 2006 19:21
My favourite weapon is the P90 simply because of its cool design (which some people hate). I won' t bother showing pictures or mentioning games where it' s found though. But it is said top be very effective in close encounters.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 08, 2006 19:58
Another nice weapon that' s found in tons of games! I can' t believe you' re so lazy! FN P90 It' s size is often portrayed wrongly in games. It usually seems like a fairly big weapon, but as you can see here, it' s actually really small>>> It' s actually made more appearences than most PDW' s in games. It' s appeared in various forms in games like; Perfect Dark/Zero, Timesplitters 2, Goldeneye, The Rainbow Six games, Metal Gear Solid 2, Perfect Dark Zero etc... Massive rate of fire!
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RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 08, 2006 22:57
Lazy is my middle name.
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RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 08, 2006 23:14
...yeah i love the P90 too, although you should of mentioned it in connection with a specific game..... as this thread isn' t exclusively about pure gun porn..... ..the last time i used it a game was in a demo for R6 Black Arrow i think.... ..like most PC style FPS games, the design and attention to detail felt lacking.... ....i wanna get a Bono when i use simulated ordinance, you know?..... ..what' s the best game when it comes to pure excellence in simulated real-world armament anyway?...
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RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 08, 2006 23:29
...hey! the P90 was not in MGS2....
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 09, 2006 00:36
Ha, not for use by the player it wasn' t! The Tengu soldiers onboard Arsenal Gear, and Solidus Snake used the FN-P90 [image]http://tk.files.storage.msn.com/x1pc_jqddVOWRlQSrzwUdAVdgf7FXzOGAe4aQEv3jhFzPrY69hv8Jj17rF7y5-VdGL3B71rhjxv-hzx7tMDdtnPL4eKqDVnCCsKtQazLcT4ZG20eRrtXHZQF2PeSA0Dv9WqvNn-jcJwYtc[/image] The Arsenal Tengu' s were the highly advanced ' Super Soldiers' that were employed by Gurlukovich' s Private Army during the recent time of the Big Shell conflict in the past years. Unlike the Genetically Enhanced ' Super Soldiers' of Next Generation, these were soldiers that were, more or less, modified by certain high technical equipment that they had carried and were trained in various forms of the Fighting Arts, Instead of basic russian-style military training. Damn i' m good! LOL! OK, next weapon...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 8 Feb 06 16:44:03 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 09, 2006 01:29
Now its not really a real weapon but one has got to love the BFG, its been a great weapon in all doom and quake outings. here is a pick from the most reasent one. [image]http://doom3.gameamp.com/modules/weapon/weapon_images/68_action.[/image]
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RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 09, 2006 01:57
Nah, the BFG is way overrated. In the first 2 Doom games it was cool, but it' s been in Quake 2, 3 Arena, Doom 3 and Quake 4, it' s overused to say that it' s pretty much the same weapon. The Quake 3 version was cool though, extremely powerful and yet fast firing like the plasma gun... Now, tonfa' s are cool... ...and they come in some cool varieties... ...and used in games like Vice City... ...and by characters like Talim from the last 2 Soul Calibur games...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 8 Feb 06 17:57:53 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 09, 2006 02:44
Okay if not the BFG, then the Super shotgun in Q2, absolut coolest shotgun in any game ever.
< Message edited by vx chemical -- 8 Feb 06 18:45:58 >
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RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 09, 2006 02:53
The Tengu soldiers onboard Arsenal Gear, and Solidus Snake used the FN-P90 ...i' m not sure if you should count a weapon which is not available to the user.. ...like your shotgun picture VX.. ...very cool... ...Hey Majick... who did the artwork for your Talim pic?.. ...i like his style... it' s not done by the official artist is it?...
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RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 09, 2006 04:56
Desert Eagle ...one gun that makes everyone listen...the only thing better - 2 desert eagles :)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 09, 2006 05:09
I dunno, it could be... Ok, ...the Jackhammer from Far Cry... ...and the real thing...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 8 Feb 06 21:17:38 >
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RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 09, 2006 05:14
Desert Eagle ...one gun that makes everyone listen...the only thing better - 2 desert eagles :) ..which game was that then?....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 8 Feb 06 21:15:27 >
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RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 09, 2006 05:19
CS:S for one...
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- Joined: Apr 25, 2005
RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 09, 2006 07:09
The coolest arsenal that I' ve seen is when any character usually wields a Katana or sword with some sort of dual guns. Such as DMC Dante, that can be addicting. However, I always wanted a game to have Sephiroth' s Katana to use. I mean c-mon now, you can' t tell me that you don' t want to wield a 7 foot plus sword!?! How about SC Nightmare' s sword as well. I have always found that pulling out a sword whenever you run out of ammo is a great benefit. On another note, for CS: Source, the best guns that I' ve ever had was Face Off Castor Troy' s golden duals.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 09, 2006 07:43
ah yes, the desert eagle, the handgun that can take down small aircraft. there are a few problems with it' s real life counterpart. the recoil. man is it ever a monster, and the trigger pull straight out of the factory, in my opinion, is way too heavy to be handled effectively unless used by either a skilled sidearms marksman, or any game character, because they' ve all had training with every gun available to them. Secondly, perfect in any game i' ve ever played, but amazingly heavy in real life, almost 25 pounds unloaded, (correct me if i' m wrong people) is the m60 belt-fed machine gun. in real life , i like the lightweight, and more efficient variant the M60E4 but in any games i' ve played, the closest i can get is the m60, (call of duty, medal of honor... etc.) It' s got such a gratifying sound when fired, and the effects are amazing. I' ve seen demo footage of a ceramic toilette just become no more when fired apon. the link for the video is down and i can' t find it anywhere else or i' d post the link but...  glee, the splodeyness.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 8 Feb 06 23:45:40 >
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RE: Weaponry in games..
Feb 09, 2006 07:53
Actually, ' Katana' is simply the all-in Japanese word for ' sword' . -A blade shorter than 1 shaku (30 cm) is considered a tanto (knife). -A blade longer than 1 shaku but less than 2 (30–61 cm) is considered a shoto (short sword) and included the wakizashi and kodachi. -A blade longer than 2 shaku (61 cm) is considered a daito, or long sword. This is the category ' katana' fall into. -Abnormally long blades (longer than 3 shaku or 90cm), usually carried across the back, are called Ådachi or nodachi. So, Sephiroth' s sword would be classed as an Ådachi or nodachi. Not that anyone could wield a sword as big as his anyway!
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