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Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
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Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 21, 2006 05:05
IGN Clever Sony. They turned it into another selling point for their next-gen console.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 21, 2006 05:07
Hurrah! now ps1 games can be played on psp and ps3.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 21, 2006 05:13
yay, now i can play the games i hated 10 years ago on a console 2 times the price.
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RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 21, 2006 05:22
ay, now i can play the games i hated 10 years ago on a console 2 times the price. Why would you play games you hate?
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RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 21, 2006 05:42
As long as there is a huge selection i' m sold. What they aren' t doing is making any games that featured licenced tracks/vehicles/voices/likenesses etc where the licence has now run out, available.
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RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 21, 2006 09:43
Yay! Now I can play my Playstation games on my PS3-hey, waitaminute? One more example of how they' re making you buy stuff you don' t need. What if you just want to play PSP & PS1 games? What do you do then? Buy a 500 dollar data transfer center/microwave oven?
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RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 21, 2006 09:50
yeah i hear ya! lets all buy every machine with the sony logo on it
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 21, 2006 09:56
No 464cpc, I wasn' t joking, I need a new microwave/data transfer center, the dog got to my old one.
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- Joined: May 20, 2006
RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 21, 2006 09:59
lol why you dont buy the sony dog (robot i ??)i dont remember it....... the super obey dog that simple........... DOES NOTHING
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 22, 2006 07:31
lol why you dont buy the sony dog (robot i ??)i dont remember it....... the super obey dog that simple........... DOES NOTHING
No, how many times can I say this. I actually need a new microwave/data transfer center. It wasn' t a joke.
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 22, 2006 14:25
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on IGN Clever Sony. They turned it into another selling point for their next-gen console. Majik u dont need a PS3 to download the PS titles, u are gonna be able to download games to your PC, AND/OR PS3 and then import them via USB or wi-fi to the PSP or download them directly to your PSP whit a future firmware upgrade, it just wouldnt make sence to srink ur market,everybody whit a PSP its gonna be able to download any PSX game, its anybody exited about the 5 dlls price tag of the games??? i am, im gonna download so many of them. on the other hand the only way u can download PS2 games its through PS3, and no game its gonna be over 15 dlls, i love sony, i just love them BTW if u need a link try the update on the very same u posted.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 22 Oct 06 6:26:41 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 22, 2006 23:36
There are only 4 PSOne games I' ll care to download, they' ll all probably fit quite easily on a 2 GB memory stick :D - Klonoa - Thunder Force V - Einhander - Metal Gear Solid
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RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 22, 2006 23:59
Klonoa? the weird cat platformer game?
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RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 23, 2006 00:32
I want Pandemonium!
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RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 23, 2006 00:35
Castlevania SOTN please.
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RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 23, 2006 01:59
anybody interested in syphon filter, Castlevania SotN, Oddworlds Abe Exodus, Warhawk, MediEvil, WhipeOut (for the soundtrack) Xenogears, Disgaea, Vagrant Story etc???. the fact that they are gonna let u play and store the game in the PS3 sold me the 60 GB pack
< Message edited by fernandino -- 22 Oct 06 18:01:37 >
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RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 24, 2006 03:56
If you guys have visited www.yourpsp.com lately you should know that there has been a " PSP Store" for quite a while now. They even list prices for the content you can download (right now everything is free though). It' s quite obvious PSP Store will be used to sell PS1 games and possibly movies and such in the future. Does anyone here except me actually use the PSP?
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 24, 2006 05:14
ORIGINAL: ginjirou If you guys have visited www.yourpsp.com lately you should know that there has been a " PSP Store" for quite a while now. They even list prices for the content you can download (right now everything is free though). It' s quite obvious PSP Store will be used to sell PS1 games and possibly movies and such in the future. Does anyone here except me actually use the PSP? i do, hey have u played the killzone liberation demo??? its just awesome
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2006
RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 25, 2006 01:18
The article was updated: Update -- 10/20/2006: Speaking to SCE Marketing Vice President Peter Dille, GameDaily BIZ was able to confirm that a " PSP downloads site" was up and running to distribute PSP games without the use of PS3, although this stops short of confirming that the full PlayStation Store will be on PSP as soon as the next PSP update releases. Even if it was only through PS3 i would be glad to buy one just for that! Assuming that the games i want are coming. :p
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Want your PSone games for your PSP? You have to own a PS3 to make it possible
Oct 25, 2006 01:43
Does anyone here except me actually use the PSP? *raises both hands up high*  I' ve been kept pretty busy with great PSP offerings like Every Extend Extra, Ridge Racers 2, and Tenchi No Mon 2.. And there' s even more hotness on the way.. Let me repeat: I absolutely LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE my PSP
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