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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: WTF !!!!!
Jun 27, 2008 05:40
You can' t really give a developer shit because of a shitty E3 showing - 18 months+ years before the game is released. It was a mistake they they have paid for, but i doubt it was actually their decision. I' d be very surprised if they weren' t subject to a good amount of publisher pressure. They could have refused i guess, but a pre-alpha build that had a really sketchy framerate and no real AI in place is hardly less embarrassing than when Halo 2 crashed mid-demonstration a few years ago. Hell, Ninja Gaiden II, one of the biggest releases of the year from one of the most highly regarded codehouses in the business - has probably got the worst framerate issues i' ve ever seen in a console game, ...and i guarantee you' ll know what i mean if you' ve played the staircase sequence. I' ll tell you right now, ...there' s zero chance that Too Human will be released that unoptimized, lame gameplay or not. I have a lot of problems with Too Human, but i' ve stated my reasons time and again. I know how much work goes into creating videogames and how stressful it is for the people involved, but i' ve never just bashed it without reason. If the posts on GAF had been like mine, Dyack wouldn' t have been bothered, ...but when you get thread after thread full of mindless goons posting from their jobs in callcentres around the world calling the game every name under the sun without any supporting argument... over two years... it' s understandable that he' d want to address it. He just did it the wrong way and he' s ended up coming off much worse than the people he was calling out. Also, ...the guy could be dyslexic. Granted, he could have run it through a spell check or had somebody else proof read it, but he obviously didn' t and it doesn' t make him stupid. I' m dyslexic, dypraxic and suffer from focal retrograde amnesia, but i' m still a member of Mensa
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: WTF !!!!!
Jun 27, 2008 05:55
I still think this game could be this years Crackdown. Before it was released, everyone said Crackdown was going to be terrible, but it turned out decent(plus the Halo 3 beta helped). Bare in mind that I haven' t watched hardly any videos on this game except the co-op vid(which I thought looked pretty fun). Maybe they should just put a Gears 2 online beta in this game and call it a day?
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: WTF !!!!!
Jun 27, 2008 06:41
Also, ...the guy could be dyslexic. I suppose. Seems much worse than yours!  Ok, I' ll stop slating the guy for his grammar, initially I just didn' t believe it was actually him.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: WTF !!!!!
Jun 27, 2008 07:04
I wasn' t trying to give Dyack or Too Human " shit" for a poor E3 showing, I was just trying to point out the reasons why some people are just not convinced of this game yet. As I stated before, I am going to pick this up on day one and I really do hope that it turns out as good as I hope it will. I myself am not the best speaker or writer (years of smoking dope will do that to you), so I guess I shouldn' t have slated him for his grammer. I think mastachefbkw might be bang on with the Crackdown analogy, although I would think that Dyack would want Too Human to do better. On a side note, I finally got to see what you were talking about Nitro in NGII concerning the framerate. It isn' t the worst in a console game though. You have to play Viking Battle of Asgard to find the worst slowdown on a console game to date.
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