Yes, the review is finally here and I know no one here cares but f*** you!
Sadly I don' t know when the phone will actually be released as the bastards at Sony Ericsson like to " surprise" the stores and notify them just a couple of days before it' s time to sell it.
While it isn' t the best phone ever the fact that it' s a Walkman combined Smartphone with 8GB HDD makes me satisfied.
It' s too bad the screen isn' t as sharp as most other SE phones and that the video recording is stone age as usuall (damn you SE, learn your damn lesson!) but it' s still a very good phone.
As a music phone it beats the Nokia N95 and the iPhone, but as a smartphone the N95 is still better, not to mention the hardcore business smartphones out there.
If it' s better than the N95 or the iPhone overall is difficult to say because it' s very much up to personal preference. But my preference is right now the w960 simply because I can' t stand the design Nokia has on their phones and the iPhone doesn' t have enough features nor does it have any good purchasing deals.
So if you' re getting a new phone any time soon, get the
Sony Ericsson W960 or the
Nokia N95 8GB W960i Official Website
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 9 Oct 07 18:57:36 >