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Virtual Console launch list!
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Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 00:11
Source: Play Nintendo We have word from a trustworthy source that at least 26 classic titles are headed to Virtual Console for launch. Take note that this is not a final set; more could easily be added at any time, per the publisher' s decision and formal announcements. Below is the most recent list that our source has laid eyes on, listed in alphabetical order: 1. Bonk' s Adventure 2. Castlevania 3. Duck Hunt 4. Excitebike 5. F-Zero 6. Kid Icarus 7. Legend of Zelda, The 8. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 9. Mario Kart 64 10. Metroid 11. Mortal Kombat 12. New Adventure Island 13. Ninja Gaiden 14. OutRun 15. Pac-Man 16. Prince of Persia 17. Punch-Out!! 18. R-Type 19. Rayman 2 20. Sonic the Hedgehog 21. Star Fox 22. Super Mario 64 23. Super Mario Bros 24. Super Mario Kart 25. Super Mario World 26. Tecmo Bowl Additionally, there are at least five brand new, never seen titles in the works for launch on VC as well. Our source was not able to comment of specifics of these games, only that they are currently being developed. Quite a few quality titles so far, then. I am particularly interested in Bonk' s Adventure, Castlevania, Duck Hunt, Kid Icarus, Metroid, Ninja Gaiden, Outrun and Prince of Persia as I have never played much of any of them. Although, seeing how my SNES is over in America, I might also download Starfox and Super Mario Kart. Here' s hoping that Nintendo confirms all this. I believe it is safe to say that I will become bankrupt in a about a year.
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RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 01:02
Coolness. But why aren' t the Goemon titles on there? Yeah, I know why... but why?
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 10 Sep 06 17:02:34 >
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RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 01:04
Rumoured VC launch list. I expect more.
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- Joined: Jul 08, 2006
RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 04:38
I expect more Who isn' t expecting more??
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 06:07
the most and most important thing is the price of those games, i hope it' s not more than 2 dollars ...
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- Joined: Jul 08, 2006
RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 06:18
It will depend on the game. For example if you want Super Mario 64 it will cost 10$ when super Mario World will cost 5$ and Super Mario Bros (1,2,3) 2$. It all comes to where the games were released (for N64, Snes etc....)
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RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 06:22
anybody who would pay 5$ for super mario world 5$ is either he dorsn' t care for money at all or just plain stupid... there is emulation out there that will make almost of not the same experience and they are free.... those games were sold before and they are virtual, the cost should not exceed 2$ . period.
Evil Man
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RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 06:39
Theyre gonna cost $5-10 a pop buddy. Emulation is free because you' re stealing the games pal.
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RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 06:50
Exactly my point. Also take into account the games being sold at XBL (eg pacman). How much does it cost?? 400MS points which is about 5$ if i remember right. So i have serious doupts that the VC games will cost 2$. 2-10$ is what i expect. Hope that they are cheaper!!
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RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 06:55
you knnow a n64 game miight be acceptable but snes game, released 15 years ago come on... well if they don' t like it. I and million others will tell them " fuck you nintendo" ... i' m stealing the game because nintendo don' t come to my country and sell it that' s it buddy...
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RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 07:04
We both agree on the N64 part. Taking under consideration the fact that Nes and Snes are way too old (never in my heart  ) 2-4$ sounds reasonable to me.Still the final decision will be taken by Nintendo and if they screw up their pricing I will be by your side shouting (with the rest of the angry people) " FUCK YOU NINTENDO" . Until then we can only wait and make assumptions about the pricing (my english are way too rusty   )
< Message edited by OneWingedAngel -- 10 Sep 06 23:04:31 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 07:20
I wouldnt mind paying 5-10$ for a game, but only select games i guess! But im not much into classic games really! And i havent had a nintendo before my GC, so there isnt much nostalgia for me
Evil Man
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RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 11:06
Why do you like to use exlamation points so much, it makes you look like a pussy. !
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 11 Sep 06 3:08:10 >
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RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 11:39
Evil man and 511 posts, what the fuck you said anyway to make that number , comments like the above?
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 16:47
Why do you like to use exlamation points so much, it makes you look like a pussy. ! Please let people know who your talking to ! I think it might be me !? since i really like to make exlamation !, if i had my way ! Exclamation points would be half the symbols in everything i wrote ! but it wouldnt make much sense now would it !? !
< Message edited by VX Chemical -- 11 Sep 06 8:48:23 >
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RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 18:32
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Why do you like to use exlamation points so much, it makes you look like a pussy. ! Please let people know who your talking to! I think it might be me!? since i really like to make exlamation!, if i had my way! Exclamation points would be half the symbols in everything i wrote! but it wouldnt make much sense now would it!? ! Coolest post ever !
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 11, 2006 20:52
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Why do you like to use exlamation points so much, it makes you look like a pussy. ! Please let people know who your talking to! I think it might be me!? since i really like to make exlamation!, if i had my way! Exclamation points would be half the symbols in everything i wrote! but it wouldnt make much sense now would it!? ! Genius !
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 11 Sep 06 12:53:06 >
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 12, 2006 01:45
Theyre gonna cost $5-10 a pop buddy. Emulation is free because you' re stealing the games pal. I thought you didn' t even know what Virtual Console was...
Evil Man
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- Location: Middle of nowhere
RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 12, 2006 11:43
You thought wrong.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Virtual Console launch list!
Sep 12, 2006 16:33
Thats funny, since im the one with most! in my text! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !
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