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VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 05:53
Take a close look at newest 720p screens from IGN: It' s obvious that in 720p this won' t be a big issue , but it will be much more visible in motion.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 06:05
Some of the dimentions look off and some bit look flat but someone was saying to me it looks waaaay better in motion.
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RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 06:06
Those jaggies remind me of the first 3D PS1 games.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 06:43
What do the realtime self-shadowing and hair and cloth dynamics remind you of?
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RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 07:14
At a special press conference in Tokyo today, Sega let attendees play Virtua Fighter 5 on the PS3 for the very first time. I' ll sum it up in two words: arcade perfect. While no VF freak like Milky or Shane, I wouldn' t be able to comment on every intricacy (missing or present) in the version I played, but for all intents and purposes, this looks and plays just like the arcade game. The game is looking surprisingly polished -- all the characters and stages seemed to be present and everything looks spectacular. The only complaint at this point was the loading time -- it was about 10 seconds from character select screen to the beginning of the match. It didn' t feel too long, but here' s hoping this will be improved as the game gets optimized. As for how much longer Sega plans to spend on polishing the game, that remains to be seen -- the company hasn' t committed to a proper release date. However, based on our digging, it' s sounding like a January or February release to be likely. ...were there jaggies on the Arcade version?....
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RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 07:15
Even the gorgeous DoA4 has some (extremely) slight jaggies. But in motion and at 60fps no less, you won' t notice them at all.
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 18 Sep 06 23:23:57 >
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RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 07:21
Arcade version...
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RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 07:25
DOA4 has no Jaggies on my TV.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 07:34
Hmm this reminds me, Nvidia GPUs cannot do HDR with Anti Aliasing enabled. I wonder if this was fixed with RSX. If not it would give the 360 gpu another edge over the ps3 gpu.
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RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 07:41
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Hmm this reminds me, Nvidia GPUs cannot do HDR with Anti Aliasing enabled. I wonder if this was fixed with RSX. If not it would give the 360 gpu another edge over the ps3 gpu. Yeah, but Xenos struggles to do HDR + FSAA + VSYNC. It does HDR and FSAA just fine and that can be seen in most 360 games already, but turn on VSYNC and you get framerate drops. It' ll be worked out and some games have had the VSYNC problems fixed through patches. Saints Row suffers terribly with VSNYC turned off, the tearing is really noticable, but it' s either been patched already or there' s one on the way.
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 07:43
But Majik,when i play pc games,i get like 10-20 framerate drop when i put V-sync on,it fucking sux,sure i don' t get any big slowdowns,but instead i lose a lot of precious Framerate speed most of the time. V-Sync sucks,but ofc you guys probably want it for fixing the " tearing" ,but i don' t have any game that shown it yet for me.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 07:52
I want HDR + FSAA + VSYNC which 360 can do, it just takes some effort on the part of the developer. On a slightly different topic; up until tonight i' ve been setting my 360 to 480p to play original Xbox games and was happy with the way they looked because they can' t look better right?! Wrong! I accidently left the machine set to 720p when i went to play Ninja Gaiden Black earlier and realised what i' d done when the image was vertically stretched. I was going to go back to the dashboard and set it to 480p but decided to just manually correct the image and leave it set to 720p instead... ...and what a fucking difference it makes. I seriously can' t believe how fucking amazing it looks. It absolutely kills the majority of 360 games out. No aliasing, awesome texturesand water effects. It just looks so fucking sharp. Other people obviously already know that and have been playing it like that, but i' d always figured that 480p was best that' s what the game supports. Does anybody know WHY it looks better when i have my console set to 720p because the game doesn' t support it andso it shouldn' t make any difference should it?!
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RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 08:00
...and what a fucking difference it makes. I seriously can' t believe how fucking amazing it looks. It absolutely kills the majority of 360 games out. No aliasing, awesome texturesand water effects. It just looks so fucking sharp. Other people obviously already know that and have been playing it like that, but i' d always figured that 480p was best that' s what the game supports. Does anybody know WHY it looks better when i have my console set to 720p because the game doesn' t support it andso it shouldn' t make any difference should it?! Didn' t I say that before? It craps over most games on 360 when set to 720p, there isn' t any stretching either, it' s just perfect... When I look at Ninja Gaiden Black in HD, I just wonder what Ninja Gaiden 2 would look like... Possibly the BEST action/adventure game? When played in HD, most of my X-box games become new games o me, and I want to play them again... That' s why I have been BEGGING for an Otogi 1 and 2 update, in 720p they' ll look amazing! On topic though, I don' t think the game should be judged by the screenshots a lot of games have jaggie in screenshots, but in motion, it' s barely noticeable. I' ll still be buying VF5 for my PS3....
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RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 17:41
That' s easy - All 360 BC games aren' t upscalled , but are actually displayed in higher (720p) reolution.Those games run in 720p on 360.So it' s no upscalling algorythm.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 17:55
I don' t get it. Anyway, it' s like a whole new game and it kills most 360 games in every department. N3 looks like a bad joke now!
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RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 18:14
Damn you.  i really liked N3,but isee the problem with it," hard" for some in the first campaign,and no real good story,and it' s not much replay value.
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RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 19, 2006 21:04
I meant that BC emulation makes those games RUN in 720p - it' s not 480p upscalled to 720p - it' s the true 720p.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 20, 2006 04:24
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ I meant that BC emulation makes those games RUN in 720p - it' s not 480p upscalled to 720p - it' s the true 720p. But how?! If the pixels aren' t actually there and the game itself is only formatted for 480p, how do they get 720p?!
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RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 20, 2006 04:34
You don' t understand how it works. It is like when you play a game on your PC, you can set the resolution you want to play at. The GPU renders everything at that resolution then sends it to your monitor. Your monitor then does what it wants with it. With the 360 games the xbox 360 renders them at 1280x720 then sends it along where before it downscaled it to 480P for you. It renders everything at 720P then either downscales or upscales. You don' t get any performance boost from playing in 480P. When you play the games on Xbox 1 the game tells the xbox the resolutions it is allowed to play at which is 480P for most and then the xbox says okay lets do it. Xbox 360 ignores that and goes to 720P for every game. There are also things such as anti-aliasing which get added on when playing on 360. Along with better texture filtering.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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RE: VF5 with jaggies on PS3?
Sep 20, 2006 04:39
that' s easy - it' s like running Quake 1 in 1900x1080 while it was made with resolutions no higher than 1024x768 in mind.It' s hardware based.PS3 will run PS2 games in HD (it' s been confirmed). Reslotuion is a hardware thing - it has nothing to do with the game.OFC Console games are made for specific resolution , which means their textures won' t get better with better resolution cause they can' t be changed.However, Geometry jaggies reduction and overall CLEANER look can be achieved by higher resolution.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 19 Sep 06 20:47:28 >
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