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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
Upcoming games
Aug 17, 2004 14:31
What are some upcoming games that you are looking forward to and will be buying? For me all on PS2: Hot Shots Golf Fore August 17 Phantom Brave August 31 Street Fighter Anniversary Edition August 31 Star Ocean: Till the End of Time August 31 Def Jam: Fight for New York September 20 Suikoden 4 November 2 (I think) I think I will be picking up Hot Shots Golf Fore this weekend. I have too many RPGs as it is so I may have to pass on the ones listed but I plan on getting Def Jam when it comes out - it looks bad ass
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Upcoming games
Aug 17, 2004 14:40
I already have HSG: Fore! paid off, and I' ll be getting it this Friday. Seeing as how HSG 3 is one of my top 5 most fun games of this generation, that' s a no-brainer. Star Ocean: ' Til the End of Time is another must-have for me, seeing as how I adored SO 2. I can' t imagine not being happy with SO 3. Phantom Brave looks incredible, and EGM has already called it " the deepest and most mind-boggling game they' ve ever laid eyes on." The problem is, I have the LAST title they said that about: Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. And I' m nowhere near close to finishing it, either. Therefore, for the time being at least, I' m holding off on Phantom Brave. Other games I most likely will own before the year is out- Gran Turismo 4 Halo 2 Suikoden IV Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Xenosaga: Episode II (is that scheduled for this year, or 2005?) There are a few other games on the horizon that I like the looks of, but I' ll be holding off until I see some reviews- Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Fable God of War MGS has never been my bag because I' m more of a Splinter Cell fan, but if MGS 3 is as good as they say it will be, I might have to check it out. Fable looks promising too, but I' m just darn sick of the hype, and I want to see it actually deliver. God of War was XPlay' s Game of Show at E3 for the PS2 this year; it' s like a cross between Devil May Cry and Onimusha...looks KICK-AZZ. It' s by the same people that gave us Twisted Metal: Black, so I have high hopes for that one, too.
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RE: Upcoming games
Aug 17, 2004 15:07
Games I' m looking forward to. Guilty Gear (X-Box) -Just picked up Guilty Gear X2 for the PS2 at Toys R Us and it has rekindled my love for Guilty Gear. Can' t wait to hope online and play against some real comp next month (although I' m going to get daddy spanked because I' m a noob  ) SNK vs Capcom (X-Box) - Having played over 1000 matches online in Capcom vs SNK 2, I' m ready to move on to something else. That something else is some old school beat-em-up fun by SNK. DOA Ultimate (X-Box) - I' m only kind of looking forward to this. DOA2 was merely okay in my eyes, so playing it again on the X-Box isn' t exactly making me pull my hair out. It' s really all about the online play with me. Halo 2 (X-Box) - I don' t really think an explanation is necessary. Splinter Cell 3 (X-Box) - See Halo 2 MGS3 (PS2) - It wasn' t so much the gameplay of MGS2 but that craptacular story that left such a sour taste in my mouth. Hopefully MGS will return to its roots for part 3.
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: Upcoming games
Aug 17, 2004 15:12
You didn' t get any special offer for pre-ordering HSGF? I will be trading in my HSG3 for it on saturday. I really liked SO2 as well but I don' t think I ever finished it. I really want the new one since I' ve read that it has the best battle system to date. Phantom brave looks really good but I haven' t even started Disgaea yet (or La Pucelle haha)
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Upcoming games
Aug 17, 2004 15:45
You didn' t get any special offer for pre-ordering HSGF? I will be trading in my HSG3 for it on saturday. I really liked SO2 as well but I don' t think I ever finished it. I really want the new one since I' ve read that it has the best battle system to date. Phantom brave looks really good but I haven' t even started Disgaea yet (or La Pucelle haha) No, they didn' t mention any deal when I pre-ordered it...where are you going to be buying it? EB? SO 2 was just unbelievable. CRAZY long (50-100 hours for each of the two main characters), but massively enjoybale, extremely original, and very, very challenging. Apparently, that' s just the way SO 3 is, so how bad can it possibly be?
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: Upcoming games
Aug 17, 2004 17:10
Yea I will be buying at EBgames. I will get money from trading in HSG3 & Bloody Roar 4 and also get 10% off for being a member.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Upcoming games
Aug 17, 2004 17:32
A member? A member of what? That pre-owned/GMR thing? HSG 3 can' t be worth that much in trade...it' s selling for only $15 used, so that translates to like $7 in trade. Unless there is, in fact, some kind of deal going on at EB. I might take advantage of that, although it would be hard to give up HSG 3.
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- Joined: Jun 30, 2004
RE: Upcoming games
Aug 17, 2004 17:33
There are quite some games that I really have to get for my gaming addiction and well I cant buy them all offcourse so I make a priority list. Games with Maybe at the end are games that Im sure going to buy someday but probably not on the day of release sadly :P Owh well here goes, its quite a list (to bad) Xbox: Augustus: Tom Clancy' s Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow 20/08/2004 (Pre-order) September: Burnout 3: Takedown 10/09/2004 (Maybe) Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders 17/09/2004 (Maybe) Star Wars: Battlefront 24/09/2004 October: Fable 02/10/2004 (Pre-order) November: Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory 05/11/2004 (Maybe) December: Halo 2 (Standard Version) 09/11/2004 Conker: Live And Reloaded 26/11/2004 Gamecube: October: Pikmin 2 09/10/2004 November: Tales of Symphonia 26/11/2004 (Maybe) December: Paper Mario 2 01/12/2004
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Upcoming games
Aug 17, 2004 17:45
Hmmm...I should probably add Burnout 3 to my list. The article in EGM said it looked INCREDIBLE. I have Burnout 2, and I' m quite happy with it. At first, I thought SC 3 was only going to be for PC, but I guess they' ve announced it for Xbox too, now. If so, that immediately goes on my list, seeing as how the first two are basically two of my very favorite games of this generation.
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: Upcoming games
Aug 17, 2004 18:00
First off...Tales of Symphonia is already available for Gamecube. I know, ' cause my girlfriend already has it - thanks to my ordering it for her. Now, let' s get to the meat of the discussion... I' m an XBOX owner, so all of the games on my wishlist are for the XBOX. Here goes... Halo 2 Fable Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusades Sid Meier' s Pirates! Doom 3 Star Wars Battlefront Ultra Bust-A-Move Pinball Hall Of Fame Sonic Mega-Collection Plus Mech Assault 2 Shining Force ESPN NHL 2005 Games that I am watching are: Wings Of War (Bi-plane combat) Spyro: A Heroes Tale Teenage Mutant Turtles II DOA Ultimate Lord of the Rings (any future releases) I think that' s enough for now...
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Upcoming games
Aug 17, 2004 18:03
First off...Tales of Symphonia is already available for Gamecube. I know, ' cause my girlfriend already has it - thanks to my ordering it for her. I think he' s talking about the possible PS2 release date.
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- Joined: Apr 06, 2004
- Location: Antigonish, NS (Canada)
RE: Upcoming games
Aug 17, 2004 18:35
No any releases are fine I only listed PS2 ones because thats all I have haha
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- Joined: Jun 30, 2004
RE: Upcoming games
Aug 17, 2004 19:53
No not even a PS2 release date, its the release date here in europe...I forgot to add that. The whole list is for europe (release dates). We always have to wait somewhat longer that normal
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: Upcoming games
Aug 18, 2004 01:57
Sorry to hear that you (Zotty) have to wait so long for many of the better games, but I am glad it' s you and not me. Life just isn' t fair sometimes...
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: Upcoming games
Aug 18, 2004 13:16
PS2: Gtand Theft Auto: Vice City WWE Smackdown vs. Raw Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater X-Box: Burnout 3 Fable Sudeki Sonic Mega Collection Plus Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory Halo 2 Mortal Kombat: Deception Dead or Alive Ultimate Gamecube: Tales of Symphonia
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