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UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 02, 2007 23:46
Probably looking too much into usually meaningless display box art but anyway. Today I popped into GAME and they had redone their PS3 bay with official PS3 cases and inserts when one thing stuck out to me from the back. HD 576p, 720p, 1080i and 1080p. Could this mean that UK PS3' s won' t do 480p at 60hz and only 576p at 50hz? Or have they just specified 576p because it is the UK equivalent of 480p. Personally I' m inclined to believe that it' s the latter, as I cannot expect Sony not to have 60hz support for every game this time around. Just wanted to double check, as I don' t want to buy a UK machine if it doesn' t do this.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 2 Mar 07 15:48:28 >
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RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 03, 2007 00:06
576i50 unless you have an EDTV capable of displaying 576p60.
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RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 03, 2007 02:07
So no 60hz interlaced or progressive for the UK. ![](https://forum.kikizo.com/upfiles/smiley/s7.gif) If this if the case then I' ll have to import a bloody US machine. I really hope it' s not though, Sony have screwed up enough so far. Even the PS2 managed 480i 90% of the time, in addition to 576i.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 2 Mar 07 18:09:27 >
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RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 03, 2007 02:14
Meh, you might be ok. That' s just what i understand. It' d be odd for them not to support 480p60, it' s just strange that the game cases don' t show it.
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RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 03, 2007 02:42
For MotorStorm and Resistance, along with a few others, it only shows 720p. No 576p no 1080i or anything. But these games work in 480p in US PS3' s which is strange. Zelda on Wii also didn' t mention 60hz on the back of the box but clearly supports it. Maybe Sony have just messed up with the packaging or something. I guess we won' t know until launch day. I have 3 days to buy my PS3 before GAME sells it to someone else, so I' ll use the time to find out eaxctly whats going on. If anyone here is getting a UK PS3 on launch could you let me know the outcome of 60hz 480i/480p/720p support.
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RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 21, 2007 04:10
Okay, today I managed to play on my friends PS3 at work. He decided to open his up and play before launch which was pretty cool. However it seems that my initial suspisions may be correct in thinking that the PAL PS3 has NO 60hz option for PS3 games. Using the composite cables supplied (had no RGB in stock) the display settings menu only allowed me to use 576i and gave no mention of a 480i 60hz option. Not good at all, as despite the sharper picture of 576i, it' s more flickery and not quite as smooth. So my question to anyone who will be getting the machine at launch, and any Kikizo staff (adam etc) who have used a retail PAL console, is to find out if 60hz mode can be selected when using the RGB scart cable, component, HDMI etc. Any help would be greatly apreciated. I have three days in which to purchase my console including launch day, and I really hope that it won' t be bad news. Otherwise no VF5 (unthinkable for me) VT3 or Ridge, and probably bo chance of getting a US PS3 anytime soon unless Sony losen their import policy. I have the money to spend but it seems that Sony just don' t want it.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 20 Mar 07 20:10:49 >
Evil Man
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RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 21, 2007 10:25
Buy a 720 or 1080p TV and stfu. Fucking cave men complaining about low resolution support, stfu.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 21 Mar 07 2:26:21 >
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RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 21, 2007 17:26
I still want 720p in 60hz and not flickery 50hz. For me the difference in smoothness between 50fps and 60fps is noticeable. Why should we accept lower standards with something like this when DC, PS2 and GC had 60hz in 80% of games.
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RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 21, 2007 17:35
Since it doesn' t support 1080p24 for Blu-Ray movies and instead does a 1080p60 3:2 pulldown, we' ll probably be ok. I' ll get confirmation this morning though, ...the issue had slipped my mind until you mentioned it yesterday.
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RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 22, 2007 04:00
Well today I managed to hook up my friends PS3 at work using my Sony RGB Scart cable hoping that the option would only appear for certain connections. Sadly 576i and 576p at 50hz were all that was available. Playing Ridge 7 today I noticed that the game suffered from 50hz judder, much like Ninja Gaiden on the Xbox. Motorstorm did not, but didn' t seem quite as smooth as it running in 60hz, and the extra flicker bring the jaggies out more. Pretty much why 50hz isn' t an option for me, especially with only an RGB Scart being available to me until Samsung bring out a decent HD CRT. I' ve since heard on the official PS3 UK forums (sadly after I got home) that if you hold the power on button for around 10 seconds the machine detects the optimal settings for your TV. However as my TV is PAL surely it work select 50hz rather than 60hz, even though my TV does both perfectly. Unfortunitely my friend has boxed up his PS3 due to it getting rather dusty in our staff room, and it' s only been there for one day. So I doubt I' ll be able to persuade him to let me check anything else out. Any help would be great Majik, and sorry for troubling all you guys here with an issue few seem to care about. Also if I had to buy a US machine, do they have the option of AV/Multi-out with RGB through scart in the display settings like with the UK machine.
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RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 22, 2007 05:19
After speaking to a friend who works in the same Gamestation i worked in, i think we' re ok. While it doesn' t support 60Hz for 576i/p, it does support 60Hz for 720p and 1080i/p.
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RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 22, 2007 06:23
Cool thanks dude. Sadly I' m not getting a HDTV until around july when Samusung release a fixed version of their Slim-fit HD CRT. And if that isn' t good then not for much longer. At this ponit I may have to buy a US machine instead, but have until Sunday to make my decision. Damn Sony for this, every machine since Dreamcast has 60hz 480i support in the UK. The Xbox showed everyone how it should be done. Anyway thanks again, enough of my rambling on.
Evil Man
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RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 22, 2007 06:36
Sorry Sony doesn' t cater to people with ancient TVs, go fuck yourself.
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RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 22, 2007 06:50
My ancient TV actually has a richer more natural picture through RGB Scart than those Samsung LCD' s used in 360 pods properly calibrated. The thing is once you have a standard you never go back on it if it means downgrading. And if you don' t care about the little things, then eventually it' ll lead the way to not caring about more serious things, and then... Well you end up fucking up the world even more. Point is 80% of all PS2 games have it, 100% of XB and 360 games have it. It doesn' t matter if you care about it, it' s that it should be there in the first place.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 21 Mar 07 22:51:21 >
Evil Man
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RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 22, 2007 06:55
No it doesn' t, kill yourself.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 22, 2007 11:31
No it doesn' t, kill yourself. evilman, all those posts when i told you to kill yourself, i meant kill yourself, not tell other people to
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 23, 2007 03:14
Yep, 60Hz support only for HD resolutions. Less than 720p and you' re stuck with 50Hz.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2003
RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 23, 2007 06:31
Cheers Majik. It' s been confirmed in a few places now along with worse news for anyone playing on an SDTV. US and JAP games won' t play on a PAL PS3 unless in 720p or above due to there 60hz nature. A message stating invalid display appears and you cannot go futher, and this occurs for both commercial boxed games and PSN Store downloads. So it now appears that PAL games are different on the disc to their NTSC counterparts, with 50hz SD resolutions coded in instead of NTSC or 60hz PAL ones. What a right old mess Sony have made with this, and somehow I don' t think a firmware upgrade will materialise. Anyway I' ll hopefully be able to try out VF5 tommorow, as my friend is coming in to do the launch day afternoon and intends to spend most of the morning playing his PS3 again. If it' s berable in 50hz I may just take the plunge and get the console and just that game. Seeing as Ridge 7 is so similar to Ridge 6, I could happily pass on that one and get Virtua Tennis 3 on 360 (60hz only slightly worse lighting). I' ll let you know how I get on.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: UK PS3 480p/60hz?
Mar 23, 2007 06:45
No worries dude. It' s a shame for those that don' t have HDTV' s, fortunately i' m not affected but i feel for people who have SDTV' s. I mean, 576 is 50Hz anyway but no 480p60 is a crime, especially for games like Dark Resurrection.
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