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UK Is Europe !
May 26, 2006 10:13
I really am confused about all this fuzz that Sony has not yet released a price for UK. Thing is, They have, if geography is still the same as it was yesterday. Cause yesterday, UK, is fully blooded european. The United Kingdom which consists of England Ireland, Scottland and Wales(if Im right) have always been a part of Europe. The UK is not an own continent on the world map. I suck at geography, but I have gathered as much as that there are five continents the world is split into. America, Oceania, Asia, Africa and Europe And Sony set the pricetag to 599 euros. You just have to use your calculators folks. We here in Norway, or many other countries dont use euros, but we just found the calculators up from our drawers and found out what the price was.
< Message edited by Cetra -- 26 May 06 2:14:14 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: UK Is Europe !
May 26, 2006 10:23
The UK pricetag is £425 for the premium edition. It doesn' t look like we' re getting the core system at all. The UK price has already been confirmed. Don' t worry about it.
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RE: UK Is Europe !
May 26, 2006 12:58
We' re in Europe yes, but for some reason we don' t want to use the same currency, heh.  So pricing can still vary from mainland european value structures. All that means to us is that we end up getting the most expensive bundle of the lot. £425 being 622euros or almost $800! Is it going to be a straight conversion from euros in Norway? Or something rounded up like over here?
< Message edited by choupolo -- 26 May 06 5:01:19 >
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RE: UK Is Europe !
May 26, 2006 15:34
Chee Saw
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RE: UK Is Europe !
May 26, 2006 19:20
ORIGINAL: He ...Oceania? The 7-continent model is usually taught in Western Europe, China, and most native English-speaking countries. The 6-continent combined-America model is taught in Latin America. The 6-continent combined-Eurasia model is preferred by the geographic community, Russia, Eastern Europe, and Japan. In all of these cases, the names Australasia or Oceania may be used in place of Australia; in Canada, the government-approved Atlas of Canada names 7 continents and indicates Oceania instead. From Wikipedia: Continent
< Message edited by chee saw -- 26 May 06 11:27:39 >
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RE: UK Is Europe !
May 26, 2006 19:32
Yes,therefor it misses a ring in the Olympic rings which just has 5,and is supposed to represent each continent. Ofc well..no one lives at...oh nvm.
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: UK Is Europe !
May 26, 2006 21:58
we dont use neither 7 or 6 continents here but 5, like i said. But you got what oceania meant there yes. We here in Norway, and many other countries, not only UK, use our own money. Norway and Sweden uses their own Kroners, I think Denmark still does too. So I guess we can be as shocked and say " zomgz, Sony didnt reveal a price for Scandinavia" lol.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: UK Is Europe !
May 26, 2006 23:42
but I think your missing the point Cetra - Sony sees the UK seperatly for several reasons. The same as the industry sees the UK as a separate entity frmo the rest of europe. It reacts very differently to consoles, is a hotbed of developer and content creation and is seen to be as important as that of the US and Jap territories in its own right. Many a console has thrived here with mroe sales than in the rest of the EU combined (Megadrive!) and we lead the world with the US in terms of tertiary education with regard to games development. So even though the price in this case has been confirmed the reason the UK gets so much coverage in general is because it is inherently more part of the games industry than quite a large part of the rest of europe put together. Outsourcing is starting to change this, with mates in EA running established OS arrangements now, but the companies owners and investors still reside in one of the big two generally.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: UK Is Europe !
May 27, 2006 03:39
The United Kingdom which consists of England Ireland, Scottland and Wales(if Im right) Thats very Wrong. Ireland is not part of the uk, and as a Irish man I think its my duty to tell you that Northen Ireland is under the Uk, not the republic. We get the ps3 cheaper than you guys! ha, thats what you get for not joining the euro!
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- Joined: May 18, 2006
RE: UK Is Europe !
May 27, 2006 05:59
oh right, ireland was separated in 1992 or something right?
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