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RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 05, 2008 01:56
Funny because it' s true.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 05, 2008 05:28
It' s like who cares? I think people that get pissed off about being referred to as a racial slur are morons/pussies/whiny bitches. Yeah it' s a dumb topic. It' s stupid to be racist and it' s stupid to be offended by racism. That' s how ***ing dumb the whole thing is. If someone beats the shit out of you because you have a certain nationality, don' t get revenge because they' re racist, you should get revenge because they beat the shit out of you. Racism doesn' t make an action worse. I will never be offended by something as insignificant as racism. Infact I don' t allow myself to be offended by anything. Since when did human beings become important enough to be offended? Like George Carlin said " we' re just monkeys with baseball bats" (paraphrased). I have zero faith in human intelligence, if we we' re truely intelligent we' d have long term plans for our survival. Instead we' re going to be extinct in a few hundred years. It won' t be because of racism either, it will be because human beings are greedy short sighted pigs. That being said I still would never allow a dimwit to divert my thought prccess from whatever to something as brainless as racism. I already know racism is bad, it took me 30 seconds to realize this when I was four.
< Message edited by agent ghost -- 5 Apr 08 1:25:44 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 05, 2008 05:32
I will never be offended by something as insignificant as racism. Infact I don' t allow myself to be offended by anything. We need to do a DNA test so I' ll know whether we were separated at birth!
Joe Redifer
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RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 05, 2008 07:55
I have a better idea, how about whenever [the word ' nigger' ] is used, the person who used it, regardless of ethnicity or race just dies? Poor Chadwarden. :(
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- Joined: Dec 04, 2007
RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 05, 2008 09:44
it will be because human beings are greedy short sighted pigs. I resent that, I' ve met some very nice pigs in my time. But I do agree with you on the point that the hooplah surrounding racism is completely stupid. Hopefully, when the world converts to a global economy race simply won' t matter anymore. Then again, people probably thought that everyone would have access to all the knowledge they' d ever need when the printing press was invented. Edit: I have absolutely no sympathy at all for Chadwarden, not even as a joke. He' s an ass and I hate him.
< Message edited by diehounderdoggen -- 5 Apr 08 1:45:30 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 05, 2008 11:00
Edit: I have absolutely no sympathy at all for Chadwarden, not even as a joke. He' s an ass and I hate him. BALLLLLLIN!!!!!!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 05, 2008 12:42
I love Chad in a totally non-homoerotic sort of way! The guy is just a YouTube phenomenon. I mean there has to be a reason why he' s one of the most parodied subjects on YouTube! 
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 05, 2008 15:10
I have absolutely no sympathy at all for Chadwarden, not even as a joke. He' s an ass and I hate him. Do you happen to be an owner of an Xbox 360 and/or Wii by chance? Many people do take it personally when their precious consoles are attacked.
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 06, 2008 02:08
I have a better idea, how about whenever that word is used, the person who used it, regardless of ethnicity or race just dies? I would have died a long time ago then. I don' t mind if white people call me nigger, to be honest. At the end of the day, it' s just a word anyway.
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- Joined: Mar 28, 2008
RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 08, 2008 21:49
I think GTA is quite racist it always picks a sterotypical criminal for its lead role. lol this time its a naughty russin last time a naughty black man. In a naughty black community. When diving through the rich areas most people in suits are white. lol
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
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RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 11, 2008 21:04
I reckon its unintentional but Cole Train in Gears is pretty stereotypical, kinda reminds me of mikayd.  As does the black guy in COD4. Its like the black rollerskating headband wearing guy in The Thing who goes around saying " Buullshit" all the time, heh. Makes me laugh. Or in Enter the Dragon, the one of the funniest lines " Buullshit Mr Han man!" Best black character in videogames is possibly Eli Vance in HL2.
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2006
- Location: Los Angeles , CA
RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 11, 2008 21:24
Racism is blown out of proportion but that being said i dont agree with people who say the ' N' word can be used freely . I cant beleive people here said calling a person a ' white pig' is the same thing .. I doubt white people were referred to as ' white pigs' when they were brought as salves back in the day ...
Vx Chemical
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RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 11, 2008 23:21
Racism is blown out of proportion but that being said i dont agree with people who say the ' N' word can be used freely . I cant beleive people here said calling a person a ' white pig' is the same thing .. I doubt white people were referred to as ' white pigs' when they were brought as salves back in the day There are no limits to what can be said, it just depends on the company and the context. I had a " black" friend in highschool, and he was called Nigger Tom, most because we would all drop dead laughing when everyone stared at us for calling him that. But then again, black people arent subject to racism here.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 12, 2008 01:01
Yeah, I can' t imagine Denmark has a particularly diverse racial spread (no offense to Danes, simply stating that as a fact).
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 13, 2008 06:11
I say it is really is a historical burden. And not even 50 years ago people were openly racist in the US. Some of those people are still alive and those affected by it are as well. I do think characters in games are a bit too stereotypical sometimes and it gets annoying. All people are not the same. Stereotypes are not from thin air though. Profile: Race: Black Gender: Male Age: 35 I used to see this a lot, it was funny If race, based on my general experience with games, was a game class: (PSO) HUmar = Caucasian HUcast = Black Fonewurl(Neman Forces) = Asian I wouldn' t do that myself Yes I left some out but that is part of the problem.
< Message edited by Kannon -- 12 Apr 08 22:15:28 >
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RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 13, 2008 10:03
IMO(Like Marink said) at the end of the day its just a word, why take one insult differently than another? Its like someone could drop the N bomb and someone would flip out, but 5 seconds later someone call them a bitch and its all cool. Doesn' t make a whole lot of since to me.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 13, 2008 10:27
low IQs Intelligent people are not bothered by single words.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 13, 2008 13:44
Intelligent people are not bothered by single words.
Ah, their downfall is the plural words 
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 13, 2008 14:00
ORIGINAL: Kannon I say it is really is a historical burden. And not even 50 years ago people were openly racist in the US. Finally. I thought no one would ever get around to saying this. History is the key. Black people' s and white people' s history surrounding " the n word" are completely different. That history can' t be ignored, and it won' t soon be forgotten. When a white person uses the word it shows a callous disrespect for that history. When a black person uses the word it' s a symbol on kinship inspired by that same historical context. As for how a person reacts, that' s individual. Personally I tend to ignore idiots, it' s just easier. Naturally a person who' s more confrontational than myself is going to react differently. It' s not just black people btw." Nitro-Jew" was generally viewed as funny. I think " Nitro-Kike" would have gotten a different reaction.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Top 5 Racist Videogames
Apr 13, 2008 20:07
It' s not just black people btw." Nitro-Jew" was generally viewed as funny. I think " Nitro-Kike" would have gotten a different reaction. Where is that kike anyways? He' s been slacking off lately. Obviously I' m kidding, everyone knows Jews don' t slack off. He must be working hard to acquire more jew gold. In all seriousness, I had to look up the word to find it' s meaning, people don' t use these words where I live. I agree with what you' re saying Nekkid but who cares? Every insult has history. At the end of the day, it' s like anything else. You can brush it off or knock them out for it. Ah choices. However if theres a real threat of violence or a situation where a person can be treated unfairly, that' s a different story. Racial slurs are not the root problem minorities face, trust me. Looking at black people in the US for example. I' d be much more conserned about why blacks on average have a lower economic standing than whites. That' s the real issue. Once a minority obtains power, no one would be able to kick them around. The proof of this is when you look at rich minorities. Do you think anyone would call Will Smith a nigger? Colin Powell? Samuel Jackson? It' s not about race, it' s about money. It' s allways been about money.
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