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Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
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Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 00:15
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 00:29
I' ve seen it earlier today - sounds cool. But you have to realise that this guy who' s praised for Eternal Darkness (one of the best games ever made) isn' t really responsible for it' s cool gameplay at least not he alone- S.Miyamoto was behind this projects strong gameplay.Silicon Knights however had some amazing ideas like insanity meter and some other. Another game from Denis is Metal Gear Solid Twin Snakes - all they had to do is upgrade graphics and add some features to the PSX title and they blew it - the graphics were mediocre , framerate lame and the day it came out - it felt dated. Another thing that sux is how most Unreal Engine 3.0 games look alike(mass effect/Too Human/Unreal Tournament) - no style just the stellar High End PC graphics - the only game that looks amazing is Lost Oddysey but it' s hard to tell how it will look when finished. I wouldn' t expect too much from them. I' d love to be mistaken though since Eternal Darkness was an amazing UBERCOOL TITLE
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 00:31
Norse mythology? Hmm...
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- Joined: Feb 02, 2006
RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 00:34
Brothers in arms 3 is also using the unreal 3 engine. ;) They can make the style look completely different if they wanted to believe me too human will look nothing like other unreal 3 games probably with the exception of his suit, but it wont look like gears of war or anything like that.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 00:38
I think calling Twinsnakes a bad game is a mistake, it is a good game, it might not be as good as the original when it came out, but i had more fun playing twin snakes than i did MGS2
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 01:30
It is good but if you remake a game and make it worse than the original even though you have a better hardware - then you suck as a developer :) Optavius - This guys face (Too Human) looks exactly like faces in Mass Effect and many PC games - totally UNREAL x3.0 :) If it had people looking like those from Gears of War it wouldn' t be so bad. I know they can make it look different (or I hope so) - cause LOst Odyssey looks completely different.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 02:47
I could play twinsnakes and find it fun, but i couldnt play MGS 1, it was simply too old for enjoyment! They succeeded in my opinion. the premise for Too Human sounds good, and i dont think they have made a bad game yet, so i have good hopes for it!
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 06:00
Too Human possibly 360' s best game. And thus the overhyping begins...... =/
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 06:21
Wow, I' m pretty impressed at everything he said in that video. Especially when he said Too Human is gonna have " way tonnes of stuff!"  But also what he said about the different levels of depth that' ll exist in the story and gameplay. And the man vs machine story has been done in a LOT of depth before. Also liked what he said about making the story self-contained. I hate ' To be continued' endings! I' m still in two minds though. Either they' ve nailed every aspect I like in video games... or he' s just full of shit and the game will be nothing like what I imagine atm! I think that guy just wants to be David Jaffe! (which is a good thing really!) Didn' t fully agree with what he said about first person perspective though. He was saying films don' t do it and it was crap in the Doom movie so games shouldn' t do it. But films arent games. Games have interactivity and films have talented actors (..well some!) who can use facial and bodily expression in much more detail. One thing I also hate is the whole ' one hero to save mankind stuff' ! It might just turn out like Halo tbh, even though he says it won' t.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 08:02
ORIGINAL: OptaviusX They can make the style look completely different if they wanted to believe me too human will look nothing like other unreal 3 games probably with the exception of his suit, but it wont look like gears of war or anything like that. Your full of shit man! Games made using the same engine have to share many of the same assets and rendering techniques. They even use the same tools. Doom 3, Quake 4 & Prey, all look very similar because they run on exactly the same engine. Gears of War and Unreal Tournament 2007 look alike because of the nature of the engine. When Gangsta says Too Human will look silimar, he' s exactly right. Mass Effect, Too Human, Gears of War and Unreal Tournament 2007 will share many effects and texture filters because they all run on Unreal Engine 3.0. It' s not exactly a bad thing, and yeah they could completely re-vamp the engine and use select middleware tools to achieve a different look, but it' s highly unlikely. I don' t expect them to stray far off the mark they laid down at E3 with the REALLY GOOD video they showed, ...which looked much like UT2007 and GoW!!! Games using the engine (i' m sorry but are any actually out yet?!) are still in development and there is little ingame footage from the titles that ARE using it, save for Epics own games. Even Namco fucked up with it. Look at that waste of time Frame City Killer! The Too Human Trilogy will be awesome. That' s definate, but saying shit like... believe me too human will look nothing like other unreal 3 games Is stupid because you don' t have a fucking clue about anything you bring up. So thanls alot Mr " I' m a developer at Epic"
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 09:52
Majik drop that subject and get the RR6 demo... ;) its out on marketplace. Oh fukk it,the time is 02:47,and i need to get GRAW tomorrow at 10.
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 11:04
I like how this idiot majik uses this unwarranted profanity in an attempt to make himself feel more important or make him feel his opinion holds more water. Incase you are wondering I didn' t even read your comment I stopped at " your full of shit" when you try to say something learn to convey it in a more intelligent and mature manner. Whatever you intended to say (I don' t know didn' t read any of it) lost all credibility the moment you showed me you are quite possibly nothing more than a pitiful excuse for a person that due to your twisted ideologys can never truly go anywhere in life. Judging from the comment you claimed I was " full of shit" in I' m guessing you don' t think its possible for a game using the same exact engine to follow an entirely different art style altogether. What exactly do you know about the unreal 3 engine? Do you understand that the engines biggest strength is its versatility? Thanks to the way the unreal 3 engine is designed artists can go straight to designing the fancy bells and whistles of in games we love to look at. They can take certain aspects of the engine and do whatever they want with it WITHOUT the need for a programmer to step in and help. Thats the beauty of the unreal 3 engine and why so many developers have chosen it for their games. The artist is the one that will determine how the game looks. Lost Odyssey alone is a perfect example of this it doesn' t follow any of the pattern like rules you believe will exist in all unreal 3 engine games. ANOTHER good example of this is frame city killer which AGAIN doesn' t follow any sort of pattern of what you' d expect an unreal 3 engine game to look like. With the unreal 3 engine alot of power was put in the hands of artists. To be more precise unreal 3 is a freedom for artists to create the kinds of things they want in order to have more control of making sure the game' s content stays more true to the artist' s vision. With next generation gaming progressing at the rapid pace that it is currently artists are becoming more and more important, because cg quality models can practically be put into games now so its the artist has an even bigger role than they had previously (not to say their roles wasn' t already significant) Its just that now things have become a whole lot more important. I' ve noticed your constant childish behavior is an absolute constant around these forums and rather than waste my time reading anymore of your ridiculous rants this will be my last post on this forum. You obviously take pride in trolling these forums. Anyway have a nice day hopefully you' ll be able to grow up.
< Message edited by Optaviusx -- 10 Mar 06 3:05:47 >
Game Junkie
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 13:34
Technically Too human will be a three part series. The game is a long way from being released but I would say it is one of the more promising games on 360. There are however quite a few games I' m looking foward to more then this and most will come out before it. As for unreal 3 engine, I agree with Optaviux in that Lost Odysee, UT2007 and Mass Effect all look completely different. The unreal 3 engine will be obviously very powerful but also flexible as well, it has the potential to offer many different possible results. Its a good thing to because otherwise half the worth wild games on 360 will look the same.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 10 Mar 06 5:35:56 >
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 14:06
No Optavius don' t leave...Majik dude, I' ve told u that you' re too harsh sometimes and offensive. There was no need for that offensive stuff you said man. In your opinion he was wrong so prove him otherwise, but don' t be offensive, just because something is clear to you (or so you think) doesn' t mean that it' s the reality. In this case for example I' ll prove you wrong when you say games look a lot alike if using the same engine. I don' t know if you' ve ever checked out Advent Rising, but that game is using the unreal engine 2. Look at some trailers, it looks nothing like any other game that uses the unreal engine. Why? Because it was adapted to what the studio felt was their vision, which is a comic-ish look. Does this mean that Too Human will go on their own direction? That' s not for sure, but if they wanted to, they could. Anyway, don' t start offending me too now...I think this game is promising with all the ideas these guys have, but everyone has ideas. I' m pretty curious about Too Human, but I still wanna see an in-game, or let me rephrase it, gameplay video of it, then I' ll start believing. " Also, there are a few individuals from big name action movies such as The Matrix that are lending a hand" (http://www.ugo.com/channels/games/features/toohuman/default.asp) Man why does E3 have to be so far from now...
< Message edited by KiLLeR -- 10 Mar 06 1:08:37 >
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 18:16
I think that guy just wants to be David Jaffe! Denis Dyack is just as well known to many gamers as Jaffe - only longer. It' s just ignorance to say something like that about him - people love this guy - he visits message boards and talks to gamers ... You should check Eternal Darkness if you want to know how good his games can be. Jaffe did a great game but it' s gameplay is not on par with Ninja Gaiden (and most of the upgrade systems and mechanics are exactly the same).I' m playing God of War now and it' s just amazing but to say he' s a top developer after one AAA title is just a misunderstanding. The Lost Odyssey footage shown lately was before they decided to get Unreal Engine 3.0 I think ...But Frame City Killer looks completely different that' s true. I gess they could make graphics different but everyone goes the easy way - all these games look alike for me.(Too Human/Mass Effect/UT/GoW).
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 20:36
Lost Odyssey alone is a perfect example of this it doesn' t follow any of the pattern like rules you believe will exist in all unreal 3 engine games. ANOTHER good example of this is frame city killer which AGAIN doesn' t follow any sort of pattern of what you' d expect an unreal 3 engine game to look like. LO did not use UE3.0 at e3 demo. So all you seen so far hasn' t been made via it... However Frame city has,and yes you' re right about that game. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a317/QuezcatoL/GAMEacacfcb016fcea5ff2b34702b05e98f.jpg Pic of LO before UE 3.0 and this was real time. According to Sakaguchi. http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a317/QuezcatoL/LO.jpg This art was made later after they announced UE3.0,as you can see they gonna add in another look now,remember in GOW art pic? They looked exactly like these and became 99% a like,and i think this pic says a lot of what kind of graphic to expect,you can without any problem,if you got the right guys,working with the 360,creating this kind of characters and enviroment,if you do a close up,like in ff10 or fightnight 3 with not many things around that take CPU. And making less detailed character when you reach cities and then change camera angel. Anyway LO is my most wanted game of all times...
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 10 Mar 06 12:44:02 >
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 20:57
as you can see they gonna add in another look now It' s artwork and it has exactly the same style as previous footage.
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 10, 2006 21:57
OptaviusX this will be my last post on this forum. ...well, we never wanted your Micro$oft funded posts anyway.... ...ciao!..
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 11, 2006 00:07
It' s just ignorance to say something like that about him I was just kidding with that David Jaffe comment, oops. I think it' s pretty silly Jaffe is getting so hyped after one game too. I mean Twisted Metal was rubbish, and I have to admit I' ve never played Eternal Darkness.
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RE: Too Human possibly 360' s best game.
Mar 11, 2006 03:31
God of War is an amazing achievement , but like you said it' s incredible how hyped this guy is - he' s amazed himself actually :) Definitely try Eternal - it' s really worth your time and it won' t happen again -that' s for sure
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