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Thoughts about Gears Of War
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Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 06:00
For those who have the game, would you mind telling us who haven' t got the game your opinion about it  ? Some questions Is there any FPS lag, in either oneplayer or twoplayer splitscreen? What is the multiplayer modes and what do you do in each of them? Is the chainsaw overpowered? When you shoot with the gun, do you have perfect accuracy when you are aiming and spraying, because it looks like it at the videos I' ve seen. Feel free to post questions yourself to those who have the game!
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RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 06:54
I heard from many sites that there is no lagg. Only sonyfanboys who says there is a huge of lagg and frame drops constanly. They are very sad/worried that GoW get so awesome score ^^
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 07:12
I can confirm there is NO LAG. Multiplayer plays smoother than any other 360 game to date. The game is amazing...to say the least, easily one of the greatest...if not the greatest game of 2006. Some questions Is there any FPS lag, in either oneplayer or twoplayer splitscreen? What is the multiplayer modes and what do you do in each of them? Is the chainsaw overpowered? When you shoot with the gun, do you have perfect accuracy when you are aiming and spraying, because it looks like it at the videos I' ve seen. I' ll answer them a little better here. There is no lag in One Player or Two Player...One player has little to no loading times (most of the time no loading times). There is Warzone which as far as I can tell is standard deathmatch. There is Execution where you have to execute the other team (really haven' t seen a major difference in this one from Warzone). Those are the only Multiplayer matches I have played...I' ll try and find more if there is more. The Chainsaw is like the Sword in Halo 2...except a majority of the time if you die to the chainsaw it was your fault. It isn' t overpowered...just extremely powerful. It is fairly accurate if you are not doing a blindfire, but the bullets spray so it is not like every bullet hits the middle of the reticle.
< Message edited by Alecrein -- 8 Nov 06 23:17:39 >
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RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 07:20
this game does have co-op over live right?
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 07:33
Yes it does F3
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 07:40
well thats an achievement in itself. Cool.
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 07:45
What is the multiplayer modes and what do you do in each of them? Alright did a little more searching, Execution only allows you to achieve points for th match through Executing players. There is another mode called Assasination where one person is the leader of the team (be it Cog or Locust) and for each team to win they must kill the leader.
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RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 11:08
Co-op over live is something that should be an industry standard, I mean, even Live Arcade games have it.. I was shocked that Halo 2 didn' t have it, but I sure hope Halo 3 does as according to every American that has it, and every magazine, Gears has raised the bar... Hopefully halo 3 has co-op over live, as in 4 people co-op at least... If not, then.... Oh, I don' t know...
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RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 11:15
is there autoaim? If there is how much is it compared to other games.
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RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 11:35
The game is amazing... that' s all you need to know! One of the best games I' ve ever played. I finally got my copy today. It' s outstanding! I' m in love with it! The chainsaw is so damn awesome!!!!!!!!!!
Agent Ghost
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RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 12:11
Unfortunately, I had to sleep pretty much an hour after I got the game as I stayed up all night playing COD3 (also awsome) so I only got to play about an hour or so of Gears. I have to say, this game kicks so much ass its surreal. Its so much better then anything else on 360 in terms of overall quality, story, graphics and polish. This game really defies logic of what we have been lead to believe is possible on the white box, it shames almost everything else on the 360 or any other console for that matter. I don' t want to spoil anything, but one thing I wasn' t expecting to be as good is the dialogue, when you see them talking in clips at GameTrailers thats not bullshit thats how they act in the game. The characeters are awsome, they' re not just hardened war heroes but they' re also badasses. It doeasn' t feel like 98% of the games I play where the content is restricted just to meet a certain ESRB rating. EPIC had a vision with this game and they made it happen. I have to say this game has not been over hyped (not for me at least), everything that Epic has promissed has been delivered, and with style. Like Rampage said it really is amazing, I can' t wait to play Co-op.
< Message edited by Agent ghost -- 9 Nov 06 4:12:20 >
Evil Man
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RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 12:20
Couldn' t get it anywhere today, I' ll probably get it tommorow.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 9 Nov 06 4:21:19 >
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 14:18
is there autoaim? If there is how much is it compared to other games. There is no Auto Aim. I have had major problems with connection issues with the game, it disconnects almost 80% of the time when trying to get into a game. I hope they resolve that quickly.
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RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 15:02
Sweet, it didn' t look like there was autoaim in the videos. I really hate autoaim. <3 Epic
Mass X
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RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 19:00
took 5 fuckn stores to find it but eventually did. Seems everyone was blaming ups/fedex for lack of delivery but Best Buy had a whole boatload of copies. Im loving it but havent played enought o give deep details. 2 great games in one day this is fuckn orgasmic! Almost grabbed THP8 in the process btu im broke enough as it is.
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RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 23:08
Thanks for the answers Alecrein and thanks for your opinions all! Now I' m more determined than ever to get this game! One more question. In the gameplay vids when you shoot someone they hardly by getting hit by 20 bullets, is that bothering or maybe I' m wrong?
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RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 09, 2006 23:10
I don' t suppose anybody has a spare 360 and a copy of Gears to give away?
Chee Saw
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RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 10, 2006 05:45
ORIGINAL: JalleNalle Thanks for the answers Alecrein and thanks for your opinions all! Now I' m more determined than ever to get this game! One more question. In the gameplay vids when you shoot someone they hardly by getting hit by 20 bullets, is that bothering or maybe I' m wrong? Are you asking if it takes a lot of bullets to take someone down? If so yes. I mean YES!! I tried starting out the game on Hardcore and got my ass handed to me! I mean, you have to empty an entire clip into someone' s HEAD to get them to go down! After dying about 50 kajillion times on one part, I said f*ck it, and started playing on normal (or whatever it' s called). I have a question for people who' re playing the game currently: What do you guys think of that " active reload" mechanism? I didn' t get it at first, but once I figured it out, it' s kind of taken my game to another level! I mean, being able to reload in about a third the time makes a HUGE difference when the Locusts are swarming!
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RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 10, 2006 05:54
What do you guys think of that " active reload" mechanism? Yeah, what is the active reload mechanism anyway?
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RE: Thoughts about Gears Of War
Nov 10, 2006 06:04
but one thing I wasn' t expecting to be as good is the dialogue, when you see them talking in clips at GameTrailers thats not bullshit thats how they act in the game. You liked the dialogue/acting in the trailers?? I thought it was awful. From what I' ve seen and heard from reviews, the story and dialogue could have been much better. But then I suppose the Gears characters are meant to be Jarheads. (Good movie!)
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