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 Thompson strikes again!
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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 09, 2006 01:18

I pity the fool..

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 09, 2006 01:23
He is just taking this too far now!

The bill, HB1381, would allow a judge to rule on whether or not a video game meets established criteria for being inappropriate for minors and be subsequently pulled from store shelves. In the event the bill becomes a law, a person found guilty of selling such a game to a minor would face fines ranging from $100 to $2,000, plus a prison term of up to one year.

Game Junkie

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 09, 2006 06:30
I think Dick Cheney should nail bush before shooting Tompson.

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 10, 2006 09:41
I can see the future history books now,

Jack Thompson used the confusion sewn in the wake of Hurrican Katrina to convince politicians whose reputations had been tarnished by their lack of action that video-games were the source of their problems and so, the Nasty Anti gamerZ Institute (NAZI) was founded under a red flag of stupidity. Things came to a peak on Siliconacht, when countless game stores were torn down brutally.

He used his complete lack of understanding about any subject at hand whatsoever to win over first, the Bible Belt, through the Kansas board of education, then the Midwest, notably Michigan, using Ford, Chrysler, and General Motors' natural hatred of anything that didn' t profit them directly as " valid reasoning" . Soon, he was declared high chancelor of Haliburton, coerced out of hiding as the true government and the invasion of Canada was planned. His reasons behind this were simple, America, re-named Haliburtonland needed " Dumpensraum" , or dumping space to put all the games deemed violent, subversive or cool by his secret police, the MM, or moderate moderators.

With Canada conquered, and no-one caring about Mexico, the mentally deteriorating chancellor ordered his NAZI hordes to attack the single bastion of gamingdom left in the world, Japan. This was to be a fatal mistake, as the giant robots, rent-a-zillas and magical schoolgirls made short work of the dumpy, out of shape litigators and politicians. Seeing that he was undone, Thompson retreated to his secret underground bunker and finally played a round of Mario Party, realizing that videogames were OK.

Jack Thompson forgot one crucial fact...

... real gamers don' t need guns...

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 12, 2006 15:09

ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer

Obviously Dick Cheny must be a video gamer if he shoots people in the face.

Dammit, I was going to make a joke like that. The hilarious thing is, when The Daily Show covered Dick Cheney shooting somebody in the face, they showed a " Dramatic Reenactment" using Duck Hunt. Suspicious...

Also, cops must be hitmen and all military forces everwhere obviously play Halo, or else Thompson just made a statement that' s blatantly false.

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 12, 2006 18:20
Well after the Matrix Reloaded me and my friends had a turn at being Neo
and then we re-enacted the Burly Brawl. The cinema was empty, so we
were jumping over chairs, literally kicking the shite out of each other.

So blame movies, not games.

Either way I thought i could fly after that, and then of course woke up in hospital
where the police came for me and then i thought I could dodge bullets...

Lets just say it hurt.. and forget it...

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 12, 2006 18:29
Its funny how clinton talk about how bush has been wiredtaping alot of people and how criminal that is,then she gonna ban games,apparently we arn' t allowed to play games cause she is ignorant and dont play games.

damn that bitch,its a time like this im proud to be a swede

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 13, 2006 07:04
To be honest, I find it absolutely gobsmacking how people can go on about video games being the route of all evil and then fail to mention films like Saw and Hostel where the entire point is to disgust their audiences with gore and violence.

If they want kids to stop lobbing bricks at each other and playing with shotguns they should focus more on trying to sensibly censor pointlessly violent films as opposed to outright banning video games - a measure put in place more to say " We' re helping America' s youth! Vote for me!" than to actually solve a serious problem.

I know that' ll probably be a point that a lot of people will disagree with (censoring films that is), but I find it hard to see how anyone can justify creating a film where limbs are hacked off and eyes gauged out and then claim them to be entertainment. Traditional horror films are fine (Elm Streets and what not) as their aim is to entertain, however movies where the idea isn' t to scare, but shock and sicken, really mystify me as to how they can go free without anyone saying, " Hang on, if someone with a screw loose sees this, isn' t there a slight possibility he/she might be interested in trying it out for themselves?" .

It really bothers me.

Controversial rant over.
Vx Chemical

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 13, 2006 16:49

It really bothers me.

Controversial rant over.

What you and guys like Thompson fails to get, is that Censorship is the root of all evil! if people watch Saw and find it entertaining (i did) then it has a right to exist! Well even if no one found it good, it will still have that right.

Movies or games dont make bad people, parents and society makes bad people.

There really isnt anything scarier than the NEWS!

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 13, 2006 19:28
Oh for Christs sake.

A 35 year old man sees Hostel, likes what he sees and then copies it.

Is it still the parents fault?

I have more to say but am in a hurry.
< Message edited by Kaze -- 13 Jun 06 11:29:27 >

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 13, 2006 19:35
My mom forced me to see a porno and exorcist when i was 7,that turned me into a addicted gamer.

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 13, 2006 19:38
Your mom is sick.

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 13, 2006 19:41


I learned how to shoot Headshots by playing CS and getting L33T skillzzzz!!!
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 13 Jun 06 11:41:55 >

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 13, 2006 19:53


Oh for Christs sake.

A 35 year old man sees Hostel, likes what he sees and then copies it.

Is it still the parents fault?

I have more to say but am in a hurry.

They raised him. So, a sense.

Of course, I think the whole idea of being inspired by any media to commit a violent act is bullshit. If a person has issues in their life that have driven them to the point of taking violent action, they' ve got far deeper problems than could be fixed by avoiding certain movies and videogames.

Rational people make rational decisions. Irrational people make irrational decisions. Regardless of what they' ve seen or played.
Vx Chemical

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 13, 2006 20:39

Rational people make rational decisions. Irrational people make irrational decisions. Regardless of what they' ve seen or played.

nicely stated! Blaming stuff like media is just the easiest solution to people. Instead of just saying some people are just ill!

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 14, 2006 00:49

They raised him. So, a sense.

Not necessarily. In some cases people are just ' ill' (EDIT: As I' ve just read Vx Chemical has written too). They have a normal childhood with parents who care about them and then they go off the rails and lock people up in their house and torture them. That' s just how it is. There are numerous cases you can look at throughout the world.

Originally posted by Tiz;

Well after the Matrix Reloaded me and my friends had a turn at being Neo
and then we re-enacted the Burly Brawl. The cinema was empty, so we
were jumping over chairs, literally kicking the shite out of each other.

So blame movies, not games.

Not sure if Tiz was being serious (hate to drag you into this) but if he was, it' s a prime example of people being inspired by a media and copying it. As much as you think it' s bullshit it does happen. I can remember over here in Britain a few years ago a case where some 10 year old kids watched A Clockwork Orange then the next day abducted a 5 year old from a railway station and murdered him. Just like that. There was no blatently awful parenting (except for somehow allowing them to get hold of the film), just a small seed planted in their mind from viewing a violent film.
Hell, to a lesser extent, I' ve had countless friends break bones from copying WWF moves over the years.

What you and guys like Thompson fails to get, is that Censorship is the root of all evil!

Okay, so if the BBC or CCN were to openly come out and say " Tonight at 8 we' re going to have every single Iraqi beheading video, one after the other, and play them to the nation."
If the government stepped in and stopped them - censored them - would that be evil? Of course not. Don' t be ridiculous. It' s common sense and not at all evil as to show them would be vile and distasteful.

Film producers now-a-days are finding it harder and harder to scare people. Their solution - Lets make them sick instead. No matter how much you want to stand up against censorship, that' s not right. There has to be a point where someone says " This isn' t entertainment, it' s an attempt to horrify people" and draw a line that could prevent deaths.

I know the main reason why people won' t agree with me is because they feel what I' m saying is a violation of their rights, however there seems to be a view now where people can' t see common sense. Sick films will influence sick minds, just as sick video games will - Manhunt for example.

Ultimately, I' m on your side, but I don' t feel anyone can fully dignify something like Hostel where its pure intent is to sicken.
It' s a very complicated issue, and not nearly as black and white as some people will believe.
< Message edited by Kaze -- 13 Jun 06 16:50:06 >

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 14, 2006 00:54
People who does what they see in videogames and movies are sick and need help. We can' t punish the mentaly sane into a world without entertainment just because a minority can' t handle it. It would be like making cars illegal because some people drive drunk.
Terry Bogard

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 14, 2006 01:35
How about they implement a nationwide test on young children as well as on older people exposed to various forms of media and if the doctors discover a loose screw somewhere then those folks are banned from those types of entertainment and are put on long-term watch!! ;)

That way, there will be less wackos doing crap and blaming it on the media, and those of us who can easily be exposed to uncensored violence without developing the urge to beat or shoot someone' s ass afterwards can continue enjoying those types of movies/games :p

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 14, 2006 03:11
After a very specific episode of " King of the Hill" , my brother went around kicking people in the crotch area(true story).

Anywhooo, I don' t think that either of the issues are entirely to blame(although they may be a small portion of it). I believe that part of it is to do with school life. Especially where the bullied are concerned, as they would just want revenge(I would know). There' s also peer presure to consider. Some idiots(ie. chavs) do stuff like this just to impress other idiots. Related to both is drugs and alcohol, which makes even the nicest of guys do unexplainable things.
Vx Chemical

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 14, 2006 03:12

Okay, so if the BBC or CCN were to openly come out and say " Tonight at 8 we' re going to have every single Iraqi beheading video, one after the other, and play them to the nation."
If the government stepped in and stopped them - censored them - would that be evil? Of course not. Don' t be ridiculous. It' s common sense and not at all evil as to show them would be vile and distasteful.

Please dont compare art with reality, there is a very big difference! Also there is a big difference as in showing people in situations like that when they cant say whether or not they' d want to have it shown, one' s death is private and personal and not to be broadcasted, i dont see how on earth you can mix the two kinds of violence together! Maybe you cant distinguish them? maybe you played too many video games!
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