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This year is certainly starting off well
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Mass X
Winner! APR 2004
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
This year is certainly starting off well
Jan 10, 2005 08:43
Resident Evil 4 - 9.8-10 scores all around Mercenaries - 9.0-10 scores all around Then you got Winnings Eleven, Midnight Club 3, ATV vs MX Unleashed, Unreal Championship 2, Splinter Cell 3, NBA Street 3, The Punisher, Oddworld Strangers Wrath, Star Wars: Republic Commando, Wrestlemania 21, Iron Phoenix, Brothers in Arms, Project Snowblind, Doom 3(xbox), Jade Empire, Super Monkey Ball deluxe, Timesplitters:Future Perfect, Farcry:Instincts...thats most of the bigger names in the first 3 months...then you got the 100' s more shortly after and before summer.... I need to get another job....
Winner! JUL 2004
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: This year is certainly starting off well
Jan 10, 2005 12:21
This year should be a good one for games. I' m looking forward to getting my hands on RE: 4 this week. And all of the Xbox 2 news has got me salivating for the end of the year.
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
RE: This year is certainly starting off well
Jan 10, 2005 14:08
Hey Y' all, so yea i must say this year looks promising already but the ps3 news i saw has me a deciple of pavlov more than bill gates' new tight lipped toy. I just found out Shadow of Rome is finally set with a street date of Feb. 8th! Thank Ceasar Capcom didn' t push it back again, i know rome wasn' t built in a day nor can such a great game be but i was needing an extra dose of my ADD meds anticipating- it shoulda been on my top 10 of 2004 but oh well there goes a slot for 2005. Does anyone know if there ever was a title that encompassed so many gaming aspects as Shadow has with 2 main character switching involving brute fighting and outwitting the empire? For those that don' t know what i am talking about check out the homepage www.capcom.com/shadow for some great screenshots and trailer thrusting you in the middle of 44 B.C. ancient rome to unleash fury- we are talking a west coast custom' s gladiator pimped. What else is lookin' like top 10 material?
< Message edited by neutralmilk -- 1/10/2005 2:13:49 PM >
Winner! JUL 2004
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: This year is certainly starting off well
Jan 10, 2005 14:36
There' s only a handful of games that I' m keeping on the radar. One of the better looking single player games is God of War. I can' t wait to play that one.
Mass X
Winner! APR 2004
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: This year is certainly starting off well
Jan 10, 2005 15:12
ya I dont even have a PS2 but im watching that one.
Winner! AUG 2004
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: This year is certainly starting off well
Jan 12, 2005 06:04
My concern is that the first-party XBOX titles will be rushed/lack the quality hyped in previews/videos/interviews, since so much attention will be directed to the launch of the XBOX 2 in late 2005 or early 2006. PS2 remains strong, but it too will fall victim to the same fate as M$, since their new system is expected next year (2006). Nintendo promises to make a big come-back next year, and their more recent game releases indicate a move in the right direction, but all will have to wait to see what their next console offers. Hope they make a HUGE come-back!!! 2005 will certainly be a year to watch both console and game makers...
< Message edited by DaRoosh65 -- 1/12/2005 6:05:21 AM >
Winner! JUL 2004
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: This year is certainly starting off well
Jan 12, 2005 12:15
I have a demo of Shadow of Rome now. They were giving it out at the local Game Crazy yesterday. That game kicks much ass on so many levels. It' s so funny to cut three guys in half, and be rewarded by a gold " Red Volcano" flashing across the screen. There are so many ways to kill people. I don' t know how deep the game is but I' ll tell you this...I don' t think I' ve seen all the special moves in the demo. I played it two times, and the second time I found 2 more moves.
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