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This is getting out of hand
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RE: This is getting out of hand
Apr 08, 2005 09:55
Yeah it looks like they left off the date...but the posts do indicate sometime in March. The reason i bring it up is bc it sounds eerily familiar to how it started in the US. There were announcements about an MPAA crackdown.....ok.....i didnt think me or anyone (as aforementioned in the post above) would ever get in trouble. then it happened. it started slow and then clamped down hard. just wanted to know if you saw that happening up there. or do you just not see it as something that is gonna happen?
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- Joined: Dec 06, 2004
- Location: DC
RE: This is getting out of hand
Apr 22, 2006 05:31
I think its something that is going to have to happen. You hear more and more about it, and I think that has something to do with why apple has such a vested interest in doing movies on itunes. they banked in on the fallout of napster, maybe they can do it again with movies. i think it works out for the consumer too, because then you dont get a crappy download of a different movie altogether. I dont miss the days of downloading songs and getting them cut off, etc.
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- Joined: Dec 06, 2004
- Location: DC
RE: This is getting out of hand
May 05, 2006 03:05
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2006
- Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
RE: This is getting out of hand
May 11, 2006 10:46
What a scary topic. Honestly though, it would be quite scary if IPs were protected with a ferocity that anything we do online would land us all in big time trouble. I would, for cropping Kenshiro' s mug out of a wallpaper for my avatar. Still, no standard has yet been set for laws regarding the internet and the distribution of materials that may or may not be illegal. (Definately illegal in the aforementioned) Until the world is unified in a global standard of net law enforcement... but really, who here expects politicians to unite for any reason, let alone the internet?
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: This is getting out of hand
May 16, 2006 20:24
what security do you guys use on the net? I dont mean AV, more like IP scrambles etc.. Peergardian seems to get better and better...
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2006
- Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
RE: This is getting out of hand
May 17, 2006 07:16
PeerGuardian is so old school. PeerGuardian 2 is where it' s at. (I know that' s what you meant.  ) Really though, the number from the MPAA study assumes that if the bootlegs were not sold, said bootleg copies would then be extra legal copies sold. That is not simply the case. There is only so much income people have available to them. At the very least, the income is actually the profits of the bootleggers, which is not as big as that number, I would think. Cost of legal disc =/= cost of bootleggers (this much is obvious, otherwise bootlegs would not be sought for). Therefore X number of bootlegs distributed =/= X x (cost of a legal disk) amount of dollars lost. Unless the report acknowledged the above, and used a different guide of measurement of the damages, those numbers are definately just statistics for the MPAA and its ilk to use.
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