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Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
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Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 29, 2005 00:16
What do u ppl think, will they show his face on Halo 3, or Halo the movie? And if they do, what will he look like, lol, maybe a big nose, earrings, ahahaha. what if he has long hair. maybe he' s always wearing that helmet cuz he' s dirt ugly (if true then i dun wanna see his face cuz I' ll never wanna play halo again, jks  )
Joe Redifer
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 29, 2005 00:54
They will show his face when the masses start getting sick of Halo. Then they will hype the shit out of " Master Chief' s face/identity REVEALED OMG!!" in a lame attempt to get customers back.
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 29, 2005 01:45
and ill be the 1st go go back cuz I' m a loser
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 29, 2005 02:35
Yeah I think Joe is right. I' m guessing around Halo 7. Its possible they will always make a good halo game though. I bet there will be Halo RTSs and other genres halo games after halo 3 or 4 though.
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 29, 2005 07:55
He' s like Batman. In one future game, he' ll be captured by the Covenent, and despite being held unconscious for several hours, they never look to see whose underneath.
Boss Hogg
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 29, 2005 08:01
They will show his face at the last possible moment in the last Halo game ever Or they might never show his face.
Chee Saw
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 29, 2005 16:07
They' ll show it during the movie, I bet! The master chief should be played by Russel Crowe! He' s got the voice for the part, anyway.
Boss Hogg
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 29, 2005 16:22
The master chief should be played by Russel Crowe! He' s got the voice for the part, anyway. They definetly should get Steve Downes to do the voice of master Cheif. and they could get some tall stunt actor to be in the suit seeing as how Master Cheif is 7 foot tall in the game. Edit:For those who dont know who Steve Downes is He' s the guy who does the voice of Master Chief
< Message edited by boss hogg -- 30 Oct 05 0:29:08 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 29, 2005 16:38
We all know damn well that Master Chief should be played by either Chris Tucker or Jackie Chan
Joe Redifer
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 29, 2005 17:46
I always thought Master Chief would best be played by Bill Cosby.
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 30, 2005 10:49
We already know what the Cheif looks like in general. He has black hair, extremely pail (from lack of sun in armour), and is very muscular. Now find an actor to fit.
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 30, 2005 11:01
You' ll never see his face because he is not one but many. When Master Chief dies, another sould takes his place, just as the current man took the role. You see, master chief existed long before Halo but with another soul behind him. And thus Master Chief will forever save humanity (and Microsoft  ).
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 30, 2005 11:41
Wtf are you talking about?
Chee Saw
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 30, 2005 14:25
He' s saying Master Chief is just one Spartan warrior of many. Maybe a clone warrior, who knows. Bred for battle, y' know. The problem is, I believe they said that he' s one of the last remaining Spartan warriors.
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 30, 2005 23:00
he is. and no, they' re not gonna make halo 7, LoL. Someone said they might make a RTS Halo, actually if u look on BUngie' s site, Halo was originally gonna be a PC title, I thnk RTS or RPG, not sure, but then Microsoft came along with a lot of money, so they made it into a FPS. Maybe if the game was made for PC only, not as many ppl would hate it (ppl that don' t like xbox i mean) cuz it does have an interesting story and characters. Halo 2 sold 2.38 million units in the first 24 hours. One thing I didn' t like was that the game was rushed. Could' ve been better but hey, they said Halo 3 won' t be rushed so maybe we' ll see a really great game. They will never show Master Chief' s face, cuz that' ll just ruin it. And yeah, he probabily is pale and maybe has skin cancer like Michael Jackson, so instead of having an unmbrella with him all the time, he puts on that helmet, hahah. Russle Crowe won' t fit the part, Master Chief needs to be some badass (not Arnold) figure, someone who' s done action movies. Jackie Chan is too short. Chris Tucker is too gay. Who else is there? Maybe Vin Diesel lol
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Oct 31, 2005 01:25
At first halo was going to be a real time strategy game. Then it turned to third person action then first person shooter. Then after they showed it at e3 (1999 I think) everyone was wowed. Back then it was running on a 700mhz cpu and geforce 1. Then microsoft bought bungie to make halo an xbox exclusive. Halo could easily flow as a real time strategy game. RPG would be kinda lame for Halo, but anything could be done. I' m sure they' ll finish off the main story with first person shooters on xbox consoles though. They can always add more side stories and could do some pretty sweet prequals with more spartans and stuff after the main story is done. But I think a halo RTS would be pretty cool. There is a decent chance it will come out before StarCraft 2.
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Nov 02, 2005 13:56
To all the coments about MC' s origin, just shut up you ignorant idiots. I hate to be mean but when someone mindlessly spews a theory, particularly when the books clearly state who and where MC is and came from, just gives me a headache.
Chee Saw
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Nov 02, 2005 17:30
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx To all the coments about MC' s origin, just shut up you ignorant idiots. I hate to be mean but when someone mindlessly spews a theory, particularly when the books clearly state who and where MC is and came from, just gives me a headache. Chill guy. The books weren' t written by Bungie. Just another persons take on the Halo universe. People do have the right to imagine, and post, their own thoughts on a video game. That' s what these forums are for, aren' t they. I mean, other than Joe displaying his greatness, that is.
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Nov 03, 2005 00:21
hey immortal, what' s ur prob. what r u talking about? mindlessly spews a theory, particularly when the books clearly state who and where MC is and came from, just gives me a headache. ur weird. go to bungie' s website, who came up with the concept of halo. if it gives u a headache, don' t read this topic.
Stephen Rowley
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RE: Think we' ll ever see Master Chief' s face?
Nov 03, 2005 14:59
Yes he will remove his helmet one day, and it' ll be.... Sylvester Stallone! (Too obscure?)
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