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The official Far Cry 2 Thread
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The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 22, 2008 21:43
Here are some screens from my pc as a reminder Config Q6600 @ 3ghz , 4gb ram 800mhz, ati 4870, catalyst 8.10 hotfix Setting everything maxed except shadows to Very high 1440*900 AAx2 
<message edited by Abasoufiane on Oct 22, 2008 21:50>
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Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 22, 2008 21:49
Vx Chemical
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Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 22, 2008 22:00
is it the official i pirated Far Cry 2 thread? :D
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Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 22, 2008 22:09
haha nice one VX ;)
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Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 22, 2008 22:32
So this thread is the "official" thread with no info, impressions, or scores?
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 22, 2008 22:41
that's because i just started the game i don't wanna say some bullshits and i'm too damn lazy, well at least for the pc owners, that's a great info about performance.
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Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 23, 2008 03:34
Abasoufiane that's because i just started the game i don't wanna say some bullshits and i'm too damn lazy, well at least for the pc owners, that's a great info about performance. How are screenshots great info? We dont know how many frames youre getting. If they wanted screenshots they have IGN.
Agent Ghost
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Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 23, 2008 04:28
I don't care about performance, i can get that info anywhere. Is it fun? Fuck, Aba give us something. I'm on the fence with this one.
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Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 23, 2008 06:38
I've got it for the 360. It's good. Interesting atmosphere. The visuals are quite impressive. The overall style of play is one in which the player and the enemies can take much more damage than is humanly possible. This enables the various healing mechanisms (gruesome animations of your character digging bullets out, re-setting dislocated limbs -- as well as saving and being saved by your "buddies"). There's also the matter of dealing with jamming weapons and vehicles that break down; presumably more realistic but still to be dealt with with videogame logic. The story has an understated, serious tone but simple elements, like why your character is involved, are as yet unrevealed to me. Your character is a mercenary who's been hired to eliminate an arms dealer who is supplying both sides of a pointless war -- but who hired you? So, overall there's an interesting juxtaposition of semi-realism with videogame nonsense. It has the open-world elements of GTA but not its finer points of meta-social-commentary. The map editor is superb, as expected. But personally I might be a bit burnt out on FPS's and am thinking of trading it in already in order to get something a bit more 'out there' and unrealistic like Fable II or Fallout 3.
Agent Ghost
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Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 23, 2008 08:43
If you want something more open ended I would go for Fallout 3. I bet the story in Fallout 3 is better as well. Fable 2 is a great example of execution over substance. Everything is very polished. It's a game with many good ideas, but lacks great game mechanics to tie it all together. I can't comment too much about the story as I haven't finished it yet but so far it seems quiet simplistic and cliche, but like I said very polished. The narration is excellent as are the cut scenes. The combat for example is meh. You have three styles. Blunt weapons, swoard axes, hammers etc. guns and magic. We don't get many adventure games with these three very often. Having all three is nice, the problem is that there's not much in the way of combos. The combat while it looks very good graphics/animation wise, gameplay wise it's very simplistic. Each style hardly has any combos as you can imagine with only one button to use. Also you can't make combos using multiple styles. You can switch styles in combat but switching styles is slow. It takes maybe 1-2 seconds to switch styles. When you have enemies up close this delay makes it impossible to switch styles without getting hit. Like everything in the game the level up system is shallow. You put five point is any stat. My biggest complaint here is that the game discourages you from being a specialist. You gain orbs dedicated to one of the three styles when you kill enemies depending on which of the three styles you use. Even with this and the fact that you also get generalized orbs that can be used on any of the three styles. With the steep cost incline of the skills, there's not much insentive to not put your points in the cheapest skill. You really don't have much choice in this regard. Forget about being a mage or a gunslinger. Most people will spread their stats evenly. One thing I would recommend though is to only pick one or two magic spell to level up. I like the flame spell. Then you have little things like property,marriage, expressions, relationships and your dog. The dog is cool, he'll sniff out treasure that you can dig, and even fight a little in combat. Everything else is more trouble than it's worth. They're gimicks. The idea of propety and the ability to rent out is nice but there's hardly anything interesting to buy. There's no armor, hardly any weapons or clothes to buy. Why spend so much time grinding in a job if there nothing to buy? The wife is truely annoying and useless. I find myself avoiding the town where we live just to avoid her. There's a stigma attached when you get a divorce so I think I'm going to have to bring her to the woods eventually and shoot her. lol Thank Jebus we don't have any kids, that would be a nightmare. Adding condoms is the smartest design choice I've ever seen in a game. That being said it's still an excellent game, it is a game built on gimicks but some of them are really cool. When you buy property you can lower or raise prices. If you buy a shop you can lower the prices of goods or lower rent for homes. Overall I give the game an 8.5
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- Joined: Sep 20, 2008
Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 23, 2008 10:04
Like everything in the game the level up system is shallow. You put five point is any stat. My biggest complaint here is that the game discourages you from being a specialist. I had the same gripe with the original. Shame they haven't knocked that one on the head, then.
<message edited by Edwin on Oct 23, 2008 11:53>
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Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 23, 2008 10:45
immortaldanmx Abasoufiane that's because i just started the game i don't wanna say some bullshits and i'm too damn lazy, well at least for the pc owners, that's a great info about performance. How are screenshots great info? We dont know how many frames youre getting. If they wanted screenshots they have IGN. THe FPS are on the facking pictures on the left, it's the number in yellow, what do you think i'm an idiot?. i just started playing the game (only one hour of gameplay) mainly to see how it looks and how it performs, i got no time to play it , because i'm already on the witcher and BIA half way through. Though i can tell you as you already know probably that this is not the game of the year, it's slow, enemies are terminators, art design isn't that great, and if that malaria keeps coming and coming i'll be pissed. i hope some of you guys make us a review, i trust some users here more than the corrupted media.
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Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 23, 2008 11:48
i hope some of you guys make us a review, i trust some users here more than the corrupted media. ;_;
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 23, 2008 13:58
Edwin i hope some of you guys make us a review, i trust some users here more than the corrupted media. ;_; He means like the impressions Eddie writes up... not any kind of official review. I'm in Israel as of tomorrow night so my impressions, screens and videos won't be posted until a week on Tuesday. I don't know whether you can expect a Crysis like obsession ( i doubt it somehow) ...but i would expect a few cool 720p videos.
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Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 23, 2008 16:03
Do you guys want me to do a write-up for Far Cry 2? I'm gonna rent something this week, but I want to pick up something I can cover properly here. Any interest? (P.S. My World at War writeup is "late". I know. I'm spending more time with it since they uncapped it a bit")
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Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 23, 2008 16:51
yeah eddie go ahead, i'll certainly give my thoughts about it.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
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Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 23, 2008 17:34
Nitro Edwin i hope some of you guys make us a review, i trust some users here more than the corrupted media. ;_; He means like the impressions Eddie writes up... not any kind of official review. I'm in Israel as of tomorrow night so my impressions, screens and videos won't be posted until a week on Tuesday. I don't know whether you can expect a Crysis like obsession ( i doubt it somehow) ...but i would expect a few cool 720p videos. Why are you in Israel, if you dont mind me asking? Anyway, on the topic of farcry 2, I might rent this too. After being so disappointed with Force Unleashed Im not buying any more games this year unless Im completely sure. Anyone here have an opinion on GameFly? I got one of those damn 'free month' adds and it sorta looks worth it.
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Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 23, 2008 18:30
immortaldanmx Why are you in Israel, if you dont mind me asking? One of my orthodox friends is going out to see his family. His sister is hot... so i agreed to go along ;) I'll probably spend most of my time in Tel Aviv and Elat. He wants to go up to Jerusalem to see somebody he knows in the old city, but he's going there alone because i just want my 4 S's. I'm going to drop in on Funtactix while i'm over there too. I wanted to go for the body painting event earlier this year but couldn't get time off work, so i'll probably go next year. There's a month long dance festival (started yesterday i think) going on while i'm there so i'll try to look in on that. The only thing i haven't thought about is where i'm going to watch Quantum of Solace... I'm not really looking forward to it but the weather here has taken a turn for the worse this past fortnight so at least i'll get some sun :)
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 23, 2008 21:16
One of my orthodox friends is going out to see his family. His sister is hot... so i agreed to go along ;)
You're trying to hook up with an orthodox jew? Let me know how that one turns out.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
Re:The official Far Cry 2 Thread
Oct 23, 2008 23:37
Let us know if she shows you her ankle.
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