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The japanese 360 event is on!!!
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The japanese 360 event is on!!!
Apr 06, 2006 21:53
Okay its only 13:30 atm the their but we have at this moment,1 rpg and 1 action shooter announced by square-enix,the people behind the rpg is the people behind star ocean-valkyrie profile said square-enix,basically their biggest hits behind FF serie and cross. Anyway... here is square-enix new action shooter that they showed a video off. Its called Project sylph,not much to be seen yet... Well,no picture came with the rpg,but atleast we got this from square-enix off their action shooter sylph. It looks great,i think :P but,what we can make out of these pics is that it spcae combat? with ships??? nvm Next company is bandai they showed gundam... Also,its now been confirmed,pacman and galaga will hit XBL and snk ofc. We also saw some trailer of lost odyssey and blue dragon and a demo of LO will come this summer. Oh and rayman 4 been confirmed to 360 :P Anyway its 13:50 there at the moment. And their manager speaks,so far,namco and sega is left,and those people said had those great titles,and so far square-enix has surely delivered,and wasnät expect to :P
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
Apr 06, 2006 21:58
Actually dude the event finished earlier this morning. I' ve already posted about the full range of announvements, here... https://forum.kikizo.com/tm.asp?m=45083&p=1&mpage=4&tmode=1&smode=1&key=&language= But i' ll put my post in here too... " Well it' s early morning here in the UK but late afternoon in Japan and Microsoft' s Japanese conference is now over. A couple of interesting announcements have been made, most interestingly by Square-Enix, ...but unfortunately no SEGA games were announced, meaning that Afterburner, House of the Dead 4 and Virtua Fighter are still unconfirmed for 360. Anyway, here' s what HAS been announced: - Square-Enix have announced a new, exclusive to 360 Final Fantasy game. - Square-Enix' s Project Sylph will also be a 360 exclusive. - Tri-Ace announced that they are currently working on new an action RPG, exclusive to 360. - Namco announced the development of Culdcept Saga for Microsoft' s console. - A video was shown of Gundam Online, ...it will make full use of Xbox Live. - Microsoft announced the first game based on the Zegapain series. - Konami, Hudson, Namco, SNK and D3 announced their support for Xbox Live Arcade. - Demo of Mistwalker Studio’s next title, Lost Odyssey will hit this autumn and Sakaguchi announced that the much-touted RPG Blue Dragon will be launched this winter. So, the most interesting thing for me, until we get more information on the games that have been announced is that SNK will be supporting Xbox Live Arcade, meaning i should hopefully get KoF98 and be able to kick ass online!" ...and... " EDIT: Some stuff has already surfaced... Based on the new anime, Zegapain on 360 looks quite like Z.O.E... Mobile Suit Gundam... Also note that while you may not recognise the name Tri-Ace, you should definately recognise their games. Specifically Valkyrie Profile, Star Ocean and Radiata Stories, all of which were great. The fact that they' re doing an action RPG on 360 is very good news! I' ll try to find more...  "
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 6 Apr 06 14:02:03 >
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RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
Apr 06, 2006 22:03
Lol,wtf am i on? 13:50? They are like 5-9 hours before us. Must have been stoned,or read a delayed article. Im sorry.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
Apr 06, 2006 22:07
Don' t worry about it buddy. It needed it' s own thread anyway! So, you' re happy about the Square-Enix support then? I guess because companies like Square are giving more support, others will now follow.
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RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
Apr 06, 2006 22:42
F*CKING AWESOME! That one game looks like Virtual On!!! Virtual On was the sh*t! It' s nice to see some real Square backing as well. This may actually cause the Japanese to look at 360s and think about buying them for a second... then they' ll probably just keep walking, lol. Crazy Japanese  .
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
Apr 07, 2006 06:04
Square-enix are with us on the 360 :P And remember its at e3 it gonna blow :) And btw i got star ocean on my psx,it kick ass,you choose a male or female character in the start. Well,both gonna meet and does quest and split up,if you choose the male,you see from his positstion,how he for ex was on a starcruiser and found a ruin and then toiuch something and get teleport into another planet where a girl is being attacked by an alien,next to her village,ofc if you choosen the girl,you start off wandering in the woods,and get attacked,and from nowehere a guy with a laser sword,(a gun) but thats how it look for her :P Well star ocean is one of my 10 top rpgs of all times.
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RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
Apr 07, 2006 19:43
F*CKING AWESOME! That one game looks like Virtual On!!! Virtual On was the sh*t! The heart robot! The cool blue one, and the big F@*k of bosses!! Why are games not made like this anymore???? And that was the Saturn version I am talking about, the Dreamcast one had nothing on the Saturn one... NiGHTS anyone?
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RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
Apr 07, 2006 21:28
ORIGINAL: Tiz F*CKING AWESOME! That one game looks like Virtual On!!! Virtual On was the sh*t! The heart robot! The cool blue one, and the big F@*k of bosses!! Why are games not made like this anymore???? And that was the Saturn version I am talking about, the Dreamcast one had nothing on the Saturn one... NiGHTS anyone? The dreamcast one was f-ing amazing. I heard the PS2 one was the only one that faultered but I haven' t played it so I don' t know. I just remember Ontario Tangram was THE GAME for a long time. My friends and I would all come itside from playing basketball when it got dark (back in highschool) and sit for hours just playing that game. We had to turn off the timer because we our matches would litterally take 10 minutes or more. I had one fight take a half an hour!!! I miss those days...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
Apr 08, 2006 01:19
Anybody who has set up an Japanese profile to get the Japanese marketplace downloads should go download the Zegapain trailer and the new (AMAZING) anime content!!!   Mmmmmm, chrome! Erm, ...translucent?! ...and pink?! http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3819
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 7 Apr 06 18:56:45 >
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
May 17, 2006 01:45
what do people think of culdcept saga now there are trailers for it available? http://www.ancient.co.jp/ I didnt think much of it, but after checking up on the ancient website (as he is one of my favorite composers) and finding that Yuzo Koshiro is linking to the official game site, I will ahve to look again. It was his work that got me into my composition in the first place.. from the fantasic tunes he managed to get from the yam sound chip on the MD titles such as streets of rage, sonic, shinobi etc.. through to shenmue works... ah the memories... in fact I make use of the free downloads he has available (check out the old section for a 40 minutle long remix of the SOR tunes). If your into trance at all check out the Maximum tune OST' s too... Hope I dont get flamed for resurecting an older thread How do people feel post E3 about these comments and the subject of the thread itself? i need zega and gundam now!
< Message edited by jtypecav -- 16 May 06 17:46:53 >
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
May 17, 2006 03:10
Firstly what I have to say to majics post is waaaaahhhhhhhaaaaaaaa (eyes bulging) are those for real if so I want the chrome one that looks like something out of a sci fi movie. Plus it would be easier to clean and would always look shiny and new. But I think they should make it less intense looking as in same sheen and stuff just a softer material cos it looks a bit like you upgraded your kitchen knife.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 16 May 06 19:12:13 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
May 17, 2006 04:24
The faceplate is cool but i don' t like the pad cover. It doesn' t quite match! I posted the pink one because it' s evidently supposed to appeal to girls. It looks fairly sickly if you ask me. The transparent ones remind me of the limited edition N64' s and the limited edition Xbox. I like transparent stuff but it doesn' t go with the rest of my gear. Personally i' m just using (and will continue to use) the plain matte-black Logitech faceplate i was sent earlier this year. I may get black pad covers to match though, though these one look a little shiny...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 16 May 06 20:26:51 >
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
May 17, 2006 04:36
there was a chap on ebay doing solid carbon fibre replacement cases, they looked fantastic.... will try to find pics.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
May 17, 2006 05:10
Agree the pink is gut wrenching the black pads look ok but verging on looking a little cheap. Waiting to see those pics jtype.
Ninja Dog
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- Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
May 17, 2006 08:33
I played Mars. I felt like someone had set the speed to 30-50% of Oratorio Tangram' s speed. The game was chock full of Temgins, and little else for the players to select. The music was repetitive, loads were way too long, and the missions' plot developments... yuck. If you managed to get a twin stick setup for the DC, stick with Tangram. Mobile Suit Gundam looks sick! Want to play that in those cockpit arcade booths.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
May 17, 2006 09:27
*dies from shock* SQUARE-ENIX! OMG OMG OMG OMG! *dies...again* Hey, I' m a girl! You can' t blame me for getting excited over having some quality RPGs you know! (I' m not saying Jade Empire/KOTOR were not great, heck they were freaking awesome! But when their best rival was Fable you don' t really have much choice...) I' ll say this of MS. It' s amazing what money can do o_0 I' m more afraid of lack of English versions of these Jap RPGs coming out for Asia...which means I may have to import the American 360... And yes, PS3 has totally lost its hold on me It' ll be funny that when these news go mainstream and are officially announced to the American and Europe audience, would ppl see the 360 being a cheaper and yet not that much ' worse of' alternative to the PS3  ? The PS3 will still have its massive support, but the price change as well as the specs downgrade would deter everyone but the hardcore who buy the high-end version; and if their library is now being caught up by 360s, with even their major developers making games for them...would fans slowly migrate to the 360?
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RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
May 17, 2006 09:37
Yes,by having Final Fantasy creator on MS and having GTA4 they gonna steal some consumers,and especially since the price is gonna be so expensive. And btw its cool that you are a girl that play games,here in sweden we have some swedish female gamers aslo :) but they play wow :( not 360- You gonna get mass effect? Or enchanted arms?
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
May 17, 2006 09:50
Funny enough, I' m getting Mass Effect (yay Bioware!). Enchanted Arm is WAY too Jap for me...actually, it looks Korean to me for some reason and I know From Software is a Japanese company...the whole thing reminds me of Korean manga...I think cos everyone is so chunky... Besides, I watched the trailers, the graphics are terrible for a next-gen game! And the battle system (I watched a demo of the party fighting...mutant pizzas apparently) is really...ugh. Grid-based attack battle like some kind of tactics thing, done with FF style random encounters!? Talk about SLOW! Oh, and I don' t have the cash to play WoW Edit: FINALLY! I went up one star-rank  No longer a ' n00b'
< Message edited by Byakko -- 17 May 06 1:51:06 >
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RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
May 17, 2006 09:52
Mass effect Lost odyssey Blue dragon Oblivion Now there is some rpg' s :) Btw did you heard Tri-ace is making an exclusive rpg for 360? They are the creators of star ocean serie and valkyrie profile.
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: The japanese 360 event is on!!!
May 17, 2006 09:55
Yeah, I heard I admit, I never played a Tri-Ace game, but I have a friend who just never stops gushing over Star Ocean, so I' m looking out for whatver they' re making LOST ODYSSEY! I watch that trailer at least once a day  Too bad it' ll prolly ship mid to late next year
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