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The Passion Of Christ
Sep 09, 2004 13:12
I have heard both good and bad about this movie. Is this one of those movies that is better off rented first? Or, can I be confident in buying it outright? What are your thoughts?
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2004
RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 09, 2004 13:38
Buy it definately. Its worth it. Once you see the movie it will change your life forever or at least for a little bit. Its a really gory movie but its all right out of the bible. Its a movie worth your money. Youll want to see it over and over again.
Starman Anthony
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RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 09, 2004 16:13
Yes buy it it is a very graphic movie. You will feel pain, sadness, and um hate? I don' t now I saw it at the theaters and I almost shed a tear.
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RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 09, 2004 18:31
It' s not that great of a film. The first hour is pretty interesting because they capture Christ and they' re trying to decide what to do with him. But the last hour is a complete snore. It' s just an hour of watching Jesus get beat down until he finally dies on the cross. But I brought it for my mom so who am I to talk?
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- Location: Saint Louis
RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 10, 2004 01:08
Thank you all for your input...but my fiancee, without warning, rented The Passion Of Christ for me to see tonight or over the weekend.
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- Joined: Sep 10, 2004
RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 10, 2004 05:37
it was powerfull. but i couldnt believe it when my sisters friend wanted to get drunk before seeing it.  i mean getting drunk and seeing kill bill... why not? but the passion? WTF?
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RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 10, 2004 23:56
I look forward to seeing this one (still haven' t watched it yet) but I don;t think i want to own it, i think it will lose its impact after seeing it for the first time.
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RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 11, 2004 03:35
I watched it about a week after it came out in theatres. I didn' t expect to see some events that occured. Considering Mel Gibson is a Catholic, he would add some unusual scenes...
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RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 11, 2004 04:20
I watched it about a week after it came out in theatres. I didn' t expect to see some events that occured. Considering Mel Gibson is a Catholic, he would add some unusual scenes... I would hardly call any of the scenes unusual. If you did your research you would know that the movie is based off of several books. I guess you could have read the books before hand... BTW, nothing Catholic is unusual when it comes to Christianity, its the standard, its the Universal Church, and it is the church that Jesus Christ himself founded. Anyway, if people did a quick search on this topic they would find an extenseive thread already exists from back when the movie hit theatres.
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- Location: Saint Louis
RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 13, 2004 00:54
Well...I' ll give it to Mel Gibson...the realism is shown through the graphic scenes of violence which indicates man' s true ability to be extremely violent. My fiancee and daughter cried quite a bit. As for me...I shed a tear or two...but more because of the mercy Jesus showed toward one of the two men to be crucified with him. Violence does not necessarily make me cry, but extraordinary kindness does it to me every time. I give the movie a two thumbs up...
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RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 13, 2004 05:42
same personality here
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RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 21, 2004 03:46
Saw it and it was amazing. I was pretty pissed though on how much of the diologue they change compared to what was in the Bible. Even though the devil scenes really added to the movie, those things never took place according to the Bible. I think alot was changed for cinematic effect. Good movie, I just wish it stayed a little closer to the Bible.
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- Joined: Sep 13, 2004
RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 21, 2004 04:28
I dont want to see it for two reasons: A- Im athi and thus consider religion " funny" untill proven otherwise. B- Dont even get me started on all the imploding Judistic beliving people at my school, when the movie was released. (in the silicon valley) Overall I just dont like the fact that parents would show such gory things to little kids of 5-10, because of biblical related stuff. Especually when its not lining up with the holy manual. Thats kinda like chainging Hitlers quotes for presidency campaining couple months back...
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RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 21, 2004 06:16
I watched it about a week after it came out in theatres. I didn' t expect to see some events that occured. Considering Mel Gibson is a Catholic, he would add some unusual scenes...
eh..eh...eh...what' d I post? Saw it and it was amazing. I was pretty pissed though on how much of the diologue they change compared to what was in the Bible. Even though the devil scenes really added to the movie, those things never took place according to the Bible. I think alot was changed for cinematic effect. Good movie, I just wish it stayed a little closer to the Bible.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 21, 2004 23:04
ORIGINAL: NukeouT I dont want to see it for two reasons: A- Im athi and thus consider religion " funny" untill proven otherwise. That statement is kind of contradictary isnt it? All the proof in the world cant make you accept the truth, you kinda have to do that yourself.
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RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 21, 2004 23:55
It' s not a move I' ve any desire to see. I' ve a friend who is religious and she said it' s more an experience than a film. It seems like one experience I could do without. I' m not in the least bit religious but at the same time don' t think its ' funny' .
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- Joined: Sep 13, 2004
RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 23, 2004 05:25
A- Im athi and thus consider religion " funny" untill proven otherwise. That statement is kind of contradictary isnt it? All the proof in the world cant make you accept the truth, you kinda have to do that yourself. Well I dont like to think were someones hamsters a clockwork world, where everything is your " masters" will. In which case then writing this would be his will too, wouldnt it? Where the religious argue against cloning even tho, religion would mean that god gave us the reason & technology to make cloning possible in the first place. A world where presidents and entire civilisations go on bloody crusades against non-belivers and/or muslims beleving that theyre bringing salvation to their souls. If such thing even exists outside the boundaries of video gaming worlds. Time stands still for every human being that dies. Have you ever seen a corpse, in real life upclose, not a photo or a tv reel? A dead man is a bunch of muscles and bones with an brain that can no longer function for one reason or another. Yet every man woman and child are loved wether you know them or not, and having them die comfortly or horrobly always makes you wish there was a better place where they would reappear and go on living " happly" . But would that constitute living like the way you died, or starting anew? Why are humans the only ones in heaven? Why would someone want to exist purley for the purpose of pluckilng souls and trowing them into a red or blue bucket throughout eternity? This would resemble more of a bored, duranged loonie/ATM machine, than a once mortal man he has been claimed to be. And the killer question of the day is- Because its physically possible nowdays to unleash nuclear armageddon and kill virtually every single living thing on this planet plus demolish it into floating space derbs... (brought to you by USnukes inc.) What would happen to the Heaven & Hell, and Jesus DJ of life himself if every living thing suddenly died? Reason being I wrote this so passionatley is because I had my loving grand grandmother die. Not only die but imagine drowning in your own blood for three days and three nights! She had throat cancer, and unfortunatley died in a worse way than both drowning or a firey inferno. I know that thats all. She was a great person with me as her legasy, and her as my roots and memory. Once she died that was probably the last thing she saw. There were no glowing tunnels, or rivers of scorching magma. She didnt get reunited with her fiends and family, or tapdance with god. Just like pulling a TV power plug she was no more. If you can prove me wrong, well just why would not just the GOD but any god be real? Im open to anything thats 100% logical.
< Message edited by nukeout -- 9/23/2004 5:27:53 AM >
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- Joined: Jul 05, 2004
- Location: America's Finest City
RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 23, 2004 21:26
I dont get it, your sentences mislead me, are you for or against " GOD" ?
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- Joined: Feb 07, 2004
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RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 25, 2004 00:56
Nukeout, you may want to movie this topic to the general discussion forum. You may get a better response in there.
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- Joined: Jun 23, 2004
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RE: The Passion Of Christ
Sep 25, 2004 23:09
I finally saw this movie. My husband and I thought it was very well done. The brutality made me look away some times and certainly shed a few tears. It' s hard to imagine anyone could be so sadistic towards another living creature; however, all you have to do is read the paper some times or turn on the news. Makes you think...
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