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The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
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Vx Chemical
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The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 01:03
Now these days it seems people should be afraid of posting news that may or may not fall in negative light at some of the members of this community, in constant fear of being labeled fanboy as i have many times before, i post this information! Sony' s upcoming PlayStation 3, due on US shores on November 17, sucks up 380 watts of power, a far cry from the PS2 which sips a mere 45 watts. That means the PS3 uses more than twice the 160 watts consumed by the Xbox 360. The PS3' s 380 watts will cost you around $40 a year to run if you play it two hours a day. Link now if you substract the 20$ from your Xbox Live subscribtion  itll only cost you 30$ and it might be totally saved if you play more than 2 hours a day! That was sarcasm, in case you didnt notice, but its still a lot of power!
< Message edited by Vx Chemical -- 31 Oct 06 17:03:45 >
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RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 01:06
but how much does the use? I would assume a nice amount as well...
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 01:08
could you refrase that to make sense? Its not to dis you, i just dont understand what you mean!
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- Joined: Aug 11, 2006
RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 01:09
Now these days it seems people should be afraid of posting news that may or may not fall in negative light at some of the members of this community, in constant fear of being labeled fanboy as i have many times before, i post this information! The diffrence are that a non-fanboy doesn' t only post negative info on one console. A non-fanboy post information about every console and doesn' t try to make a console look bad.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 01:11
I post news as i find it! more often than not i dont comment on the articles i post! Ill be one of the first to complain when MS makes moves that are unfitting, it just happens to be sony doing that more often than anyone else!
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
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RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 01:18
Edit: deleted stupid question....
< Message edited by immortaldanmx -- 31 Oct 06 18:43:51 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 01:47
Half that! it says so in the quote! it uses 160!
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 01:51
??? I bet Wii consumes half as much power of 360, who really cares, not worth making a thread about it.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 01:58
*If you read the link, you will see the Wii uses less than the 360, and yes people are replying, so it is worth writting a thread about, if you dont like it, shut up. You wasting space by trolling!
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 02:12
This thread is trollling tho, i could think of loads of littles bad points about consoles and make threads about it. All these 360 fanboy threads are getting too much. but yes ur right, i should ingore sillly threads like this.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 02:15
Vx has done NOTHING wrong. Jesus, stop crying Fanboy every 5 minutes its getting on my ninja-tits. This story isnt for or against the system, in fact iI' m surprised those of you which are so quick to lambast Vx have not run in crying, well it is becuase it is so powerful that it uses so much power.... Ah well, seriously though!! I think powerconsumption is well worth making a thread about, it is very interesting to work out where all the power goes in any system. In fact, Gunpei Yokoi created the gameboy out of the concept of " Withered Technolocgy" which went on the basis of making creative use of cheap, or low consumption parts. The game and watch was a product of a war between casio and sharp over lcd calculators, and it' s battery life, even in colour version anhiliated every other product of its time. So personally speaking, power consumption is very interesting from time to time... get a grip guys..
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 02:17
So personally speaking, power consumption is very interesting from time to time... get a grip guys.. To me too! but to those living with their mamas might not find it! like f3
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RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 02:20
Jesus, stop crying Fanboy every 5 minutes its getting on my ninja-tits.
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- Joined: Dec 31, 2005
RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 02:33
To me too! but to those living with their mamas might not find it! like f3 I suppose your gonna get away with insulting people aswell. ITs sad man.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 02:49
I suppose your gonna get away with insulting people aswell. ITs sad man. its only an insult if you consider it one. just dont troll the threads
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- Joined: Jul 15, 2006
RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 03:06
First off....  LOL So just wondering, how much will it cost for me for my 360 and possibly Wii? But, more power comming into the unit means powerful graphics, AI, and that fancy jazz corecto? Well, then so the PS4 and Xbox 720 is going to cost around $90 a year?
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RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 03:16
But, more power comming into the unit means powerful graphics,
Evil Man
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RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 06:30
I payed like $300 a month for electricity during the summer, $40 a year aint shit. Its also all depends on where you live, last year I lived like 30 mins away from where I live now, consumed the same electricity during the summer, and only payed $120/month.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 31 Oct 06 22:32:47 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 16:01
I payed like $300 a month for electricity during the summer, $40 a year aint shit. Yet you complain of Xbox Live? the 40$ is just if you play 2 hours only a day, if you play more, itll cost you more, some people might even pay 80$. its the same kind of cash, its just shows more when you spend them in a store except on your electric bill
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RE: The PS3 Costs 40$ a year................ in power
Nov 01, 2006 16:03
Yet you complain of Xbox Live? OWNED
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