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The Official E3 Countdown!
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Terry Bogard
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The Official E3 Countdown!
May 02, 2005 20:55
Just two and a half weeks left till the big show and 13 more days till I' m off to glorious and seedy Downtown LA where the hookers actually have morals and the onlookers at strip clubs are actually allowed to touch the girls on stage. What are all the things you' re all looking forward to seeing and reading about during the three days of the show? I' m definitely looking forward to stumbling upon many PSP surprises... I' d LOVe for some 2D shooters and a variety of platformers to make an appearance for the little PSP that could.. I' d also love to see more peripherals released for the device, namely a friggin TV output device of some sort. Definitely on the look out for some PSP action at E3. Sega... Always my first stop at the show, this year will be no different. I wanna see some stuff that' ll make an impact in a positive way. I wanna see some PSP and DS stuff in their booth. DO NOT wanna see Peter Moore visiting the Sega booth with a Heineken bottle in his hands again. Really Looking forward to learning more about the next-generation Nintendo console... Would also like more info to be released about the Gameboy Evolution. The only bit of info I' m interested in regarding the PS3 at this point is what the CELL processor is gonna do for it. For some reason I have the feeling that the Xbox360 is gonna be in trouble with this thing from a technical stand point.. I' m not really excited about the Xbox360 since it pretty much seems to be just what Reggie Fils-aime was describing the PSP as --- " traveling around the same block, down the same exact roads at a faster speed" or some crap like that. I' d like to also learn that the next Mario game isn' t gonna be for the GameCube but is gonna launch with the Revolution late next year! I' m also looking forward to Capcom pimping MAME & some roms again at their E3 booth, I just find that whole thing pretty funny for some reason LOL...
Joe Redifer
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RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 03, 2005 02:34
I wanna read about which beloved figures that are well known in this industry smoke and which ones don' t. Please start making a list. We already which one drinks Heineken.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 03, 2005 07:15
I' d like to also learn that the next Mario game isn' t gonna be for the GameCube but is gonna launch with the Revolution late next year! I wanna learn that Nintendo is finally smartening up and will release mario 128 for the cube this year, and that they have a second team developing a launch mario title for the revolution next year.
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RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 03, 2005 16:42
i would just like to see the next gen consoles, sepically the revoloution since there is so much hype. the ps3, well besicly we know all that is going to be in it really, just the case design will catch me,maybe the cell chip, oh and what disc format it uses. The 360..nah, i have seen it allready! I wonder if Shymoiuo Mionamtoto [that is the worst spelling ever, you know the famous guy working for nintendo? created mario,zelda + other classics?] i wonder if he comes out with the master sword and use it for once! possibley agaisnt adam when he comes drunk asking questions about Shenmue 3, you know what i mean!
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 03, 2005 16:45
Terry, be sure to look at all of the Kikizo staff from the UK and make note if they fit the stereotype that ALL Brits have bad teeth. Adam, you will take note to see if ALL Americans are grossly obese.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 03, 2005 16:52
" The offical e3 Coutdown thread" needs a theme, one which i just needed to post that jumped in my head now. " the Final countdown" by somebody, just remember that tune when your viewing this topic!
Adam Doree
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RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 03, 2005 17:12
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer Terry, be sure to look at all of the Kikizo staff from the UK and make note if they fit the stereotype that ALL Brits have bad teeth. Adam, you will take note to see if ALL Americans are grossly obese. Well, one of these is true... Although Terry isn' t obese. ;-)
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 03, 2005 18:20
You' ve got to look at it with the right perspective. Terry isn' t obese, but that just means that there is some American out there who is TWICE as obese.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 04, 2005 07:22
This is the crappiest countdown I' ve ever been a part of. 13!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 06, 2005 08:39
This is the crappiest countdown I' ve ever been a part of. At least it' s the best at something ;)
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RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 06, 2005 10:18
I' m just saying if it' s a countdown, I wanna see some counting down!!! 11!!!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 07, 2005 08:09
10 Days till the press conferences begin | V 11 Days remaining till the Expo
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 7 May 05 16:09:59 >
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 07, 2005 11:48
YESSSS!!!! Now we' re talking Terry!!!! This countdown rules!!!!!
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 07, 2005 16:59
You gonna videotape the press conferences, Terry?
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 07, 2005 18:45
If I' m still allowed in after last year,, err I mean IF I can get into any of them then absolutely! I' ll video tape them using Fisheye lenses!!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 8 May 05 5:11:44 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 07, 2005 21:10
10 Days remaining till the Expo | V 9 Days till the press conferences begin | V 7 Days till Terry boards the plane to head out to LA
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 08, 2005 00:34
How many days until Terry packs? How many days until Terry returns? How many days until Terry posts video of Adam speaking with sophisticated English accent?
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 08, 2005 01:17
How many days until Terry packs? 6 Days (Saturday) How many days until Terry returns? 14 Days (Sunday) How many days until Terry posts video of Adam speaking with sophisticated English accent? I' m bound by Adam' s strict NDA until further notice 
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 8 May 05 9:17:51 >
Adam Doree
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- Location: Leicester Square
RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 08, 2005 08:08
So, now A WEEK TO GO (to the hour, from the time of my flight out there) and we' re all starting to suffer from E3 ANXIETY kicking in. We have a really busy show there this year. Kikizo will be filming all of the conferences as usual (direct feed as well) and putting them on the site. We' re nice like that.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: The Official E3 Countdown!
May 08, 2005 15:22
rockin, so what your going to do first adam, while terry visits the sega booth? or is that right..
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