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The Nintendo Influence: to Carrie on??
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The Nintendo Influence: to Carrie on??
Jul 16, 2006 23:56
For Consoles It sure was the Sega Dreamcast that brought attention to ‘Online play’ and console Web Browsing.. In which Microsoft carried on but to a more successful rout. Beforehand, Nintendo brought us the Analogue ‘N64 Controller’ which defined the way we play games today. (Although Sega’s Nights Pad came at around the same time) Now we have Nintendo’s New Wave: DS / Wii with their totally innovate Game Control designs.. We know the DS is a Success and we’re still to see about the Wii (though im pretty 100% sure its going to be massive).. Will the Next batch of Handhelds (PSP 2, Xbox) Borrow features of the DS?? IE: the Touch screen? In the Xbox-3 / PS4 generation will we still be using dual-analogue Pads or a more Wii-influenced Control Scheme? What do you think? Do you think that the standard Dual-Analogue has almost had its time? What are your views?
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 16 Jul 06 15:59:40 >
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RE: The Nintendo Influence: to Carrie on??
Jul 17, 2006 02:05
I think Nintendo will go back to traditional controllers after Wii, either that or they' ll keep the Wiimote.
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RE: The Nintendo Influence: to Carrie on??
Jul 17, 2006 03:26
What we' ll see in the future is up to you guys, the consumers. If we all like the Wii and buy it, then we' ll definitely see more of that stuff. Nintendo hsa always taken risks by introducing new innovative technology to the market and I think that the success of the analog stick and other ideas encouraged Nintendo to make something like the DS and the Wii. I think Nintendo will continue to innovate, especially if the Wii is successful but I think that in the future they will put more focus on raw power than they seem to do right now because once Sony and Microsoft catches up and makes their own innovative products then the competition will be harder.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 16 Jul 06 19:26:47 >
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RE: The Nintendo Influence: to Carrie on??
Jul 17, 2006 04:00
im positive that the DS has its legacy and its alredy beeing absorved by Microsoft and SONY, but more than the touch screen the real influence of nintendo lays in the games, pretty, cheap, inovating, fun, cute, colorful games that can appeal not just to the hardcore gamer but to the casual and to the people that has never touched a game before as well, loco roco and viva piñata are such kind of games, by instance how old is your brain??? nintendogs, and all the other massive hits allredy have a conterpart in afrika for nintendogs, and Nou ni Kaikan: aha taiken for how old is your brain??? those kind of games are long from gone...
< Message edited by fernandino -- 16 Jul 06 20:02:51 >
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RE: The Nintendo Influence: to Carrie on??
Jul 17, 2006 10:22
Well, until the Wii comes out and parties with the public for a couple years, I can' t really say if it will be as popular as the analog. [Like Mario Galx. I' d have to play that game first, cause it doesn' t seem " natural" to play that game with the wiimote] I would be sad to see the PS4 or the Xbox 720' s controllers turn into thier own version of the Wiimote. I like those analog sticks, and to suddenly see them disappear would be...saddening
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RE: The Nintendo Influence: to Carrie on??
Jul 17, 2006 10:32
From what i have heard the next psp (ie psp 2) will have a touch screen. But thats to be expected from such an unoriginal company like sony compter entertaiment. As for the future of Nintendo' s innovation in gaming, who can really say. The Wiimote surprised the heck out of me the first time i saw it, but soon after the possiblities dawned on me i was awestruck, just like the first time i played Mario64 on N64. Can Nintendo pull another Mario64/Wiimote type revolution 2 gens from now (which seems the time it takes for this to happen) I can' t say, though past and present experience have lead me to believe it highly likely (and hope they do). I believe the Wiimote is the future of gaming control and Nintendo would be silly to go back to current controllers. Offering real time 3D motion sensing is (IMO) the next leap in gaming interaction so i think the future on Nintendo will built on the success (or failure) of the Wiimote. I think Miyamoto explained that the next Wii will be in HD, so i assume the controller will be the same/improved. The only reason why ps3 and 360 are using current controllers is that all there emphasis is on pushing more polygons, not (necessarily) improving or enhancing the gaming experience (from previous generation). That is what Wii is aiming to do, obviously at the expense of visual quality (compared to 360/ps3). I like the direction Nintendo is going with the Wii. Improving graphics is the easiest way for console makers to make a new console, ala xbox (though xboxlive is good but a recent patent shows that Nintendo already had XBL type thing in mind several years back) and playstation. Wii really breaks the mould by improving interaction while improving graphics (not to the same level as 360/ps3). The E32006 reaction to Wii only solidifies my positive opinion on Wii.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 17 Jul 06 2:47:35 >
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RE: The Nintendo Influence: to Carrie on??
Jul 17, 2006 18:28
There' s technology today that allows paralyzed people to controll a mouse pointer and a PC with their minds. You connect a device to the head which reads signals from the brain which then translates it to movements and actions on the screen. That is what I believe is future of gaming, especially since the technology is already here. Imagine, we won' t have to use controllers at all anymore. Only our thoughts.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 17 Jul 06 10:28:25 >
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RE: The Nintendo Influence: to Carrie on??
Jul 17, 2006 20:35
Oh yeah that' s cool maybe one day we' ll be able to have sex purely in our minds...no wait...wow wait a minute! For people you mentioned it' s a great thing , but physical involvement in games and everything else is what' s cool - that' s why I like games better than movies.
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RE: The Nintendo Influence: to Carrie on??
Jul 17, 2006 23:44
Oh yeah that' s cool maybe one day we' ll be able to have sex purely in our minds...no wait...wow wait a minute! always innovating, aren' t you? Few people would have expected Nintendo to go for the design for the Wii controller that they did, and fewer would have expected the (for the most part) positive response it' s recieved. I' m hoping that the next-generation of gaming brings something like that to the table. Something so offbeat that it catches all of us off guard. The mind control concept would be brilliant, but i think that technology has a lot of refinement to do before it becomes mainstream.
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RE: The Nintendo Influence: to Carrie on??
Jul 18, 2006 20:49
People want VR - cause they want to feel like they move in a game universe - so mouse and keyboard and joypads aren' t enough to immerse in the real experience. How fun would it be to just think about shooting in halo and see shooting? I hate this Idea and everyone who likes it, EVEN A BIT!!!! :)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The Nintendo Influence: to Carrie on??
Jul 18, 2006 23:50
How fun would it be to just think about shooting in halo and see shooting? No, because in real life you don' t just think and the gun works, ...you have to pull the trigger.
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RE: The Nintendo Influence: to Carrie on??
Jul 19, 2006 02:54
Well, in real life war isn' t fun so I don' t mind some slight differences between reality and videogames. I' d like to be in a VR game that' s cell-shaded  . That would be like.... so cool! Like... being in a comic book!
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