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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
The GUY Game
Jul 29, 2004 17:57
Girls Gone Wild+Drinking Games+Trivia and you get the " GUY GAME" . A trivia game for the xbox that was mostly finished a while ago and just recentlyu got a publisher. This game is in no way for the kiddies, as there are breast galore! And as mentioned above , a drinking game stlye going with it as well. This game probably wont sell extremly well but it certainly is a party game. Official Site
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: The GUY Game
Jul 30, 2004 01:39
If I want porno, I' ll go out and buy the REAL Girls Gone Wild. I can see boobsies anyday, so why would I buy a videogame where I have to work at seeing them, lol.
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: The GUY Game
Jul 30, 2004 18:23
I don' t see the point of actual porn for porn’s sake in videogames. Stuff in GTA / Duke Nukem / Leisure Suit Larry is ok because it' s humour. Stuff like this whee games actually revolve around T & A just seems pointless and rather sad really. Why make something like this, aren' t they getting any? Oh, and by the way. Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball is a right laugh, before anyone says anything.  (Just to contradict myself there)
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- Joined: Jun 12, 2004
RE: The GUY Game
Jul 30, 2004 20:57
If you' re going to make a porn-related game directed toward adults, it' s gonna need the real stuff. Seeing a pair of nipples ever 15 minutes is going to keep only a younger crowd interested. If you.....wait what was I saying again?..... boobs, oh ya....boobs....mmmmmm.....boobs
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: The GUY Game
Jul 31, 2004 20:06
Just what we need to get the world to think that videogames are a mature and respectable form of media. (sarcasm) Seriously, Im with you guys. Why would someone pay $50 for some softcore T&A after working to answer trivia for 15min.? I mean, GirlsGoneWild is $9.99 for 2 movies (and no, I dont have them, Ive just seen the comercial), and I assume you would get more " bang" for your buck. (pun intended) I agree with paul. Im all for games maturing but nudity for the sake of nudity is just pointless and would only help to prove the media' s point that games are for sexually deprived 14yr olds who live in thier parents basements. Now, as for games such as DOAXBV, the LSL series, and the GTA series things like this are okay, as they are there to add flavour and humour to a mature game, intended for mature people.
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