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The Future of Gaming
Jul 25, 2005 17:04
I just reading a article about the past 20 years of gaming, and going from a Simple 2d Plumber jumping down pipes to Commanding The Entire Roman Army Itself is quite a leap, Sure some of you may argue that the classic retro games are the best and the younger of you cannot see why this game with Awfull reapeating midi loops and the horrible Amination causes such love in the old gamers Hearts. Back in 1985 did you think that games such of Halo and Doom3 where even possible? Back then to hear that someday that you could play a game that looks more life like than ever, and that has such quaily and Gameplay would truely shock them in my view. Imagine Bringing Back a 60inch HDTV with a copy Of Resident Evil 4 in 1985? Now Imagine Bringing back Techonlgy from 20 years in the future, what would it be? how far can we truely go? can Virutal reality become a real possibleity?. In 2025 we will find out. And these youngters would be wondering why you are playing such a game called ' Halo 2' which they never heard of before, with its limited Graphics and its Horribley dated Interface. It will be considered retro. The only worry i have about ' The Future of Gaming' is that 2d might completely die off, or have just one or two titles every year which dont live up to the standard of those classics, surely which would you play?, a limited game that can only display a certain number of enimies or a expansive rpg that can show more than 9000 soliders? Whats your view? How will Games Grow?
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- Joined: Nov 27, 2004
RE: The Future of Gaming
Jul 25, 2005 19:22
yea 2D games will probably disappear and im worried about that too.after you said the thing about virtual reality i thought that would be cool.playing resident evil being stuck in the city with zombies and trying to get out alive.man if that happens in the future i would be one happy man.so what do think about a survival horror virtual reality game?
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: The Future of Gaming
Jul 25, 2005 19:32
Back in 1985 if I had thought about Halo or Doom 3, I would have stopped gaming altogether because both of those games are pretty damned boring. I would have thought it was cool if ONE GAME (or game series) had a style like a typical FPS game, but I would have had diarrhea if I knew it would become a massively overpopulated and underfun genre all to its own. I also would be disappointed with the fall of Japanese developers and the rise of lackluster US and EU developers (fathers of the FPS genre).
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 26 Jul 05 3:33:22 >
Jason Zeidan
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- Joined: Jul 12, 2005
RE: The Future of Gaming
Jul 26, 2005 10:18
I think the future will be divided between Nintendo and the others. I think 2D will disappear, and 3D will be the official graphical formula. I also think we will dwell into a new gaming era (I' m not talking about that ' HD era' crap), a new dimension. I don' t know exactly what that will be, but I expect two different futures, all depending on who takes the console crown next generation. On one hand you' ll have innovation and affordability above all else; and on the other hand you' ll have incredible horsepower and multi-functionality. Both have their advantages and disadvatages, but we' ll have to see which formula wins out, because that winning philosophy may become the industry standard. I also see Capcom making a 3D Street Fighter  ..
< Message edited by Jason Zeidan -- 26 Jul 05 18:19:51 >
Chee Saw
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RE: The Future of Gaming
Jul 31, 2005 05:53
I think video will either be layed directly onto your retina from a surgically infused, bio-powered implant, or be streamed directly to the portion of your brain responsible for interpreting said data. Either that, or the Virtual-Boy will make a comeback.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: The Future of Gaming
Jul 31, 2005 10:27
Back in 1985 did you think that games such of Halo and Doom3 where even possible? Back then to hear that someday that you could play a game that looks more life like than ever, and that has such quaily and Gameplay would truely shock them in my view. Imagine Bringing Back a 60inch HDTV with a copy Of Resident Evil 4 in 1985? Back in 1985 I was too busy gearing up for the Transformers: The movie to think about the depressing First-Person shooting genre where all you can see of your character is an arm and gun. However even back then I was playing games like Dragons Lair, Cobra Command, Space Ace, and some mysterious laser disc arcade game that will probably forever remain a mystery to me unfortunately because the damn machine wasn' t labeled, seeing those games in action sort of gave me a glimpse of the future and prepared me at a young age of what could be possible in the future with a lot more interactivity and control. As for bringing back a 60 inch HD TV and Resident Evil 4 to 1985, I think you' d probably be held for questioning by the Government for a long, long time ;). As for Virtual Reality, well Sega ' sort of' got the ball rolling with Time Traveler, hehe, give em time and much better technology. ;) As for 2D gaming, I' m not convinced that It' ll ever completely die off, not as long as companies like Capcom, Xnauts/Psikyo, SNK, and Treasure are still kicking. As for which game I would play, easy choice, I' d play the limited game that can only display a certain number of characters ;) BUT I' d enjoy ' watching' the good parts of the expansive RPG with more than 9000 soldiers onscreen in action. p.s. Haha, I LOVE Google, anyways, the mystery game is no longer a mystery to me. The game was called CLIFF HANGER. It was one of the coolest laser disc games evar!!1!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 1 Aug 05 2:22:38 >
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: The Future of Gaming
Jul 31, 2005 18:16
In the future there will be cheese, and plenty of it. Now what that has to do with games is all the cheese will make you constipated giving you even more time to play. HOORAY FOR CRAFT CHEESE!!!1!!!!! ( see how I added the " 1" to be " 1337" ? thats soooo in these days)
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: The Future of Gaming
Jul 31, 2005 18:20
( see how I added the " 1" to be " 1337" ? thats soooo in these days) I' m glad you remembered to include the 1 cause a lot of other people don' t and they always end up look all goofy and stuff because of such a glaring omission.
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