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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: The Darkness
Jun 30, 2007 10:23
Everything is great so far, ...except the aiming which feels a little off. Not Far Cry Instincts: Predator off, but a bit random. I turned auto-aim completely off but it still feels slightly wrong. So, thus far you would recommend getting it?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The Darkness
Jul 01, 2007 02:40
Ok, so i' ve payed enough to comment on a couple of things... The weapons design, the voice acting, the sound in general, the overall visual quality etc are all excellent. The story is pretty good and the hand gestures aren' t as annoying as some people have been making out, and after some tweaking i got the aiming to feel more natural. However, moving about is clunky and can be awkward, especially when you' re crouching or in fine-aim. You move at one speed, towards the slower end of slow - jog. The levels can be confusing and the map is useless. You can check you' re notebook to get an idea of what you' re supposed to be doing but it' s sometimes too vague and i' ve gotten lost a couple of times. The framerate is dodgy and they have added motion blur to try and hide it. Not cool. The WWI part sucks donkey dick. Bad bad move including that the way they have. I know it' s part of the story but paying through it is mind-numbingly boring. The game has style but i kinda expected more from it. The Darkness powers are pretty useless and really only serve to allow you to take more damage. Maybe they' ll become more necessary later in the game? So far i' m glad i bought it, much in the way i' m glad i bought Prey last summer. Whether i' d recommend buying it at full price or not i don' t know, but i would certainly recommend picking it up if you need another shooter to play or can find it for less than the RRP. Like Comdemned, it' s a game you really shouldn' t miss out on, even if like Condemned it' s not perfect.
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: The Darkness
Jul 01, 2007 02:56
Yea, I love the style. The game is gorgeous in places, and really bad in others. The story has its gaps, but its pretty sureal. Although not quite on the level of Silent Hill. I think Condemned is a good comparison, maybe The Darkness has a little more depth to it, I dunno. How the hell dyu get the water pump working btw?? I can' t explore every corner of the level cos I can' t cope with the frame rate making me sick all the time!
< Message edited by choupolo -- 30 Jun 07 18:56:36 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The Darkness
Jul 01, 2007 03:21
ORIGINAL: choupolo How the hell dyu get the water pump working btw?? I can' t explore every corner of the level cos I can' t cope with the frame rate making me sick all the time! If you eat the heart of the dead soldier in the room you' ll earn the Lightbringer Darkling. Then you us need to summon one near the pump and it powers it up. It' s things like this that are disappointing. Everything is so vague.
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: The Darkness
Jul 01, 2007 05:13
Heh, how was I supposed to know that!? I never really bothered eating every single enemy' s heart, since a lot of the time if the body is on a slope, you walk around the body and theres only one position that you get that prompt coming up... [:' (] You sure phone/mail a lot of random people too in this game!
< Message edited by choupolo -- 30 Jun 07 21:13:50 >
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: The Darkness
Jul 01, 2007 07:48
You sure phone/mail a lot of random people too in this game! Remember that fucking PDA in Doom3? drove me nuts.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: The Darkness
Jul 01, 2007 11:27
I think I' ll pick this, Shadowrun, and perhaps overlord up when i get my 360 back
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: The Darkness
Jul 02, 2007 19:28
The last section sucks big time and the ending is seriously lame. I wouldn' t recommend this game at full price and it' s not as memorable as Riddick.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: The Darkness
Jul 02, 2007 19:39
i was going to by this game yesterday, but at the last minute i went for GRAW 2, i hope i will love this game since i loved Vegas.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: The Darkness
Jul 02, 2007 19:40
The last section sucks big time and the ending is seriously lame. I wouldn' t recommend this game at full price and it' s not as memorable as Riddick. Majik is someone with good game taste+knowlegde,so I trust him,and getting Dead rising instead,im already playing overlord too so im getting The darkness later. I cant stand bad endings now I know DR has a bad ending too,but atleast I can change it. and its made for replays.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: The Darkness
Jul 02, 2007 22:55
I think I' ll pick this, Shadowrun, and perhaps overlord up when i get my 360 back ??? I cant stand bad endings now I know DR has a bad ending too,but atleast I can change it. and its made for replays. Yeah, the regular ending in Dead Rising is pretty lame, but if you put even a little bit of effort into the game, you can get something almost like satisfaction out of beating it. In all honesty though, the game' s strong point isn' t the plot.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: The Darkness
Jul 28, 2007 05:53
Finaly My Darkness has " arrived"  that late is the cause of so many hesitations, some bad reviews, some bad feedbacks... anyway there is is and from the first 30 mins, i' m very impressed even graphicaly on an SD, the art design looks good , textures are awesome , everything is great, if ALL the games were just this good, i' ll be very happy, and i' m more happy now that i KNOW my 360 can pull out more. The voice acting is truly superb, and the story seems interesting, the atmosphere seems great, However firing the gun doesn' t give you a good felling , i don' t know it' s not like F.E.A.R for exemple in which you really feel the power of your gun... also the aiming is a little off but that' s all right... i' ll see how this will turn later but so far i' m very pleased.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: The Darkness
Jul 28, 2007 06:30
Haven' t played in since I left hell with my Darkness Guns, but so far I am fairly impressed. I was surprised by how many little good samaritan side missions you have to do. Like the one with the god damn lady who wants to bet that you can' t get the coins before the train comes. Anyway, gameplay is good, I love using the Creeping Darkness so far it is my fav power. A little cheap since it allows you to scout far ahead of where you have to go and kill your enemies without you having to go in there. Graphically, this game is solid. Especially in the subway, the grafitti on the walls looks fantastic. My only complaint so far is the fact that move around like a constapated turtle. A little quicker movement would' ve been great, but all in all I am pleasantly surprised with how much I have been enjoying this game. Multiplayer sucks ass, so this was for me is a rental.
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- Joined: Mar 25, 2005
- Location: Germany
RE: The Darkness
Jul 28, 2007 06:40
ORIGINAL: Nitro The last section sucks big time and the ending is seriously lame. Have to completely agree. Though I also have to add, that the game is fairly short(8-9 hours). And while the ambience is fantastic and Mike Patton is the best voice actor EVER, I' d still recommend renting it. I am lucky that my friend picked it up and so I didnt have to either spend money on buying it or pay a renting fee. Btw. loading times in this game seriously rule.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: The Darkness
Jul 28, 2007 07:55
I had big hopes for this game, but after having played quite a bit, it seems nothing A about it, just OK. It isn' t bad, however it isn' t very interesting and doesn' t really stand out. Though I do enjoy the story, which isn' t an often in shooter games, for me. The graphics (at least for the Ps3) are really annoying imo. It has style, and shit like that, but the textures are often awfull. Especially the animations, in particular the facial and mouth expressions. Also, I reallly wonder why they decided to make Jackie look like a Swedish Hard Rocker. There is nothing mafia or cool about the design for Jackie, he looks more like the type of guy that lives with his parents, til he is 26, afraid of people, never leaving his room, just listening to some... well, rock! Also, as just as Majik said, the controls aren' t all that good, bt the worst part have to be the A.I or the uninteresting level designs, which I won' t getinto detail of. A major let down this game was for me, but only because I had come to expect alot from it. Hopefully Riddick was better, because if this is all that Starbreeze got to offer, then I really don' t want to be working for them in 2 years.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: The Darkness
Jul 29, 2007 00:38
First game I' ve rented in a couple years. It' s definately worth the 7 bucks. I spend more time running & gunning than using most of the Darkness crap. (unless it' s necessary) I' ll give a final verdict when I get some time to play it on my box. (rented at a friends)
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: The Darkness
Jul 29, 2007 12:58
I think I' ll pick this, Shadowrun, and perhaps overlord up when i get my 360 back ??? Wow, looking back at this, I didnt get any of those games. I changed my mind about overlord because the more I thought about it the less it interested me, I didnt get this because I was too lazy to download the demo and I wasnt about to buy the game without playing it first, and I borrowed Shadowrun from my friend whose 360 broke. Played it for about a week 1/2 and it was pretty good, but I dont think I' ll buy it
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: The Darkness
Jul 30, 2007 18:36
oK I finaly beat the game and here are the things that IMO kept it from being an AAA title: 1) dumb A.I and much dumber Darklings, they are almost useless 2) Choppy framerate some few times, and it gets much worse at the end level (was that my xbox screwing up ? ) 3) Aiming isn' t precise and sometimes frustrating 4) The Hellish world isn' t an existing idea, generaly bad art design in that game and a bit boring. 5) your darking power aren' t that useful except for the crawlin power (you know the snake thing) if i haven' t forgotten something else, almost eveyrthing else is just excellent, i loved the story, the graphics in most part, the voices, the atmosphere and some very cool parts in the game. all the problems mentioned above does not keep this game from being often very good and should be played... my score in gamerankings terms 87% and you know what that means.
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