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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
Sup my peeps?
Dec 13, 2004 03:27
Hey guys and gals, it' s been a while. Sorry for for the long MIA. I' ve been so wrapped up in work in school and work I have very little time for getting online. Luckily Christmas break is coming up. I still have to f*cking work most of it though. So... let' s see where to begin. Well college life rules(well aside from working). I' ve met a ton of people been to parties, and all sorts of stuff. I' ve just been trying to enjoy myself. I went to Hot Import Nights in Miami last night. that freakin ruled. Speakin of hot imports, I got a new car. My Ranger died so I got a 2003 Hyundai tiburon fully loaded, GT V6, leather interior, sunroof, and all sorts of grea stuff. Best part- cost me only $7,000. I found out I have a relative that owns a car dealership here. Connections are great. Here' s a couple pics- I love it. Played Halo 2 and beat it in a day. Sadly the ending sucked as did the arbitor. the Arbitor needs to f*ckin die. I also got NFSU2 whcih I' ll try to write a review for this site. that game was tight. I' m currently playing PoP: WW and Half Life 2. Both are really good but I' ve hardly had a change to play either of them. Umm... work sucks. I' m at Walgreens again, but the managers at my new store suck and have no idea what they are doing. I pulled them out of being the worst money handling store in Walgreens history within my first month of working there. they rely on me for everything yet they don' t give me vacation or a raise. It sucks. That' s all I can think of right now. So what' s been goin on here. I' ve got some catching up to do.
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- Joined: Aug 26, 2004
RE: Sup my peeps?
Dec 13, 2004 04:03
Uh...who are you? Nice car tough
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Sup my peeps?
Dec 13, 2004 04:09
I' m old school here. I was around pretty early when the site opened. I used to be a lead contribuor to the site for videogame previews and reviews, but due to crap loads of personal problems I haven' t been on in forever. I really want to get back into writing for this site again. I' m surprised I' m still the 6th highest poster here, Yosh is gaining though.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Sup my peeps?
Dec 13, 2004 04:15
Let' s get one thing straight. I am not your peep. You are MY peep. Got it? Now start peepin' !
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 12/13/2004 4:16:30 AM >
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Sup my peeps?
Dec 13, 2004 04:20
I' ve been around over a year longer than you, so that would make you my peep, ol' buddy. Nice to see you again. How ya been?
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Sup my peeps?
Dec 13, 2004 05:38
Wow thats a name I havent seen in recent posts in a long time. Nice car you got there. I can' t ask where you been and whats new since you jump right on that already. Sooo I guess I can say congratulations on all the good things ya got going 
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- Joined: Feb 07, 2004
- Location: Canada
RE: Sup my peeps?
Dec 13, 2004 06:46
Welcome back! glad to hear things are going well for you. Don' t be so much of a stranger.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Sup my peeps?
Dec 13, 2004 08:22
Yep...welcome back to these forums...
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Sup my peeps?
Dec 13, 2004 09:28
Naw, you' re my peep. I' ve been alive longer than you and not only that, but I have a Sega 32X!
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- Joined: Aug 26, 2004
RE: Sup my peeps?
Dec 13, 2004 09:32
I hate being a rookie[:' (] Specially cause nobody likes me
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: Sup my peeps?
Dec 13, 2004 13:31
Good to hear of your return... Now who are you again? (just kiddin' ) I have only been here since August 17th, 2004...and I' m second only to Mass X in over-all posts. That means diddley squat...I know. But, I have been videogaming for over 27 years!!! And that makes me a videogaming veteran!!!
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- Joined: Aug 08, 2004
- Location: A land far far away
RE: Sup my peeps?
Dec 13, 2004 13:43
lol good to see you again  ive been away 2, but nobody missed me  i guess Bling and i are on the same boat. seriously good to have u back, and technically speaking, Joe i think ur his peep. and we' re all ur peeps.i need my own peep. volunteers?
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Sup my peeps?
Dec 14, 2004 06:13
I can be your peep and it can be one vicious cycle of peeps. We will all go insane and the madness will cause the end of the world. It' s nice to see everyone again. It' s also cool to see some new members. I' m hoping I can stick around now to get to know you. Btw, thanks for the compliments on the car
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Sup my peeps?
Dec 14, 2004 07:01
Ooooo Oooooo!!!! I won a free game for being a mad tight phiggidy phat phorum member, so that makes you MY peep! I also talk in ebonicz way betta so dat makeZ me co0ler. You may have a large clock hanging from your neck, but for da bling bling I have an entire engine from a 2004 Ferarri Spider hangin' ' round my neck yo! Also you can' t hear my radio from the outside of my car. I figure that people don' t want to be disturbed. That gains me some respeck points right there! And as I travel around the world everyday, all I hear is " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" " peep!" which means EVERYONE is MY peep! I can outpeep anyone! Peep on!
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 12/14/2004 7:02:37 AM >
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Sup my peeps?
Dec 14, 2004 07:49
LMFAO! You' re still my peep though
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Sup my peeps?
Dec 14, 2004 08:23
I will win this peeping contest, I swear!
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