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Sony talks heating issues
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Vx Chemical
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Sony talks heating issues
Oct 04, 2006 05:38
Sony saw its shares drop 2.75 percent this morning after analysts noted that PlayStation 3 units on display at the Tokyo Game Show had to be repeatedly reset due to overheating issues. " While the reason for this is unknown, we suspect it may be due to overheating as a result of enclosing the units and the high temperatures at the venue," analyst David Gibson of Macquarie Equities wrote. " We are concerned that such a problem has occurred so close to full production and is clearly negative news for the company." Sony claims there is no problem with the PlayStation 3 hardware and the reason for these overheating probles were cause by the kiosks they were in, which concentrated the heat generated by the units. " It' s not a problem with the PlayStation 3 unit itself," Sony spokeswoman Nanako Kato said. " For a normal player at home, there shouldn' t be any problem."
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 04, 2006 05:40
The units at TGS were kept in a cooled case and still kept overheating. If this turns out to be because of the PSU i' ll laugh my ass off!
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 04, 2006 05:41
Well so far the PSM dudes didn' t have any problem, did they?
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 04, 2006 05:41
Yepp,we all remember the picture with a big fan towards each ps3,now how does that hit the ps3 if it was so closed no air could come in or through.
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 04, 2006 05:45
ORIGINAL: Shikashi Well so far the PSM dudes didn' t have any problem, did they? Yeh, if you play the console outside underneath an umbrella.
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 04, 2006 06:01
Well so far the PSM dudes didn' t have any problem, did they?  yeah ...like those guys would ever talk bad about playstation stuff
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 04, 2006 08:09
It is a race between the loading times and how long it takes to overheat.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 04, 2006 14:13
Imagine that train game that is always streaming data (always reading the disc). Shit you won' t be making a lot of stops on those fucking trains. Seriously though, Majik has said this before but maybe its not a great idea to have the PSU inside the case.
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 04, 2006 16:21
OMGZ!!! I just got back and my roomate has a white PS3!!!! OMGZ steam is coming from it!!!! Wait..... nm, I guess he just bought a portable grill.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 04, 2006 16:34
OMGZ!!! I just got back and my roomate has a white PS3!!!! OMGZ steam is coming from it!!!! Wait..... nm, I guess he just bought a portable grill. Lol
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 04, 2006 16:51
Well so far the PSM dudes didn' t have any problem, did they? yeah ...like those guys would ever talk bad about playstation stuff The PSM-dudes did have the system for a whole day. so I wouldn' t put so much faith in their experience in that regard. However I do believe they take up both positive and negative aspects, forinstance they did speak very negative about the price-point, wich you probably remember when the editor said she weren' t going to buy one at launch-prize. I think that should count for some journalistic integrity, even tough they don' t cover other console-brands. I' m more sceptical to Ziff Davis Media, since they had to stop publish Computer Gaming World just to ensure that ' Games for Windows-magazine' should gain market lead when they launch. The systems wich were at TGS were all test-systems, according to Kaz-interview on Kikizo, it were the same with the PSM-system according to todays blog-entry. I assume they fared pretty OK heatwise, since they' ve started shipping them to stores in Japan now, in something wich looks to be closed boxes, and also some kind of babel-towers wich they' ve put 3 PS3 in, it will be interesting to see how they fare. :)
Tim Strickland
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 04, 2006 16:54
My main fear is the backlash from " F" -words about heat problems in the PS3. My 360 died yesterday of heat exhaustion....  . Thank god for warranties, got a new one today!! The main note here is that if a system is to overheat, I will no longer get angry at the company or impatient with their manufacturing. I' m still in awe these things even work at all! However, the power-supply inside the console is a little wonky of a decision if I must say so myself.
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 05, 2006 05:52
Bad news after bad news. Poor Sony.
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 05, 2006 05:55
As long as their support is good and you get a new ps3 or fixed very fast,it' s not so much of a problem.
Gaius IV
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 05, 2006 06:11
lol maybe they should delay the ps3 for another year perhaps
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 05, 2006 06:13
No ffs :) I want the wii vs ps3 fight in november.
Gaius IV
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 05, 2006 06:15
should be a delight to see...since the Wii will have by far more units to sell than the ps3. I don' t like nintendo as much...but I' m still getting one over a ps3
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 05, 2006 06:18
wii gonna be intresting+ new mario+zelda,im gonna get it,this year? Well,it only cost around 2300 kr here,so perhaps
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RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 05, 2006 11:16
Cos of the talk of PS3 and Wii, I just thought of something... Wouldn' t it be great if Clover would port their Okami game over to the Wii? Okami looks EXACTLY like the kind of game we would expect from the Wii. The whole Celestial Brush thing would be so much more intuitive and natural...and the graphics are brilliantly crisp... Sigh....
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Sony talks heating issues
Oct 05, 2006 15:49
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