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Sony has now officially gone MAD!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 29, 2006 06:35
" Every time we go down a path, we look behind and [Microsoft]is right there - we just can' t shake these guys," Hirai told Official PlayStation Magazine. " I wish that they would come up with some strategies of their own, but they seem to be going down the path of everything we do." Seriously are they mad or insane?
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 28 Jun 06 22:45:49 >
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RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 29, 2006 06:40
They' re Sony..
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 29, 2006 06:45
DAMN MS fanboy on my MSN. I just saw the news,its JUST MS he thinks copying themself,not NINTENDO. Damn ivan.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
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RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 29, 2006 06:49
LoL.... So does the thread stll stand as Sony going officially mad? Or just plain paranoid?  MS Fanboy Ivan.lol
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 29, 2006 06:52
Doesnt matter,still he make no sense. What has MS copied? Sony copy menu button on controller,then they gonna make the same Online service. And MS isn' t gonna use HD-DVD for games. So how are they copying ps3? XBox360 is already out,not ps3. He make no sense whatsoever,then ps3 is copying xbox360 ffs. he is still a retard riiiiiidge racccceeeeeer.
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RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 29, 2006 08:53
X-Box Live is a massive thing Microsoft managed to get right even on the X-Box. The PS2 never had anything like that and suffered. Now the 360 is out and XBL is being used better than ever. I' m sure we' ll find it' s Sony hastily copying that for it' s PS3.
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- Joined: Jun 27, 2006
RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 29, 2006 10:05
why do we let stupid sony execs piss us off so much? there jobs are on the line! the whole who' s copying who debate doesn' t matter much to me... the more cool features on one system the better - just as long as it doesn' t mean a lack of innovation, which might be a problem.. but kudos to nintendo thou!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 29, 2006 10:41
I don' t give a flying flip about Kaz Hirai, Ken Kutaragi, or any other of the sony buffoons anymore! It' s just gotten to the point that i get a laugh whenever I see one of their names on the Kikizo news page, even before I click on the link. They have absolutely no credibility to me anymore, so I don' t even think about what they' re saying as stupid. Methinks we need a " Hirai and Kutaragi" thread, so we don' t have to associate the stuff that comes out of their mouth with the ps3. Whenever they say something dumb, we just post it there, and we can flame them into the depths of hell, and not sony.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 29, 2006 10:51
Sony hasnt gone mad. I think Microsoft is stalking them. Hell, I think they are stalking me too. Quick get the Milk!, my eyes tingle!!
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- Joined: Jun 22, 2006
RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 29, 2006 17:41
Microsoft has been stalking us all for years. We just aren´t aware.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
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RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 29, 2006 18:49
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated I don' t give a flying flip about Kaz Hirai, Ken Kutaragi, or any other of the sony buffoons anymore! It' s just gotten to the point that i get a laugh whenever I see one of their names on the Kikizo news page, even before I click on the link. They have absolutely no credibility to me anymore, so I don' t even think about what they' re saying as stupid. Methinks we need a " Hirai and Kutaragi" thread, so we don' t have to associate the stuff that comes out of their mouth with the ps3. Whenever they say something dumb, we just post it there, and we can flame them into the depths of hell, and not sony. Well Eddie, get to thread starting! Haven' t seen you start a thread before. You actually make a good point about that thread, but make sure Harrison is in there as well..
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 29, 2006 19:14
we need a " Hirai and Kutaragi" thread, so we don' t have to associate the stuff that comes out of their mouth with the ps3. Whenever they say something dumb, we just post it there, and we can flame them into the depths of hell, and not sony. Well the thing is, there dudes are Sony! Sony has no credibility anymore, they should keep these guys on a leash if its to return!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 29, 2006 19:55
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical we need a " Hirai and Kutaragi" thread, so we don' t have to associate the stuff that comes out of their mouth with the ps3. Whenever they say something dumb, we just post it there, and we can flame them into the depths of hell, and not sony. Well the thing is, there dudes are Sony! Sony has no credibility anymore, they should keep these guys on a leash if its to return! I would so love to be at one of theur board meetings... Kutaragi: ' ' well here we all are.......hirai stop watching powerpuff girls' ' Hirai: ' ' But boss they' re just about to defeat the evil mojo jojo and ..' ' Kutaragi:' ' On that note did you manage to find out the ingredients the professor came up with to make the girls so powerful....we really could use it in our new console....the powerpuff grill' ' Hirai:' ' Yes boss ....after much research and bribery I got it....I don' t know how we didn' t come up with it...it' s...' ' Kutaragi:' ' Yea' ' Hirai:' ' Sugar and spice and everything nice......and a blu-ray disc drive' ' Kutaragi:' ' Wohooo...I bet stupid nintendo and stupid microsoft are going to be so jealous.....now off to make some consoles.' ' tune in next time for another episode of sony.....the masters of the universe.
Chee Saw
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RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 29, 2006 23:50
^^^ LOL. Good stuff, Dasher!
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 30, 2006 03:23
the powerpuff grill' ' Hirai:' ' Sugar and spice and everything nice......and a blu-ray disc drive' ' LMAO nice one dasher...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 30, 2006 07:09
Sony copy the 2 sku ideas which they trashed when xbox360 was out saying it will hurt the community...wtf?! And now they gonna copy XBL. These guys are on drugs,perhaps they can tell people what MS copy,instead of just syaing that MS copy them.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
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RE: Sony has now officially gone MAD!
Jun 30, 2006 08:37
I think they are stalking me too. I knew it wasen' t just me! Its a CONSPIRACY. Its them damn Satellites! Have to get more tinfoil now! The tinfoil will stop them ahahahahahahahahahahahahah..............
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