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Some new pics of perfect dark in singel player
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Some new pics of perfect dark in singel player
Sep 25, 2005 08:42
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RE: Some new pics of perfect dark in singel player
Sep 25, 2005 08:48
Actually they' re scans taken from the latest OXM.
Naked Snake
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- Joined: Jul 21, 2005
RE: Some new pics of perfect dark in singel player
Sep 25, 2005 11:52
Looks pretty good, right. Halo 2 meets 007 meets Far Cry, huh?
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RE: Some new pics of perfect dark in singel player
Sep 25, 2005 16:31
looks cool. I wonder if the aiming will be like halo or if it will be like goldeneye.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Some new pics of perfect dark in singel player
Sep 25, 2005 16:57
People that never played pd might not get that the story/gameplay/conspiracy was so cool,and with all those small gadgets and kameras and alarms on the levels and the area 51 place etc.. so on so cool :) I don' t care about so much about the graphic,just as long as they implant the great gameplay things,that graphic is far enough for me.
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RE: Some new pics of perfect dark in singel player
Sep 26, 2005 03:17
it' s funny that so many people missed one of the best FPP around to this day.Now they' ll say how innovative it is not knowing it was like that back in 2001 :). I just wish they won' t ruin it cause RARE hasn' t been itself lately and It' s hard to believe they are going to produce an AAA title after poor conker remake and Grabbed by the Ghoulies. Rare PLEASE... :)
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RE: Some new pics of perfect dark in singel player
Sep 26, 2005 04:11
I just saw a bunch of gameplay videos on ign cammed from e3 or something. The graphics actually look really good. You can' t really tell in those screenshots but in the videos they actually look next gen instead of current.5 gen. The lighting looked awesome, especially the way the sun was shining through her hair. It looked like the controls were more like halo than the original PD, but seemed a little different. I couldn' t really tell because the guy who was controlling her really sucked. He couldn' t turn and move at the same time lol. Anwyas they showed some single player video and multiplayer video and some video just showing off the special effects which were amazing unreal engine 3ish. The bricks on the wall looked to be all individual bricks and the light reflecting off of stone was amazing. By the looks of it the game has progressed a lot. I guess they are only going to have 32 players now to make sure it is stable, but might have a patch later to enable up to 50. They also probably going to release a patch for a TV spectating mode like PGRTV. You can also have bots in online games and system link too, and you can play co-op over live. Looks to be as feature rich as the original PD. I wasn' t all that excited for this game before but after seeing those videos PDZ is gonna have to be my first xbox 360 purchase. And I have a red head fetish. Kasumi versus Joanna Dark.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Some new pics of perfect dark in singel player
Sep 26, 2005 06:56
I saw the 4 minute leaked in-game video of pdz and it looked kick ass :) ofc i dont think im allowed to link to that site from here? or am i?
Boss Hogg
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RE: Some new pics of perfect dark in singel player
Sep 26, 2005 15:27
WOW  This game Looks REALLY good I definatley cant wait to play it.
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- Joined: Nov 27, 2004
RE: Some new pics of perfect dark in singel player
Sep 26, 2005 17:09
looks pretty good.i cant wait to get this game
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RE: Some new pics of perfect dark in singel player
Sep 27, 2005 13:50
Hmm... I guess I' ll be the odd man out but I wasn' t too big on the videos or the scans. During the videos I got pissed with the whole rollingthing. I don' t like the fact that whenever you roll or climb a ladder and stuff you go into third person. It was disorienting to see her rolling around. The AI looked pretty crappy too. the graphics are... okay. The enviroments look pretty damn good but the character models don' t really impress me. I might buy it but as of now Oblivion is the only launch title I plan on buying day 1.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Some new pics of perfect dark in singel player
Sep 27, 2005 17:14
plz remember that the physics of the A.I wasn' t like normal,they hadn' t put it all in. Thats why it looked so bizzare.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Some new pics of perfect dark in singel player
Sep 27, 2005 17:22
Looks OK. Another FPS. Whee! I can' t wait to not buy this game!
Chee Saw
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RE: Some new pics of perfect dark in singel player
Sep 29, 2005 16:35
ORIGINAL: locopuyo Kasumi versus Joanna Dark. Kasumi. Although Joanna is coming along quite nicely!
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