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So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
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So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 08, 2005 21:10
This thing came out of nowhere for me, but couldn' t have come out at a better time. My old surround sound was basically crap and the back speakers have completely quit working. A while back I heard news that MS in cooperation with Spherex Inc. were working on a new type of surround sound for the Xbox. A couple months ago I started seeing reviews for the set up. I was surprised to see it pop out of nowhere. All the ratings came out really high and it was compared to many high end systems and held its own. Pretty much every rating was above a 9/10. It' s based on a new type of sound technology that sends sound in all directions rather than a single direction. This makes setting up the system much easier than your normal 5.1 where you have to have all you speakers aligned with the one position you will be sitting in(which makes the other viewers loose some of the effect). Today I finally had enough money to buy it after car and phone payments and still having a buffer for gas and food. It should be hear in 4-5 business days. I' m so hyped! Btw, the system is $500 and isn' t availib;le at most stores at the moment. I ordered it directly from the website. www.spherexinc.com
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 9 Feb 05 5:13:35 >
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 08, 2005 22:05
Itll be a while before I get the money for a new setup. Be sure to hit us up with your own personal reveiw on this, cuz it certainly sounds interesting.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 08, 2005 22:18
I definately will. I can' t wait to finally have a good quality sound system. I' ll have to take pics of my apartment as soon as I get it so you can see my crazy set up, and just how addicted I am to videogames... and Master Chief. Hopefully I' ll get it by the end of this week if not, it should be here monday.
Joe Redifer
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RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 09, 2005 02:28
Remember, you' ll need to get the Xbox Advanced AV pack or whatever it is called. You can' t use this with the cables that come with the Xbox. But the AV pack that offers S-Video and a digital output will work. Get that. Don' t get some off brand like a Mad catz video pack, get the MicroSoft Advanced AV pack if you don' t have it already. Looks like your system will come with the fiber-optic digital cable. Don' t even bother to hook up the red and white audio cables when you get this thing. You will also need to go into your Xbox' s menu and enable Dolby Digital and DTS. You can do that now. It won' t hurt anything.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 9 Feb 05 10:30:03 >
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 09, 2005 07:52
Why will I need the advanced AV pack? I don' t see anywhere on the site or manual that says I do.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 09, 2005 14:33
Because the Advanced AV pack offers the digital audio optical output. Otherwise you' ll have to put up with Pro Logic, which is not near as good as real Dolby Digital. Trust me on this one. You need the Advanced AV pack if you want 5.1 sound. It is worth it.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 21, 2005 21:18
It has come!!!! It pissed me off because I paid $30 for 5 day delivery and it took them two weeks to ship it. Anyway, the wait was worth it. This system rocks! Playing Halo2 with this is just phenominal. Hearing the guys coming up from behind gives the game so much more depth. Now I can go off ear my ears for info more than having to stare at the radar looking for enemies. The sound is incredibly clear, and for not having much power technically, this thing is a beast. It gets loud as hell without getting distorted. The bass is nuts and can shake my apartment (I' m just waiting to get my complaints from the residential office after my test run today). Wow, just... wow. Here' s some pics- Yay, MC! :D Btw, the speakers are BIG.They are probably more than twice the size of my old ones but they look so much cooler. Still trying to dicide whether to leave the covers on or off.
< Message edited by Rampage99 -- 22 Feb 05 5:19:13 >
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 21, 2005 23:09
Did you hook it up with the fiber optic cable?
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 21, 2005 23:28
Why will I need the advanced AV pack? I don' t see anywhere on the site or manual that says I do. Joe invented QSound so I' d definitely listen to him without question if I were you!
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 22, 2005 04:49
Yep, I got the AV pack and used to optic cable.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 22, 2005 06:34
Ahg  It' s soooo beautiful. I wish I had a setup like that...
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 22, 2005 09:34
What surround formats does this thing output? 5.1, 6.1, EX, DTS?
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 22, 2005 11:08
In that pic with the tv i noticed you have two x-boxs? a ps2 and i didnt find a gamecube but i suspect its their, oh and about 100 games too. [ i noticed you have more than one copy of a game..] oh why?
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
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RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 22, 2005 11:30
[ i noticed you have more than one copy of a game..] oh why? It' s most likely for system link, or a friend' s copy...
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 22, 2005 12:23
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber In that pic with the tv i noticed you have two x-boxs? a ps2 and i didnt find a gamecube but i suspect its their, oh and about 100 games too. [ i noticed you have more than one copy of a game..] oh why? Because I can Actually, I do infact have 2 Xboxes. One is at my house though and is partially broken. Only runs when it wants to. The black xbox is woned by one of my roomates. He also owned a GC but it was stolen by one of his old roomates. the PS2 is owned by my other roomate. It' s breaking down too so I' m planning on buying one of the new slim ones... maybe. My roomate with the Xbox owns about 8 of those games. He has one of the 2 Halo 2s and one of the three Halos. I own two copies of Halo. Basically that whole setup is owned by me. It' s also probably the reason there is a line of people trying to room with me. Kinda sucks having people that want to be your friend just to use your stuff. It also REALLY sucks when my roomates have friends over and use all my crap because they think my stuff belongs to them too. I have seriously thought of bringing all that stuff, including the TV, into my room because they abuse the crap out of everything. Even the MC cut out is damaged be cause a friend of my roomate decided to use it a dart board. I guess that' s the price I have to pay for owning the majority of stuff in my apartment.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 22, 2005 18:15
What surround formats does this thing output? 5.1, 6.1, EX, DTS? From the looks of it, it offers 5.1 Dolby Digital and 5.1 DTS. EX requires something a little more complex and NO game system (currently) supports more than 4.0 DTS so 6.1 DTS is out of da question. Rampage9999999, you can also plug that optical cable into your PS2 (you must turn on the output from within the PS2 menu just like you did with the Xbox) and a couple of games will support 4.0 DTS (no center channel or subwoofer, but discrete surrounds). GTA: Vice City supports DTS as does SSX 3 and SSX Tricky I believe. You look like you would own a few snowboarding games. :)
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Feb 23, 2005 00:03
Well my roomate walked into the apartment today for the first time in 5 days (he went to New York over the weekend) and when he walked in he spun around and said " Woah! I think it started raining outside." Actually I was playing my new demo of Splinter Cell 3 (which I can now say is the best game ever. Halo 2 and Half Life 2 don' t have sh*t on this game. Btw, the graphics are so good the screens look like crap in comparrison to it actually being in motion. Yeah I said it, the screens are crap compared to the real thing. And the sound... *sensory overload*... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! *collapses*). The rain and thunder sounded so real and project so well that I kid you not, it sounded and felt like it was raining outside. The bass is at just the right level that it gives a perfect thunder rumble. The rain sounds are just spectacular. Good God this system rocks hard. Bot to mention that the Advanced AV pack that allows me to use S-Video now cleaned up my graphics even more than before. The picture quality is outstanding now. This was an amazing purchase. I love this setup! I can' t wait for the full version of Splinter Cell to come out now. The demo f*ckin pwns!
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- Joined: Mar 06, 2005
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Mar 06, 2005 18:27
Nice setup
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: So, I ordered that Spherex surround sound for the Xbox today.
Mar 06, 2005 21:51
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