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Sleepless Gaming
Mar 23, 2004 01:12
What game (if ne) kept you from sleeping or basically having a life at all? For me it was Elder Scrolls III:Morrowind. I grew very addicted to that game, till the Game of the Year Edition for Xbox came out..I' m currently lifeless now
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Dartmouth, NS (Canada)
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Mar 23, 2004 01:23
The Gran Turismo series. My favorite events in them are the endurance races and I used to play them back to back... to back, to back, to back... and so on. I couldn' t get enough of it. I can' t wait for GT4 (espeacially now that I know Prologue Edition isn' t coming to North America).
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Mar 23, 2004 01:47
Hmmm...games don' t normally do that to me, but if there was one, I' d say it would have to be FF Tactics. After five years and 450 hours of total play time invested through four play-throughs, I guess it' s one of those games I just adore to death. And when I first got it, I spent a whole LOT of time with it all at once.
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- Location: Florida
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Mar 23, 2004 02:54
Morrowind owned me for about 4-5 months straight. Nothing could get me off of it. Crazy level of addiction. Umm... Halo hand me pulling several all nighters when I got it. I played though the game like 6 times in a row. DOA3 just sat there silently as the other launch title I got with the Xbox. StarCraft is also one of the games that hand me staring blankly at the computer screen for hours on end.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Mar 23, 2004 19:10
Halo (Both XBOX and PC) had (have) me playing multiplayer for hours on end any time someone is over. Also, Counter Strike(both versions), any Unreal Tournament, and almost any FF.
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Dartmouth, NS (Canada)
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Mar 23, 2004 19:31
Oh yeah, Halo. I was addicted to that too (but who wasn' t?  ) I only had a few chances to play that 16 player on X Box but when I did, man, was it amazing! Good times.
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- Joined: Mar 20, 2004
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Mar 23, 2004 20:02
Front Mission 3 Skies of Arcadia Shenmue 2 Virtua Fighter 4 evo Gun Valkyrie Phantasy Star Online Starcraft Project Zero/Fatal Frame and many more I can' t recall just right now. Hardcore or sad? probably both.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Mar 23, 2004 22:07
Morrowind and FFX...I played both of those games nonstop for the longest time. I also have to add Grandia to that list as well. I remember my schedule playing that game...wake up and eat, play Grandia until 2 p.m., eat again, play Grandia some more, eat dinner, play Grandia until 2 in the morning, sleep. Repeat!
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
- Location: Atlanta, GA
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Mar 24, 2004 12:35
This will sound dumb, but, Sim City, or Civilization are 2 games that kept me up nights. I was intensely addicted to those games.
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- Joined: Jun 12, 2004
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Jun 21, 2004 03:58
Final Fantasy XI kept me a little too busy. I got the the point where in a month, I would have logged atleast a week worth of play time. That' s just one game Then I suddenly decided that MMORPG' s aren' t for me right now, I have too much going on to spend all day leveling up and farming.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Jun 21, 2004 04:46
Wow Fathoms.... ummm... Been outside the house much?
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Jun 21, 2004 13:30
Joe: Heh...that was when I was in college. Probably 300 of those 450 hours came in two years, and the rest over the last part of the five years. With a full-time job, that' s tough to do now (of course), and my game time is limited to about 10-15 hours per week. I' ve never been able to play 40-50 hours per week like those insane MMORPG players. That' s just sick. LOL
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- Joined: Jun 12, 2004
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Jun 21, 2004 20:34
ORIGINAL: fathoms I' ve never been able to play 40-50 hours per week like those insane MMORPG players. That' s just sick. LOL lol hell ya it is. When I used to play, if I were grouped up with some people and we were doing very well for a few hours I would say I had to go and people would go psycho on me. I would say " I' ve been online for 6 hours it' s time to eat and take a damn shower!" , and they would go crazy on me. Those games are like a drug
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Jun 21, 2004 20:40
Yeah, those people have NO lives. 6 hours isn' t even long for them. They will literally sit there for 50 hours a week and play (if you can even call that " playing" ). Personally, I can' t play a game for more than 2 or 3 hours in a row. And those hours will probably be it for the day. Some truly great games (FFT, CV: SotN, SMK, FF VII, etc.) could feasibly keep me playing for 6 hours, but that would be a LONG session, and I probably wouldn' t go back to it for a GOOD 24 hours. LOL
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- Joined: May 07, 2004
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Jun 21, 2004 21:14
FFX, Zelda: Ocarina, Unreal 2004, MoH:AA
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RE: Sleepless Gaming
Jun 23, 2004 09:13
Anything that I' m close to beating. I' ve stayed up to ridiculous hours for the purposes of beating Wind Waker, Skies of Arcadia, Final Fantasy X, and Xenogears, to name a few.
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- Joined: Jun 23, 2004
- Location: NS, Canada (living in Rhode Island)
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Jun 23, 2004 13:41
Halo Halo Halo
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RE: Sleepless Gaming
Jun 24, 2004 19:06
StarCraft and Morrowind.
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RE: Sleepless Gaming
Jun 24, 2004 19:18
ORIGINAL: Sharon Halo Halo Halo you must have an extensive gaming collection
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- Joined: Jun 25, 2004
RE: Sleepless Gaming
Jun 25, 2004 21:03
Dragon Warrior 7 Played it for 165 hrs.
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