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 Should *I* buy a 360?
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Should *I* buy a 360? - Jun 29, 2006 06:37
This may seem like an inane question, but I' m asking it here because I enjoy the maturity level on this board. I really enjoy this site, and so I' d like to ask the Kikizo ' braintrust' -- Let me explain as succinctly as I can:

I am an older gamer who grew up playing the best that Japan had to offer - I played the hell out of the first party Nintendo games (Mario, Zelda - hell I even finished Kid Icarus), slugged my way through the few RPGs available back in the day (Dragon Warrior, FF, all of the Working Designs RPG localizations), had a stack of PC Engine/SFC imports, played Shenmue I and II several times through on my Dreamcast... I only play games casually. The past few years, I' ve only bought a few ' blockbuster' titles which I was sure I' d enjoy -- MGS 3, Resident Evil 4, and SOCOM Navy Seals 3 (I love tactical shooters and wanted some online gameplay, but I hate first person shooters).

Looking at the next-gen games, there' s only a few that pique my interest: Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (*REALLY* want to play this game), MGS4, and Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. I' m already planning on playing Zelda: Twighlight Pricess on my ' Cube (that' s why I bought the thing, damn delays). I doubt I' ll ever pony up $600 for a PS3, MGS4 or not, so that leaves me with the 360. Basically I' d be paying to play GRAW and Oblivion, and possibly the next iteration of EA' s NCAA football game.

So what' s the consensus from the early 360 adopters? Anyone have buyer' s remorse? I' ve bought a gaming system in the past just to play one game (bought a Nintendo 64 just for Zelda:OoT and Mario 64), but that was more of an impulse buy at $129. Your thoughts would be appreciated, thanks.

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jun 29, 2006 06:42
Well,Final Fantasy creator and people with him has left square-enix to make 3 exclusive epic rpg for 360.

One is being made by the people who did chrono trigger for square for ex.

Also resident evil5 is coming to xbox360 so is GTA,just because you doesnt like shooter doesnt mean 360 isn' t for you.

Just look around on upcoming 360 titles and im sure you will find something you like :)

Perhaps table tennis?
Perhaps play big mech in Chrome hounds who is out in a month?
Or Enchanted arm? a JRPG with 50 hours of main quest,coming in a month or two.
Or perhaps dead rising,you have 15 hour to rescue people inside a mall and find the hidden clues to why all these 1000' s of zombiesd are inside the mall and keep coming,until the heli saves you,this game is out in a month.
Or perhaps BMFE2 a rts with LOTR that is out in a month.
Game Junkie

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jun 29, 2006 06:51
I don' t think 360 has the best Japanese support but I still recommend the console for every other reason.

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jun 29, 2006 06:55
I agree,they dont.
But they got FF creator and akira making rpg for it.
They got small JRPG makers doing rpg,and they have some heavy names on its way in terms of rpg,as with bandais namcos ,tales of dev doing a rpg.
And Tri-ace' s-.

Capcom is also making 2 exclusive games,lost planet and dead rising for 360.

So atleast the support is there.
oh and off resident evil5 is also coming to 360.

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jun 29, 2006 06:59
I hardly play my 360 myself.. none of the games have grabbed me apart from Mutant Storm..

Do have u a DS?..

If not, ill advise u grab a lite and a few titles including MKDS and the awesome New super Mario Bros and other titles that come out between now and the Wii' s release..

Take your geting a Wii right?? Thats gonna be the greatest console on the planet for sure..


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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jun 29, 2006 06:59
So far I' ve only bought 3 games for my 360, and I only play one of them any more (PGR3). A lot of what 360 has to offer at the moment doesn' t really interest me.

Still I' m sticking with 360 for the moment, since developers seem to like what MS are doing, and so I reckon there' s a lot of potential for the console yet. I don' t regret buying one, but you kinda have to like action and casual games to get the most out of it for the moment.

Like quez says, it' s mainly the potential upcoming titles that look interesting.

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jun 29, 2006 07:08

Like quez says, it' s mainly the potential upcoming titles that look interesting.

The potential in that quote is really gonna piss off Sony fanboys in the

" PS3 You' re paying for potential" thread.

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jun 29, 2006 07:12
Hehe, oops. I' ll edit that to realistic potential as opposed to imaginary potential then.

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jun 29, 2006 07:22
lol @ choupolo

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jun 29, 2006 10:50
Well if you like Jap games and Zelda, then the 360 isnt really for you, you might get a few good games you like at the start, but find yourself intertested on others consoles like Wii [zelda] and ps3 [mgs]. While ps3 has the best jap support for all your major franchises and such you like that, but you allready said that the price is too high.

I suggest the Wii for you, You like zelda, its price is low. And you allready have a cube so you must like nintendo to a certain degree.

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jun 29, 2006 12:13
I ll wait For An while the 360 is cool and all but to me it is just that cool. To me it is like the xbox but with better grapics in hd (Looks Real Nice). and an Wireless Controller thats works seemless. But really man the os has way to many bugs right now so if i were you i would buy one later When Halo3 Comes Out and Get one im sure they will have an bundle or two ready at launch

To me Go with what you like from the last gen. Try em All man Good luck
Game Junkie

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jun 29, 2006 12:38
What bugs?

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jun 29, 2006 13:38
Yes, go get one.
Some of the games that have come out are pretty sweet, like oblivion.

But it' s the upcoming titles that will win this generation.

If you like RPGs, i see no better place to get them.

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jun 29, 2006 15:31

What bugs?

I was about to ask the same question..

Do you just ignore the updates then?

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jun 29, 2006 16:42
yup, never had an issue here - no bugs at all, and the last update adds sooooo much more for the future. *cough* potential *cough*

As a prviously hardcore gamer who' s career relates to computer games and now takes up so much time I now am more of a " casual gamer " I don' t really thing you can go wrong with a 360 for the money.

The list of full titles comming out for it is staggering, and the live arcade has plenty of retro action lined up for it. The 360 is the middle ground, it' s allready converted a great deal of my friends to them, table tennis and COD seem to get blokes to go out and buy them after playing them!

GRAW - has new maps out now, most of my mates are still addicted! If you have any kids or young relatives there is enough on the arcade to keep them going as well as titles such as Viva Pinata / kameo etc..etc..

Having watched consoles launch over the past 20 years as a gamer, I can' t really fault the 360' s. Ignore disinformation around any console at launch etc.. it' s all just PR tactics. I was forgetting the controller too, which is a joy to use! If you get the wired one it works on your PC out of the box too (support for wireless with pc' s is comming) This changes the way you play certain games on your pc completely!

Really whichever you get your going to have some great titles for it this time around! Waiting for titles you really want is going to happen on any console this gen, due to the workloads involved in developing them.

I' m so confident If you didn' t like it I' d almost buy it off you and re-home it! You can always get a wii too later as it will be massively cheap and that way youll have double the platform and the japanese market sown up!
< Message edited by jtypecav -- 29 Jun 06 8:45:31 >

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jul 05, 2006 11:28
Thanks for all the replies. I did wind up buying a 360 last week and have been really, REALLY enjoying GRAW, I' m playing through the 2nd time on ' hard' mode. Ubisoft hit the nail on the head with this one; this is definitely the finest tactical shooter I' ve played on a console.

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jul 05, 2006 17:32


Thanks for all the replies. I did wind up buying a 360 last week and have been really, REALLY enjoying GRAW, I' m playing through the 2nd time on ' hard' mode. Ubisoft hit the nail on the head with this one; this is definitely the finest tactical shooter I' ve played on a console.

R u online if so, what' s your gamertag??


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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jul 05, 2006 18:08
case closed!

Now download the prey demo!
< Message edited by jtypecav -- 5 Jul 06 10:08:36 >

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jul 06, 2006 13:21
My xbox live name is the same as here, VinnyGT19. see you online.

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RE: Should *I* buy a 360? - Jul 07, 2006 05:51
I' ve been playing 360 all day today - my friend who owns one brought it to me.

It' s not too loud , but it' s loud.

Controller is great - very comfortable and has amazing analog thumbs.Buttons are avarege (I never liked xbox buttons) and shoulder buttons are crappy, while triggers are great...and wireless.

OS/Dashboard - a lot to do here, but it sux IMO - I like to have simple menus in my console, I hate to shuffle between options - OS should be quick,intuitive and functional.My only complaint is that it isn' t.

Xbox Live Arcade is awesome - Geometry Wars, Feeding Frenzy (if I remember that title right) are simple and incredibly fun games.

I have to say that on SD TV 360 games don' t have the WOW factor, PGR3 is more detailed ,but when you' re actually playing without looking for upgrades , it' s like PGR2 - especially since there are no gameplay changes (the cockpit view is nice).

Perfect Dark Zero (watch out I' m a huge PD N64 fan) - I haven' t seen much since I didn' t enjoy it at all (god damn it - not even a bit!!), but what I saw was terribly unimpressive.Rare WTF have they done to you?

Kameo - same shit - unresponsive controls (the main character stops 1s after you make her stop) and while it' s got nice SFX all over it,it looks dated with current gen animations.

GRAW looks very good - some animations are mediocre though.

Prey has terrible human characters (the old guy is ok, but that girl...) and hopeless interactive introduction,but as soon as you start playing in alien enviroments it looks great...but not Next Gen great - more like current Gen PC great.
It' s the most playable 360 title I' ve played so far- this and CoD2.

Lost Planet is sweet but I wouldn' t score it higher than 8 - based on the demo ofc.

I hate the way 360 looks , but it kinda blends in with TV and other electronics (at least it does in my case).

These are my impression and I really thought I need one before :)

Strange, but there' s no way I' m getting a 360 anytime soon.

I guess it' s Wii for me, not Wii60.

Remember that my impressions are from a short hands-on experience (3h for many games).
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 6 Jul 06 22:03:17 >
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