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SONY is now loaning money!
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SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 03:03
So majik has written some threads about sony losing money,well it seems they are really LOSING money... look here... July 3 (Bloomberg) -- Sony Corp., the world' s second- largest consumer electronics maker, said it took out an 80 billion yen ($698 million) syndicated loan last week, its first bank borrowing in 10 years, to diversify funding sources. Can you imagien going to a bank loaning 700 million $? www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601080&sid=ac.REUfeFG9Q Why loan money if they have so much money as everyone says?
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RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 04:08
 maybe they don´t have that much money that´s why they are saying for ps fans to work harder to buy a PS3...there´s a loan to be paid.
< Message edited by hidemoto -- 3 Jul 06 20:11:43 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 04:10
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RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 05:10
lol...not die...but...
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 05:16
I feel kinda sorry for them but they really seem to be going like the old nintendo...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 05:18
BLU-RAY and CELL have cost Sony almost ALL of their Playstation/Playstation 2 profits from the past 4 years. If either fails (rumours are still ripe that CELL' s yeilds are very low) the it could financially cripple Sony. Sony BMG took a huge hit last year because of the DRM scandal and Sony' s share prices have dropped several times in the past 12 months. The have been tax-dodging and have been caught out, been found guilty of patent infringement and will have to pay Immersion the money when their pathetic appeal is quashed and they' ve been forced to price PS3 very gighly because they can' t afford to lose a lot of money on every console. Sony HAVE to do well this generation or Kutaragi will not only be out of a job but i expect Sony' s games division will be reduced to software only like the once mighty SEGA.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 05:30
I saw it coming and knew it was possible but ....I dunno what to say.
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RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 05:33
In comments made to the Bloomberg financial news Ubisoft president Yves Guillemot expressed optimism about the prospects for the next-generation videogame console systems, but tempered this optimism by voicing concern regarding the competitive position of Sony' s PlayStation 3. n order to counteract this potential issue, Gulliemot suggested that Sony drop the price of the PlayStation 3 in 2007 in order to more effectively compete with Microsoft' s Xbox 360. Despite Microsoft denials to the contrary, many industry analysts have speculated that the company will drop the price of its next-generation console in order to make it more attractive relative to the PlayStation 3' s higher price point. The notion of a price drop for the PlayStation 3 in 2007 may present a problem for Sony which is rumored to be enduring a fairly significant loss on each console sold largely due to the inclusion of such technologies as the Cell processor and Blu-ray optical drive. It is unclear whether the company will have by 2007 significant enough economies of scope and scale to reduce manufacturing costs in order to make a PlayStation 3 price drop a viable option. Gulliemot concluded his remarks to Bloomberg by stating that he agreed with Microsoft chairman Bill Gates that 2007 will be a " crucial year" in the next-generation console competition.
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RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 12:27
Dam Thats Crazy but hey Sony Can Do it Im Sure The Ps3 Has To Hit em Hard Because It Would suck to have ms and nintindo. Hell if that happends Ill have to sit the next gen ( the one after this one ) TO me M$ has Lied Just Ass Much As Sony Has ( Hell Look At Windows 98 lol ) But Really I hope the ps3 Comes Off top on this one But What Ever
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 16:38
sony' s profit across all of its divisions has been about 1% of its turnover, due to it' s sheer size. These loans might well be to support other divisions which were traditionally kept alive by profits from the home entertainment they purvey. Sony may be seeing that this profit will be non-existent for a few years and are taking cash out to support these other divisions until the PS3 / Blu Ray technologies succeed. which regardless of previous success (sega) is a risky business surely?!
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RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 18:36
Wow! This is quite amazing. We' re actually seeing what might be the real downfall of Sony. The outcome of this next-gen battle will truly be remembered throughout videogame history.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 4 Jul 06 10:36:38 >
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RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 19:00
You seem suprised... People like MikayD are treating PS3 like a new religion. They' re ignoring the facts and evidence and will buy it on belief/faith alone. Many of us here grew up with SEGA and bought Dreamcast' s at launch (you better have done!) and wouldn' t have thought for a second that SEGA would have to pull out of the console race alltogether.
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RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 19:03
Well, you have to understand that it must be hard for some people to understand that the biggest and leading videogame console manufacturer might not only lose the next-gen battle, but even go bankrupt. Even though all signs point to it, it' s still quite amazing. This shouldn' t be happening actually but since Sony doesn' t seem to be bound by logic it is happening.
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RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 19:58
Many of us here grew up with SEGA and bought Dreamcast' s at launch (you better have done!) and wouldn' t have thought for a second that SEGA would have to pull out of the console race alltogether. I couldn' t get it at launch because I had NO idea it was coming out, and 2 I was a pint back then and had no money (about 12 or 13).
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 20:26
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RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 20:28
I would think it would be sad if sony went down. However at the same time nintendo perhaps get so much marketshare they start to make a very strong console again also Nah i hope all 3 lives. I seen smaller companies losing more money thn 700$ and sony is just now " loaning" .
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 4 Jul 06 12:28:39 >
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 20:31
yeh THERES no fun if theres only ONE company around. THE WORLD NEEDS VARIETY.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 20:36
Bring SEGA back.
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 20:55
BRING BACK COLONY WARS RED SUN maybe the psp might have
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: SONY is now loaning money!
Jul 04, 2006 21:05
I think the Playstation brand is strong enough to keep them afloat. Everybody seems to be saying that Wii will take second place this gen, and while i LOVE the look of the console and have HUGE hopes for Nintendo and their new controller, i don' t think they will outsell either Sony or Microsoft. The mob are fickle!
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