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SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
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Joe Redifer
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RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 06, 2004 05:52
The Gamecube controller is horrible for fighting games. The D-pad is the same size as the one on the GBA. Soul Calibur on Xbox plays great (I have it). It didn' t feel right on the Gamecube with the deformed PLAYSKOOL buttons.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 8/6/2004 5:53:00 AM >
Evil Man
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RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 07, 2004 20:00
Because nobody buys their games on Xbox maybe? I mean Super Monkey Ball sold more than everything they' ve put on Xbox combined, that' s just pathetic.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 8/7/2004 8:01:03 PM >
Terry Bogard
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RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 07, 2004 20:16
I mean Super Monkey Ball sold more than everything they' ve put on Xbox combined, that' s just pathetic. Maybe in Japan, but doubtful in the U.S.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 8/7/2004 8:16:51 PM >
Joe Redifer
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RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 07, 2004 20:53
Super Monkeyball ownz. Not pathetic! Super Monkeyball DESERVES the sales!
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RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 07, 2004 21:05
smb was an awesome game. i still haven' t played the second one.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 07, 2004 21:32
smb was an awesome game. i still haven' t played the second one. That is a crime punishable by law. GO NOW to Blockbuster Video or Hollywood Video.
Joe Redifer
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- Location: Denver, CO
RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 07, 2004 21:58
NO! Do not go to the places Terry stated. Instead, go to somewhere that sells the game and BUY it brand new. NOW!
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 08, 2004 00:09
Actually, Go to Joe' s house!! He keeps his copy in the third draw to the left of his entertainment system!
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- Joined: Jun 12, 2004
RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 08, 2004 01:43
ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard Actually, Go to Joe' s house!! He keeps his copy in the third draw to the left of his entertainment system!  haha, sweet a free game! I' ve never even heard of it, isn' t that blasphemy?
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 08, 2004 04:00
You' ve never heard of it? What weird-ass country do you live in? Do you have electricity in your country yet? Terry is wrong. My copy of Super Monkeyball 2 sits next to me about 4 feet away! Serious! Chuck Norris protects it for me when I am not here.
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2004
RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 09, 2004 18:32
i may be wrong, but sega is definately not forsaking the xbox. if you are a frequent visitor to kikizo.com, you might have noticed a killer app by sega is nearing completion on the xbox: OUTRUN 2 ! now that' s a game i love. this game has that same " feel good" feelings like the evergreen OUTRUN had (an in my opinion, still have). if you read the news section ---> http://games.kikizo.com/news/200408/007.asp , then you find out how exited the kikizo members are. about the xbox/ps2/gc topic' s and numbers in who sells more units: i dont care. i have most of the consoles myself, and i buy them for their specific games, like i got my ps2 to play all the gran turismo games, i got the xbox to keep metropolis street racer serie (on xbox called project gotham racing) complete. i think a console is as good as its games, and every console has a few exclusives that deserves attention. so why is everyone STILL debating that " my console is better than your' s" ? (or should i say " my console sells more units than your' s" ?). dont get me wrong, i love debating, but not about things that are non important. all consoles where ment for gaming, and if the buyer is happy with the consoles, and the games that runs on it, he/she bought the right choice. game on dudez !
Beef Shala
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RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 10, 2004 23:46
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RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 14, 2004 19:46
chuck norris has nothing on me. i can take him anyday, especially when smb is on the line.
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- Joined: Jun 30, 2004
RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 14, 2004 22:44
Like said above and proven already Sega hasnt forsaken the Xbox. I cant wait for Outrun2 and they are going to release the sonic collection on it (I hate sonic... :P ). Further more I hate SMB...I liked the multiplayer but singleplayer was hmm oke that was cool to but I hate part 2! [:' (]
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RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 15, 2004 03:08
!!! You hate Sonic? I grew up on the ' ol blue spikey one, he rules. But personally I was hoping for better games on the PS2 / X-Box version of Sonic Mega Collection Plus. Sonic CD, Knuckles Chaotix, Sonic Fighters and some form of Sonic X-Treme. Alas there' s nothing like that.
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RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 15, 2004 20:23
on a preview of that sonic collection i read that de sega megacd version whas not included becouse the megacd would be to hard to emulate. this is not true  i have seen a xbox running " neo genesis" witch can emulate 32X, MegaCD, and ofcourse the megadrive/genesis itself ! so sega, add the sonic CD game to that sonic collection. i AM willing to pay for such a great trip to memory lane if done properly !
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RE: SEGA... Why has thou forsaken the X-Box???
Aug 15, 2004 22:06
Yeah oh well I simply hate sonic games although I love the character :) I dont want to begin a huge discussion about it :P Actually I have no idea why I hate the blue hedgehog, it has something to do with the gameplay mechanics in the older games and me growing up with good old fat Mario. This doesnt mean I never played sonic on the old systems and I even played Sonic Adventure 1 on the Dreamcast wich I enjoyed alot more then the old Sonics. And I always watched the cartoon And music_maniac1965, I guess the problem with the SOnic Megacd version is that Sega has to specialy make a working emu for it and that it will take to much time to optimize it for the Xbox.
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