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Report: Sony facing massive PS3 losses
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RE: Report: Sony facing massive PS3 losses
May 19, 2007 08:26
Hey there! I figure since nobody is bothering to discuss the subject at hand, I' ll just type in size 5 untill you all stop having a Wii/360 bitch fight, get with the picture, and get back on topic. Okay... I think I' ve made my point. I think this upcoming holiday season is going to either make or break the PS3 for good, and I' m beginning to wonder if we' re going to see it go the way of the 3DO... a machine with a few interesting games that can' t build up the market share to make developers feel confident about it. I agree wholeheartedly with your first statement. This Christmas season is going to be a turning point or a loaded handgun for the PS3, but I certainly can' t see the PS3 becoming as fringe as the 3DO, even despite similar sales (  ) With some of their hottest titles hitting in the September-December rush they' re going to slash their MSRP down by about $50, and start advertising like they were before the launch, only this time catering more so to Heavenly-Sword, Lair, MGS4, Killzone, Uncharted, Ratchet and Warhawk than their lame SIXAXIS ****roller. I' d also be suprised if there wasn' t some announcement about their " new" controller by that time. quote: the Wii60 combo *** people who subscribe to being such closeminded gamers, *** people who use the term, and *** anyone who can' t see the individual merit in each of the 3 consoles. Cussy_Swearword_Error Parameters and syntax incorrect! Press any key (preferrably star) at the end of each cussy swear word and press return.
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Report: Sony facing massive PS3 losses
May 19, 2007 17:55
< Message edited by Dagashi -- 19 May 07 9:56:21 >
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Report: Sony facing massive PS3 losses
May 19, 2007 18:00
I think this upcoming holiday season is going to either make or break the PS3 for good, and I' m beginning to wonder if we' re going to see it go the way of the 3DO... a machine with a few interesting games that can' t build up the market share to make developers feel confident about it. I agree wholeheartedly with your first statement. This Christmas season is going to be a turning point or a loaded handgun for the PS3, but I certainly can' t see the PS3 becoming as fringe as the 3DO, even despite similar sales ( ) Well, considering the 3DO sold 540,000 in North America in total, and the PS3 is at 2.63 million in North America, there is no way you can claim similar sales. 3DO sat at 1.35 million worldwide with the ps3 currently at 5.5million.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Report: Sony facing massive PS3 losses
May 23, 2007 06:59
Enter the smiley.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Report: Sony facing massive PS3 losses
May 23, 2007 10:39
Well, considering the 3DO sold 540,000 in North America in total, and the PS3 is at 2.63 million in North America, there is no way you can claim similar sales. 3DO sat at 1.35 million worldwide with the ps3 currently at 5.5million. Yeah, perhaps the Saturn or N64 would be a more apt comparison sales-wise. I was just thinking of the 3DO in terms of being a relatively over-powered and under-utilized platform, with a new type of optical medium for the time.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Report: Sony facing massive PS3 losses
May 23, 2007 11:25
With regards to the PS3. I think it' s obvious that the PS3 will not attain anywhere near the success of the PS2 for gamers. Sony' s dominance in the console space is over. However, considering the the PS3 is a trojan horse for BluRay and is a format to cost reduce CELL for the HPC market we can' t compare the PS3 with any other console directely in terms of sales and buisness success. The PS3 isn' t just about the gaming platform it' s also about the technology. Sony decided to trade gaming success for success in two different areas. BluRay and CELL. If BluRay takes off due in part to the PS3 Sony will be more than happy even if it meant sacrificing the Playstation brand to do so. With regards to CELL in the HPC market, they probably already succeeded in this regard as it doesn' t require 100 million sales to cost reduce CELL. It' s pretty much a done deal even though IBM will benefit more. I guess you guys don' t care about that shit. As far as the consumer perspective goes for gaming. I wouldn' t even consider the PS3 if the 360 didn' t have such piss poor build quality. The 360 is the better platform easilly if you' re a pure console gamer. However, the fact remains that Microsoft is too incompetent to build a console that can survive longer than a year. It' s fucking ridiculous that there is so much console failure. I' ll be on my third 360 by next year. It' s a fucking joke. The PS3 has a better value in terms of hardware with BluRay and reliability but it will never have a better library than the Xbox 360. Personally I' m fucking sick of consoles. My advice is to pick one console and build a high end PC and you' ll be one happy camper.
Evil Man
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- Joined: Aug 07, 2004
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RE: Report: Sony facing massive PS3 losses
May 23, 2007 12:02
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Personally I' m ***ing sick of consoles. My advice is to pick one console and build a high end PC and you' ll be one happy camper. Except if you get an Xbox360 and a PC.... then you' ll have a high end PC and a crappy PC that will break within a year. But yeah PS3+PC or Wii+PC is best.
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