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Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Recommendation
Oct 02, 2004 02:46
and SPEAKING of news, why don' t you write any more news bits for the site????? Huh? What' s up with that Ricky?? SLACKER!!!!!
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Recommendation
Oct 02, 2004 03:40
I promise I will once my break is over. I just did my first quarter of college which was pretty time consuming(chasing college women takes up a lot of time  ). I' m at home now but I' ll be back to my apartment with my computer soon. Once I' m there I promise I' ll start up again. I' ve got that Fable review done btw, if it' s needed.
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- Joined: Jul 05, 2004
- Location: America's Finest City
RE: Recommendation
Oct 02, 2004 03:57
Admirable, Rampage99  ...If I picture you as a cool schoolboy, would I be right? Not that a schoolboy is bad or anything...I actually like schoolboys because they think for themselves and show action in education. I admit, I care about my future and therefore I also am a' s better than getting F' s and working at McDonald' s right?
< Message edited by Alley_Hater -- 10/1/2004 4:01:02 AM >
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
- Location: Florida
RE: Recommendation
Oct 02, 2004 04:03
I' m a schoolboy, just a schoolboy at an art school majoring in videogames  .