As big as a fan I am with Splinter Cell...I just can' t comprehend them making a movie out of this.
For instance, what are they gonna show?
80% of the movie showing Sam sneaking up on ppl or past them?!? That would be boring really quick.
20% of the movie mostly political talk of Sam' s objective and other relevant nonsense.
There' s only so much that you can do with Sam. I mean the elements and the purpose of Splinter Cell is stealth so, they can' t add any action packed sequences in it like Sam running away from a bomb or something. Cause I can guarantee that thru 90% of the stages on the games, you can beat them without being spotted. That' s the whole idea right? No interaction at all with anyone unless instructed to.
To be honest, I think that and it' s well overdue...they need to make a Metal Gear Solid Movie. That would kick ass. It would have a lot more elements in it and leave ppl griping thier seats at times. Don' t get me wrong, I love Splinter Cell and used to have a server up all the time called Akazunoma (Gateway to Hell). BUT MGS has a lot more characters and things to do. It can be a lot more action packed at times and a little overwhelming as well. I think audiences seek that more now rather than stealth. I think this movie will be geared more to fans rather than making big bucks or a hit.
< Message edited by kombatfighter -- 2 May 05 23:23:07 >