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Psp is looking better and better
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Psp is looking better and better
Mar 31, 2006 05:55
I dont know about you but for me the psp is looking more worthy with each day that pass by. I was thinking about getting one for a while now, but the lack of any real games didnt excite me much, untill sony annoced all those downloadable ps1 games and a new redesign, also a much larger line up: http://psp.ign.com/index/release.aspx Some of those games look good, the monster hunter looks like good, while outrun 2006, me and my katarmi and a host of others look fun, especially the new LocoRoco which breaths some orginalty unto the system, which it really needs, as all it is getting is inferior ports from its older brother, which is unfair as the psp is a capable system. I will wait till e3, have a look at the redesign and [maybe] lower price, and the games up on offer, I might just be able to get one. [especially if there is 1gb approx of internal memory in the redesign...]
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RE: Psp is looking better and better
Mar 31, 2006 06:06
For me PSP is still pretty much boring. Loco Roco looks amazing :) I guess I' m more of a DS person
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Mar 31, 2006 07:01
I agree, lately the PSP has been kicking insane amounts of ass! Just finished Metal Gear Ac!d 2 a few hours ago while at work and all I gotta say is f' n WOW!! Daxter was also a great game and there are many others that were released in March alone, stuff like Syphon Filter, which has been receiving great marks.. Monster Hunter Portable is also a pretty good game. It' s been a bit tough trying to keep up with the PSP output in March, lol..
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 30 Mar 06 23:01:54 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Mar 31, 2006 08:18
It just needs that killer app that makes everybody want to get it, and no, it isnt a GTA game.
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2006
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Mar 31, 2006 08:53
Katamari And GTA Yay! However, PSP still = $$ :(
Game Junkie
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RE: Psp is looking better and better
Mar 31, 2006 09:29
I' m looking foward to Monster Hunter, I think thats it. I regret buying the thing. From now on I' m sticking with Nintendo handhelds.
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- Joined: Apr 01, 2006
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Apr 01, 2006 10:01
I' ve seen sale charts of the psp and it doesn' t look like it' s getting better and better.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Apr 01, 2006 15:03
Sales charts don' t equal good games... Look at the Dreamcastro
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Apr 01, 2006 15:20
" Sales charts don' t equal good games... Look at the Dreamcastro" true but the psp is still a ripoff
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Apr 01, 2006 17:45
How so? ' Powerful' handhelds have never really been " cheap" . Both the Genesis Nomad and Turbo Express cost MORE than the PSP did early on in their lives ;) and didn' t have the flexibility and feature set of the PSP. Also, the PSP unit itself isn' t $250, it' s all that junk Sony has packed into the Value Pack that bumps the price up. When both the PSP and DS were first released in Japan, the regular PSP Standard Pack ($185) cost a mere $35+ more than the DS. It took Sony long enough but they' re finally making something similar to the standard pack available in the U.S., offering gamers a sub-$200 option.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Apr 01, 2006 19:01
The PSP features mp3, movies, advanced games, photos, wireless Internet, looks fantastic, has a gigantic screen and will have Flash, a PS1 emulator, GPS, camera and much much more thanks to the unlimited possibilities of the USB-port and Sonys dynamic PSP software. Try buying other products than the PSP that' s got all of these features without paying more than 200$. And if you somehow manage to find all these devices for a price below 200$, they will all take lots of space when you carry them with you. The PSP doesn' t just play games like the old handhelds or the DS. It has all the technological features you can ask for and it has it all nicely packed together. Add to that a great library of games and downloadable content on mypsp.com and you' ve got yourself a great system that' s well worth its price.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 1 Apr 06 11:19:16 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Apr 02, 2006 01:28
Its also becomeing big competetion for Pda' s, thats is, if anybody still buys them.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Apr 02, 2006 01:32
I have a PDA but i don' t play games on it. It' s what i use to post on here when i' m sat in Starbucks though...
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Apr 02, 2006 01:38
Aha, psp can do that too, but rather slowly since it only has a few buttons, a Keyboard Perphieral would go down well, and i believe sony patinted that idea when launching the psp. Well this is also a first, Nintendo is Copying Sony instead of the other way around, with the internet browser and media functions.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Apr 02, 2006 02:19
Right you are, but it' s not convenient when i have a perfectly handy PDA at hand. Ha, it' s funny because the impression i get from some people here is that i do nothing but sit at a desktop all day when i' m actually able to post from tons of places that have wireless access. You' re also right about the keyboard. Sony even stopped Logic 3 from releasing a keyboard attatchment because they are doing their own. Not exactly fair but i' m sure the official product will be very nice.
Game Junkie
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- Joined: Sep 04, 2005
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Apr 02, 2006 02:49
The psp can do many things but does none of them very well or easilly. I have an iPod for Mp3s a computer for the internet and my computer and tv for video. You need a memory card to do any of the extra features of the psp and thats just too much money, with 500$ i can buy a laptop for school (not that I want one). Putting video on the psp is way too difficult, I don' t have time to waste on that sort of shit. I knew that the psp would suck like ass for these things so I only bought it for the games but there are less then five games even worth talking about. Where the hell is GT mobile, maybe the psp is not a portable ps2 and can' t support the game. I should have saved the money for a ps3.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Apr 02, 2006 03:24
You seem to have lots of things for all of your needs but it' s more convenient to have them all in one device, especially if you' re on the move. I' d like to see you on the bus with your TV, iPod and you PC  . The PSP can do all these things with great portability and I think it does it all very easily. The menus are great and everything works without any problems. But maybe I' m just lucky. Putting video on the PSP isn' t as difficult as it might seem. I didn' t have any knowledge or experience about how to put movies on the PSP or even how to change them into the right format. But all it took was 15 minutes of reading articles on the Internet and suddenly I knew all I had to know and now I think it' s all very easy. So it doesn' t take much if you want to learn how to put movies on your PSP. The PSP has got more than five good games. Lots more. Just read the reviews on any respected gaming site and you' ll find tons of titles that has got more than an average score of 7/10, a score which is good enough to motivate a purchase. And there' s more than five games that' s got an average score over 9/10. The PSP is relatively new and thus it lacks some titles but look forward to the future as lots of great titles are being developed right now.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 1 Apr 06 19:57:35 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Apr 03, 2006 01:15
The only thing that sucks about the psp is the loading. Maybe with the new redesign an faster umd drive will be put in. Before now the psp lineup of games was pretty bad, but things are starting to look better.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Psp is looking better and better
Apr 03, 2006 02:15
Yeah the loading really sucks sometimes. But some games have very decent loading times such as GTA:LCT, Ridge Racer and Street Fighter Alpha. Other than the loading times the PSP is as good as it gets.
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