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Ps3 price drop = increases sales!
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
Ps3 price drop = increases sales!
Jul 24, 2007 08:34
Heres some good news for you suffering Sony fans!!! According to Sony the recent price drop has resulted in significant boost in sales. From Gamedaily BIZ - http://biz.gamedaily.com/industry/feature/?id=16892 According to the company' s internal tracking, PS3 sales increased by more than 135 percent at the company' s top five retailers since the new $499 price was introduced back on July 9. Furthermore, during this two-week period, total PlayStation hardware sales increased by 161 percent, software increased by 15 percent and peripherals by 60 percent. NPD apparently will have the official results - We' re still awaiting June' s official NPD results, but in the meantime Sony Computer Entertainment America has beaten NPD to the punch with some sales info for June and some preliminary figures for July based on internal data. but i can' t quote them for obvious reasons[:' (]   so Sonys sales results will have to do. pretty impressive but not unexpected. The bigger question is how long this will last? The supply of 60Gb ps3s (they are not making those any more right?) is after all limited to current inventory levels. Does this improved sales from the ' price cut' mean the 80Gb ps3 will also drop to US$500 after the 60Gb version runs out? Can they afford to do it - we' ll soon find out won' t we
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Ps3 price drop = increases sales!
Jul 24, 2007 08:55
Yer PS3 sales have increased From (may) 81,600 to (june) 98,500 . What interested me too where Wii sales. (may) 338,000 to (june) 381,800 In the USA (im not even talking Japan here).. Wii is selling signifantly more than both 360 and PS3 combined. AND in the top ten software charts for june, wii is doing even better than its hardware. NINTENDO = totally dominating.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Ps3 price drop = increases sales!
Jul 24, 2007 09:10
Hey Virtua what game was released to get such an Increase in Wii sales? I can' t think of any major game release. Paper mario, Mario Party 8 - Why has it risen by so much (According to your figures)?
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RE: Ps3 price drop = increases sales!
Jul 24, 2007 09:26
All the fault of Mario Party, June' s best seller. It sold 426,200 units, and Wii Play, as always, also managed to sell a couple hundred thousand. Anyway for some more numbers visit: http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=14798 We should call this thread " June sales" or something. I also find it interesting to see that 360 managed to increase its sales from 154.000 to 198,000 despite all the bad press.
< Message edited by Evilkiller -- 24 Jul 07 2:28:52 >
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Ps3 price drop = increases sales!
Jul 24, 2007 09:26
http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3161452 Mario Party and the same Wii games that have been out for ages (also Res evil 4@ 9th). Maybe it' just the whole Wii fever Spreading it' s wings amung the casual / New gamers out there. One things for sure, it' s going to be an interesting few months leading upto Fall. I expect Halo 3, GTA 4 to dominate and take 360 sales upto Wii levels, though Mario Galaxy (The true successor to M64) isnt one to take ligthly.
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- Location: Germany
RE: Ps3 price drop = increases sales!
Jul 24, 2007 09:32
It should also be noted though, that theseNPD numbers are for 5 weeks, while last months NPD numbers were for 4 weeks. (I don' t excatly know why but NPD counts June as a 5 week month while they count May and April as 4 week months). So, if you break it all down to weekly sales, actually PS3 and Wii underperformed as they actually lost instead of gained sales.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Ps3 price drop = increases sales!
Jul 24, 2007 09:41
Ps3 price drop = increases sales! How can this be? Does this mean that people... like a lower price? ABSURD!! Anyway, they still had piles of them near the front door when I went in to Best Buy today to pick up some Maxell CD-Rs.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 24 Jul 07 1:42:59 >
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RE: Ps3 price drop = increases sales!
Jul 24, 2007 10:23
Nintendo DS: 561.9K Nintendo Wii: 381.8K Sony PSP: 230.1K Sony PlayStation 2: 270.7K (via Sony press release) Microsoft Xbox 360: 198.4K Sony PlayStation 3: 98.5K
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RE: Ps3 price drop = increases sales!
Jul 24, 2007 10:28
NINTENDO = totally dominating. Dude, seriously now. Don' t get started on this. We all know the Wii is selling better than the PS3. Nobody was contesting that. There' s no need to bring in the fact that the Wii is dominating almost everywhere into every discussion. Back to Terrak' s original discussion. This is good news for Sony, and I think I have an answer as to the console surge' s longevity. We can say that it' s going to be pretty breif without any more major announcements. A month or two at best, and then it' ll sharply curve back down to average sales.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Ps3 price drop = increases sales!
Jul 24, 2007 10:45
Psp+ ps2 is selling well though.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Ps3 price drop = increases sales!
Jul 24, 2007 11:05
Look this is great news for sony and i hope that this forces them to drop the 80gb ps3 when the 60 Gb ps3s run out. Then it would really make the console war a true contest. I didn' t want to posts this but i thought is was hilarious so i' m gonna http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/4236/soclosedk1.gif the ps3 just missed the 100,000 mark, but not by much. Funny giff though
< Message edited by Terrak -- 24 Jul 07 3:06:59 >
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- Joined: Mar 25, 2005
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RE: Ps3 price drop = increases sales!
Jul 24, 2007 11:13
Could you please reupload that gif? It was been removed by the bandwith nazis at Imageshack.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Ps3 price drop = increases sales!
Jul 24, 2007 11:57
ORIGINAL: Evilkiller Could you please reupload that gif? It was been removed by the bandwith nazis at Imageshack. Those b@$t@rd$ !! Can' t upload it because every link i try has the same result. Doh!
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Ps3 price drop = increases sales!
Jul 24, 2007 12:00
Sometimes it' s scary how people don' t realise even the most obvious things. But today we were saved from ignorance How can this be? Does this mean that people... like a lower price? ABSURD!!
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