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Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 04:09
ORIGINAL: f3hunter ginjirou Mr Miyamoto wants to show u something.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYNZ90kB2wk&feature=Views&page=1&t=t&f=b Translated: Forget about the dirty temptations, have a look what you can own if u wait another 3 months! Yeah, we aren' t telling Ginj not to get a Wii, but we need more members to invade Chinese waters. This isn' t about which console is better GOSH!!! So Ginj, howz about dem paper rounds boy?
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 04:20
Wow, there are so many beautiful things in the world! 360' s, Wii' s, Sega Saturn d-pads. This really is the best of all worlds!
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 04:34
Ginj when you join the kikizo team i' ll train wiv ya cos I haven' t played much online apart from doa which is a bit boring now.....by the way tiz what games are you guys playing now again?.
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 04:45
ORIGINAL: dasher232 Ginj when you join the kikizo team i' ll train wiv ya cos I haven' t played much online apart from doa which is a bit boring now.....by the way tiz what games are you guys playing now again?. Well, it' s mostly me and Majik, but we' re playing COd2, BF2 MC, DoA4 is a fun game we play, not serious. Some Graw... (Quez was online playing Graw today I was going to join, but I have a personal Deadline) and R* Table Tennis. Sometimes Smash TV, if you send me an invite, i' ll play.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 04:56
Ok coolwell if anyone' s playing doa you can invite me.
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 07:34
I don' t know how those guys used their cubes and so on but It doesn' t even matter.N is considered the most reliable hardware maker of all of them , and Sega was like that as well - they may have some problems but they still do the best job in this area (DS - the only LCD device to offer replacement if 1 pixel is stuck/dead). Consoles do have problems like you said, but 360 has problems that are MS windows trademarks. freezes (even in dashboard),dying for no reason (people claim that it could be overheating but no one can proove this) and it' s way past month from launch Sure PS3 can be even worse , but for now 360 has brought to consoles what windows users knew for years. That was my only reason for not getting one before (when I didn' t have the chance to play all those games on it and was very excited about it), cause in PL I won' t get any warranty and this thing can just die.I wanted to wait for the new 2007 model. Anyway I' m not going to fight you all about 360 If you like it, it' s cool, but I don' t - not now at least. However I will never understand people who defend windows - on the other hand those guys are perfect consumers , they can find excuses to flaws for themselves so there' s no need for expensive PR people
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 07:39
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ I don' t know how those guys used their cubes and so on but It doesn' t even matter.N is considered the most reliable hardware maker of all of them , and Sega was like that as well - they may have some problems but they still do the best job in this area (DS - the only LCD device to offer replacement if 1 pixel is stuck/dead). Consoles do have problems like you said, but 360 has problems that are MS windows trademarks. freezes (even in dashboard),dying for no reason (people claim that it could be overheating but no one can proove this) and it' s way past month from launch Sure PS3 can be even worse , but for now 360 has brought to consoles what windows users knew for years. That was my only reason for not getting one before (when I didn' t have the chance to play all those games on it and was very excited about it), cause in PL I won' t get any warranty and this thing can just die.I wanted to wait for the new 2007 model. Anyway I' m not going to fight you all about 360 If you like it, it' s cool, but I don' t - not now at least. However I will never understand people who defend windows - on the other hand those guys are perfect consumers , they can find excuses to flaws for themselves so there' s no need for expensive PR people Granted, but i' m now curious about what 360 games you played that have put you offf buying one...
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 08:01
Do you guys take care of your stuff because I' ve never experienced any serious problems with any of my videogame consoles or PC' s. Lately my Dreamcast has been a little slow and makes these weird sounds but other than that everything works fine. Windows does some really weird shit sometimes but nothing that has caused any problems for me. My PC sucks, but that' s because it' s old. Do you like, keep your machines running non-stop 7 days a week 365 days a year upside down in 50 degrees celsius or something? Or maybe you hit them when you get mad? It has to be something...
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 13 Jul 06 0:02:02 >
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 08:15
I definately look after mine. I never even leave a disc in the drive. Ever!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 08:27
My consoles are pristine. I remember I wouldn' t let anyone play tetris on my gameboy as a kid, for fear they' d drop it, or scratch the screen. Although (Sorry gangsta) my gamecube has been acting really finnicky as of late. I bought it used last october with an 8 month repair/replacement warantee, and about a week after the warantee expires, I plug in a 3rd party controller, and my system flies off the handle. The fan' s still going, the screen goes black, (the same screen you get when you just power it up, before the gamecube logo), but the orange LED is off, and the disk stops spinning. I finally found out that it happened whenever I plug in my 3rd party controllers. I don' t really know what' s up yet, I still have to test it with some other brands, but it really freaked me out.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 13 Jul 06 0:28:06 >
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 09:48
the title of this thread " PS3 interface taken from behind door" got mean something to the people that didn´t like the PS3 interface
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 10:09
So this Team Kikizo... Is it any Match for Team Silentbomber?
Chee Saw
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 21:13
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 21:18
HAHAHHAH I take care about mine...I' m afreak when it comes to that I think :) Especially good looking systems and the ones I really like or paid a lot for. (FUCK I just got PWND by Custom Office for my Lik-Sang Enamel Navy DS) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAjik I have to say that those games for 360 really downgraded my excitement. I checked : CoD2 (great, but I' m not worth getting a system for it), Prey Demo (OK,fun and looks nice, but still not a big deal if I miss it), GRAW(I wanted it badly but after seeing the demo I didn' t really enjoy it that much - I would play it if I had 360 , but I' m not getting it for this game) PDZ (my god, this game is terrible comparing to PD for N64 - it just ruined my day - I wanted it so much) Kameo (just another pretty game with unresponsive controls and sometimes " artificial" animations [trolls battle zoom out]) PGR3 - it plays exactly like pgr2 , and looks almost the same when playing on SDTV ( the detail is there but when you play , it' s pretty much the same - even that cockpit view wasn' t as functional as it should) Fight Night 3 (very impressive) To sum it up - I wouldn' t buy a console to play those games, but would play them if I had one.Seeing games like preay and Oblivion (PC versions) I' m seriously thinking about a gaming PC for my long lost love for strategy games like Total War, Age of Empires and Civilization and for some High End versions of Oblivion/Q4/Prey/Half life2 experience with free online play.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 13 Jul 06 13:29:19 >
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 21:22
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ (FUCK I just got PWND by Custom Office for my Lik-Sang Enamel Navy DS) How much did they charge you?
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 21:36
Thank god Lik-Sang stated that it' s worth 30$ , I just realised that it' s about 10 $ :) Not bad... But I know how to send stuff and avoid taxes now - must be wort below 27$ or sent by a person - not a company.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 21:39
Well, if a company DO send something overseas they have to list it as a " gift" .
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 13, 2006 21:41
I thought so too , but it seems that it can' t be considered a gift if from a company - gifts can be only from people. At least it' s like that in PL (I called the mtoday)
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 14, 2006 03:36
Yeah it' s great that it pleased some of you guys with it' s non aesthetic approach - the problem is it' s not really selling so well ...hmm maybe some people care about the looks a bit more. If they marketed it as a Game oriented PC - it would be cool , but consoles are always meant to be sweet and hip electronic devices. Everyone thought DS will be crushed by PSP cause it looked clunky and now DS Lite comes out, it owns PSP in all areas and sells like crazy. The thing is - you can make 360 in a good looking way with well designed visual style of OS and other details , but it' s MS, your typical PC company.They never had style - look at apple Mac OS X -how much style it has and when you see some windows apple skin - you know it' s apple, it' s got that cool style with subtle variations. Xbox 360 is so totally MS - Power over stability and design. ...great post man... ....it' s totally refreshing to read a non MS biased post on this forum for a change... ...now all you need to do is curb your " eagerness" over you know-who  .. ....Back on topic - ...i think that the PS3 interface looks very stylish ...sleek and contemporary in a minimalist way... ...i also like 360' s interface, despite it' s possible lack of maturity... ...i don' t own either machine so i guess i can' t really comment further on either interface, except for saying that whilst content remains the number 1 priority, presentation is very important also.... ...oh yeah, it' s been a well known fact from the beginning of time that the best creatives/musicians/artists and sex-symbols, *cough* tend to be " unusual" psychologically.... ...100% " sanity" is synonymous with boring, soulless geek-type personas... ...the " average guy" who wouldn' t know what a good time was even if it came up and bit him on the a$$.. ... ...dweeb-dom is also synonymous with Bill Gates and his legion of impotent M$ fan-boys..      ...of course that doesn' t mean that you all should stand butt-nekkid in the street, and smear crunchy-peanut butter over yourselves....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 13 Jul 06 23:01:30 >
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